Sealing of the Remainder of the Goldfields Highway Meekatharra Wiluna Road
Eligibility : Residents of Western Australia Only
Principal Petitioner: Harvey James NICHOLS |
Facilitating Member: De Grussa, Hon Colin |
Meekatharra 6642 |
Closing Date: 01 March 2023 |
Posting Date: 08 February 2023 |
No. of Signatures: 225 |
To the President and Members of the Legislative Council of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We the undersigned ...
are concerned that the remaining unsealed gravel section of the State Goldfields Highway (Meekatharra Wiluna Road) continues to create road safety issues to both the travelling community and freight transport operators. We therefore ask the Legislative Council of the WA Parliament to initiate a parliamentary inquiry into the sealing of the remaining section of the unsealed Goldfields Highway without delay.
And your petitioners as in duty bound, will ever pray.
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