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Current e-Petitions for the Legislative Council

e-Petitions Conditions of Use

The petitions process is governed by the Temporary Orders adopted by the Legislative Council of Western Australia. These Temporary Orders enable the Parliament of Western Australia to accept electronic petitioning (“e-Petitions”).

By electing to join an e-Petition, you acknowledge that you meet the conditions detailed below.

  1. You meet the eligibility requirement specified for the e-Petition. This means that you fall into one of the three broad groups of petitioners:
    1. West Australian residents;
    2. West Australian citizens; or
    3. West Australian electors in a nominated electorate.
      The eligibility requirement for each e-Petition is identified on the web site.
  2. You have not already joined the e-Petition.
  • The name, address and email address details provided are your true details.
    Otherwise, you are entering the name, address and email address details of someone else because they are physically incapable of entering their details and:
  • have given you express permission to act on their behalf to record their details for the purposes of joining the e-Petition (provided that the authority to act on their behalf is not revoked at the time of joining the e-Petition); and
  • to the best of your knowledge the details that you enter are true and correct.
  • By electing to join an e-Petition, you acknowledge that your name, address and email address will be published on the physical tabled paper of the e-Petition retained by the Legislative Council. This personal information will not be viewable in any form on the web site, however, the hard copy of the tabled paper of the e-Petition containing this information may be obtained from the Clerk of the Legislative Council.

    Your name, address and email address details will not be added to a mailing list by the Legislative Council. All electronic personal data relating to the posting and joining of an e-petition will be disposed of within six months of the e-petition being printed and presented to the Legislative Council. Further information on the collection and storage of personal information is available in our Privacy Statement

    IMPORTANT: Failing to comply with these Conditions of Use may amount to a contempt of Parliament. Actions that are considered to be in contempt of Parliament include:

    • presenting a forged or falsified document to the House or a committee;
    • submitting a petition containing false, scandalous or groundless allegations; or
    • inducing a person to sign a petition by fraud and misleading the House.

    You could be fined for committing a contempt of Parliament, or even imprisoned if you fail to pay such a fine.

    Sorry this e-Petition status is "Closed". You may not sign the petiton at this time.

    Sign Commercial development of Crown land Pinnaroo Point - Central Nodes Foreshore Reserve No. 39497 Hillarys Lot 501 CT 501/DP417135A

    To the President and Members of the Legislative Council:

    We, the undersigned residents of Western Australia note that Crown land Pinnaroo Point - Central Nodes Foreshore Reserve No. 39497 Hillarys Lot 501 CT 501/DP417135A, was leased to the City of Joondalup by the State and is now the proposed development site for a commercial facility and tavern after very limited public consultation and transparency.
    This land was purchased by the State for the purpose of a Regional Park, with Parliament’s decision supported by an EPA Report tabled as TP 119 (1976) which recommended Whitford Nodes be purchased to establish a Nature/Scientific/Conservation Reserve, or for Passive Recreation, as these uses were deemed those least likely to cause erosion and long-term environmental damage.
    The EPA concluded that if the erosion seen elsewhere was wilfully allowed to occur in the Whitford area, this would be both costly and irresponsible.
    We therefore call on Parliament to:-
    1. Review the various approval processes that allowed a Crown lease O463422 for a commercial development, and
    2. Determine if the approval satisfied all public sector policy, practice and schemes, and
    3. Determine if there is a cost recovery process available to taxpayers of Western Australia for a decision process that was contrary to sound conservation and scientific evidence related coastal erosion effects at Pinnaroo Point.
    4. Determine why the 1976 EPA Report TP 119 was ignored
    5. Determine why this section of coastline subject to high risk coastal erosion forces was not being managed in accordance with recommendations of EPA Report TP 119 (1976)
    6. Determine why WAPC Development Control Policy DC 5.3 and elements within were ignored
    7. Determine why State Coastal Planning Policy SPP 2.6 was ignored
    8. Determine why the WAPC/Statutory Planning Committee did not reference the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) (The Physical Science Basis) first instalment of the sixth Assessment Report (AR6) WG1 Report (09 August 2021) (The Physical Science Basis) in its approval considerations
    9. Determine why the WAPC/Statutory Planning Committee did not reference its own Position Statement: Dark sky and astro-tourism in its approval considerations
    10. Reconsider the lease agreement, O463422, and reaffirm the aspirations and values of the Parliament and State Government that purchased the Whitford Nodes to establish and preserve the land as a significant Coastal Regional and passive Recreational Parkland

    And your petitioners as in duty bound, will ever pray.

    Sorry this e-Petition status is "Closed". You may not sign the petition at this time.