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Ms Meredith Hammat MLA

Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Premier; Treasurer; Minister for Transport, Tourism and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education; Aboriginal Affairs; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests


Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook

HAMMAT, Meredith, MLA
Member for Mirrabooka
Australian Labor Party


Elected to the Forty-First Parliament for Mirrabooka on 13 March 2021, in succession to Janine Marie Freeman (retired).

Ministerial Appointments

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education; Aboriginal Affairs; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests from 14 December 2022 to 8 June 2023.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Premier; Treasurer; Minister for Transport; Tourism and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education; Aboriginal Affairs; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests from 8 June 2023.

Standing Committees

Member, Public Accounts Committee from 12 May 2021 to 21 February 2023.
Member, Joint Standing Committee on Audit from 26 May 2021 to 21 February 2023.


Qualifications and occupation before entering Parliament



The electorate of Mirrabooka is located in the East Metropolitan Region and includes all or parts of the City of Stirling and the City of Wanneroo.

Comprising of all or parts of the localities of Balga, Dianella, Girrawheen, Koondoola, Marangaroo and Mirrabooka.

Enrolment - 29,946 (11 February 2021)

Area - 24 km²

Further Biographical Details for Ms Meredith Hammat