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The Parliament of Western Australia hosted the ‘Y Youth Parliament WA’ in July.

18 July 2024
Youth Parliament members

The Parliament of Western Australia was excited to give a voice to young people by hosting the ‘Y Youth Parliament WA’ in July.

The 59 youth Parliamentarians, complete with youth Premier and youth Opposition Leader, represented every electorate in the state and seized the opportunity to present and debate Bills in Parliament as a culmination of the six-month leadership program. The sittings in the Legislative Assembly chamber provided an opportunity for hundreds of speeches, lively debates, fiery question times and many divisions. Bills that were successfully passed over the three days in Parliament were presented to the state government and opposition for consideration, providing a unique opportunity to be heard by policy makers and create change.

The young members valued the opportunity to develop leadership and public speaking skills and gain experience in writing legislation. Youth Parliament is open to Western Australians aged 15 to 25. The program has been running for over 25 years, with involvement from a broad range of young people from all backgrounds.

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