Dr Jagadish (Jags) Krishnan MLA
Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier; Minister for State and Industry Development, Jobs and Trade; Public Sector Management; Federal-State Relations and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Finance; Commerce; Women's Interests
Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
KRISHNAN, Dr Jagadish (Jags), MLA
Member for Riverton
Australian Labor Party
Elected to the Forty-First Parliament for Riverton on 13 March 2021, in succession to Dr Michael (Mike) Dennis Nahan (retired).
Ministerial Appointments
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Finance; Commerce; Women's Interests from 14 December 2022 to 8 December 2023.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier; Minister for State and Industry Development, Jobs and Trade; Public Sector Management; Federal-State Relations
and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Finance; Commerce; Women's Interests from 8 December 2023.
Standing Committees
Member, Economics and Industry Standing Committee from 12 May 2021 to 21 February 2023.
Born 23 April 1972, Kotagiri, India.
Arrived in Western Australia 12 June 2006.
Qualifications and occupation before entering Parliament
General Practitioner.
The electorate of Riverton is located in the South Metropolitan Region and includes all or parts of the City of Canning, City of Cockburn and the City of Melville.
Comprising of all or parts of the localities of Brentwood, Bull Creek, Leeming, Mt Pleasant, Riverton, Rossmoyne, Shelley and Willetton.
Enrolment - 29,054 (11 February 2021)
Area - 24 km²
Further Biographical Details for Dr Jagadish (Jags) Krishnan