Parliamentary Question

Minister Representing: Question No:637
Portfolio:Planning and Infrastructure Question Date:09/15/2005
Year:2005Answer Date:09/15/2005
Parliament:37Question Type:Question Without Notice
Session Number:1Asked By:Hon SIMON O’BRIEN
Chamber:CouncilTabled Paper No:

Question & Answer:


637. Hon SIMON O’BRIEN to the parliamentary secretary representing the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure:

I refer to the future railway station at South Perth.

(1) Will there be pedestrian access to the station from both sides of the freeway; and if so, how will this be provided?

(2) What provision will be made for parking and for integration with bus services?

(3) Will the minister table a plan of the proposed station area to assist in understanding the answers to (1) and (2)?

Hon ADELE FARINA replied:

I thank the honourable member for some notice of this question.

(1) Pedestrians will be able to access the future station from both sides of the Kwinana Freeway. The concept design makes allowance for pedestrian access from the platform to cross over the southbound railway track, the southbound carriageways of the freeway and a service road that is an extension of Melville Parade. This pedestrian access will be to the east only and will not extend to the western side of the freeway. There is an existing pedestrian footbridge approximately 200 metres north of the station, nearly opposite Hardy Street, that can be used by pedestrians on the river foreshore pathway to cross over the freeway to get to the station access stairs and lift.

(2) This future station will primarily be a destination station but will also be used by local residents to access the city by rail, as well as the wider rail network. The location of the station and its surrounding land uses do not lend themselves to the provision of commuter car parking, as would be the case with stations located further away from the city centre. No commuter parking will be provided, which is consistent with the policy of reserving major Park ‘n’ Ride parking facilities for outer stations. A small area of parking will be provided for drop-off and pick-up as well as taxis. The amount of parking and its location will be agreed with the City of South Perth.

(3) The most recent engineering work carried out by New MetroRail has established the road and track geometry and has determined the basic location for the platforms, but the details of the station facilities and passenger access are still subject to further examination, community consultation and detailed design.