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Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs

Legislative Council

Title & summary Status
No inquiries
Report No Title Date tabled Related documents
67 Overview of Petitions 1 January 2024 to 30 September 202414 Nov 2024
66 Broken Bonds, Fractured Lives: report on the inquiry into past forced adoption in Western Australia22 Aug 2024More...
65 Overview of Petitions 1 July 2023 to 31 December 202314 Mar 2024
64 Overview of Petitions 1 January 2023 - 30 June 202314 Sep 2023
63 Overview of Petitions 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2022 22 Jun 2023
62 Petition No. 029 – Request for an independent review of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions prescribed burning practices22 Jun 2023
61 Terms of reference: Inquiry into past forced adoptive policies and practices 22 Feb 2023
60 Petition No. 020 – Dog Act 197624 Nov 2022
59 Overview of Petitions 3 December 2021 to 30 June 202213 Oct 2022
58 Overview of Petitions 2 June 2021 to 2 December 202124 Mar 2022
57 Overview of Petitions 1 July 2020 to 31 October 202026 Nov 2020
56 Overview of Petitions 1 July 2019 to 30 June 202024 Sep 2020
55 Overview of Petitions 1 January 2019 to 30 June 201924 Sep 2020
54 The functions, processes and procedures of the Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs - are they clear for petitioners and do they reflect its core petitions role?17 Sep 2020
53 Overview of Petitions 1 July 2018 to 31 December 201820 Aug 2020
52 Punitive not protective: when the mandatory registration of young people is not based on risk21 May 2020More...
51 Terms of Reference: Inquiry into the functions, processes and procedures of the Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs24 Sep 2019
50 Terms of Reference: Inquiry into children and young people on the Sex Offenders Register - is mandatory registration appropriate?11 Apr 2019
49 Mechanisms for compensation for economic loss to farmers in Western Australia caused by contamination by genetically modified material14 Feb 2019
48 Overview of Petitions 16 May 2017 to 30 June 201822 Nov 2018
47 Inquiry into mechanisms for compensation for economic loss to farmers in Western Australia caused by contamination by genetically modified material - Terms of Reference7 Dec 2017
46 Overview of Petitions 1 January 2016 to 30 September 20169 Nov 2016
45 Petition Number 59 - Bio-Organics composting facility, Oakford15 Sep 2016More...
44 Overview of Petitions 1 July 2015 to 31 December 201515 Mar 2016
43 Overview of Petitions 1 July 2014 to 30 June 201526 Nov 2015
42 Implications for Western Australia of Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional Gas17 Nov 2015More...
41 Petition No. 42 - Request to repeal the Environmental Protection (Environmentally Sensitive Areas) Notice 200511 Aug 2015More...
40 Petition Number 23 - Increase Number of Mental Health Beds in New Perth Children's Hospital26 Mar 2015
39 Petition Number 17 - Opposing Fee for 457 Visa Holders2 Dec 2014
38 Petition No 54 - Gidgegannup Urban Precinct27 Nov 2014
37 Overview of Petitions23 Oct 2014
36 Review of the Government Response to Report 35: Inquiry into the Sandalwood Industry in Western Australia16 Oct 2014
35 Inquiry into the Sandalwood Industry in Western Australia6 May 2014More...
34 Inquiry into the Sandalwood Industry in Western Australia – Request for access to documents from the 38th Parliament14 Aug 2013
33 Inquiry into the Implications for Western Australia of Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional Gas - Terms of Reference13 Aug 2013
32 Inquiry into the Sandalwood Industry in Western Australia - Terms of Reference13 Aug 2013
31 Petition No 136 - Kwinana Air Buffer Zone Extension: Mandogalup30 Nov 2012
30 Overview of Petitions27 Nov 2012
29 Inquiry into the Sandalwood Industry in Western Australia27 Nov 2012More...
28 Petition No 137 - Emergency Accommodation for the Homeless27 Nov 2012
27 Petition No. 161 - Review of the Laws Pertaining to Domestic Violence13 Sep 2012
26 Petition No. 145 - Closure of Tier 3 Rail Lines in the Central Wheatbelt21 Jun 2012More...
25 Overview of Petitons3 May 2012
24 Inquiry into Cockburn Cement Limited, Munster20 Oct 2011More...
23 Inquiry into the Transportation of Detained Persons: The Implementation of the Coroner's Recommendations in Relation to the Death of Mr Ward and Related Matters18 Jul 2011More...
22 Overview of Petitions18 Jul 2011
21 Shack Sites in Western Australia14 Apr 2011More...
20 Overview of Petitions 12 Aug 2010
19 Petition - Prayer for Relief1 Apr 2010
18 Inquiry into Deep Sewerage in the Cockburn Area 18 Dec 2009More...
17 Overview of Petitions Report26 Nov 2009
16 Municipal Waste Management in Western Australia19 May 2009More...
15 Annual Report 200819 Mar 2009
14 Overview of Petitions Report 9 Dec 2008
13 A Petition on Consumer Utility Hardship in Western Australia10 Apr 2008
12 Overview of Petitions20 Mar 2008More...
11 Annual Report 200727 Feb 2008
10 Overview of Petitions27 Sep 2007More...
9 Annual Report 20068 May 2007
8 Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2) 20063 Apr 2007More...
7 A Petition into the Proposed Marina at Point Peron7 Dec 2006More...
6 Overview of Petitions6 Dec 2006
5 Overview of Petitions24 Aug 2006
4 Annual Report 200523 Mar 2006
3 Overview of Petitions Report (1 Dec 2005)1 Dec 2005
2 Overview of Petitions Report22 Sep 2005
1 Preventing the Entry and Establishment of Cane Toads into Western Australia15 Sep 2005More...
Purpose of undertakings

When the Committee finds an issue in delegated legislation, it may request an undertaking from the relevant local government or Minister to fix the issue (for example, by amending the delegated legislation).

A person or body giving an undertaking commits to do certain actions within a certain timeframe, for example to:

  • amend delegated legislation within a certain timeframe (usually 6 months) and not enforce it in the meantime;
  • provide a copy of the undertakings wherever the delegated legislation is publicly available (such as at a local government office or on a website);
  • provide a copy of the minutes of the meeting at which the council of a local government resolved to provide an undertaking.

Giving an undertaking to a Parliamentary Committee is a serious matter. A failure to comply with an undertaking may be reported to the Legislative Council for further action.

Title & summary Status
A Petition Regarding Yarragadee AquiferPast
Forest Products Commission's pine plantation development, NannupPast
Petition No 10 - Regarding Shire of Augusta/Margaret River - District Planning SchemePast
Petition No 123 - Southern Forests Irrigation SchemePast
Petition No 145 - Closure of Tier 3 Narrow Gauge Rail Lines in the WheatbeltPast
Petition No 148 - Perth Waterfront DevelopmentPast
Petition No 151 - Closure of the Denmark Centre for Sustainable LivingPast
Petition No 161 - Review of the Laws Pertaining to Domestic ViolencePast
Petition No 17 - Opposing Fee for 457 Visa HoldersPast
Petition No 23 - Increase Number of Mental Health Beds in New Perth Children's HospitalPast
Petition No 25 - Esperance Residential CollegePast
Petition No 35 - Metro Central Joint Development Assessment PanelPast
Petition No 42 - Oppose Environmental Protection (Environmentally Sensitive Areas) Notice 2005Past
Petition No 46 - Disability Services Commission Accommodation ServicesPast
Petition No 59 - Bio OrganicsPast
Petition No 63 - Regarding the Rezoning of A Class Reserve in ClaremontPast
Petition No 7 - The Environmental Legacy of Mining in Western AustraliaPast
Petition No 79 - High Road Hotel, ParkwoodPast
Petition No 82 & 83 - Live Animal TradePast
Petition Nos 47 and 64 - Regarding Transmission Lines from Muja to Wellstead and adjacent to NarrikupPast
Petition No. 020 - Dog Act 1976Past
Petition No. 024 - Oppose logging in NannupPast
Petition No. 029 - Independent review of DBCA prescribed burning practicesPast

Change to usual petitions process ahead of the 2025 State election

Parliament will end at some point this year ahead of next year’s State election. (This is called ‘prorogation’.)
When that happens, all petitions under consideration will lapse.
The Committee will not have time to complete its inquiries into all current petitions before then.
We will let principal petitioners know if their petition will be affected.
Lapsed petitions can be tabled again in the new Parliament with just one signature, and the normal process can then recommence.

41st Parliament

Petition No.Date
Signatures  SubjectPrincipal
17827/11/2024245  South Coast Marine ParkCorrina WorthHon Steve MartinLapsed 17/12/2024
17727/11/20242013  Mining in the Northern Jarrah Forest by South 32Josepine SherlockHon Dr Brad PettittLapsed 17/12/2024
17627/11/20241390  Connector Road through Churchlands BushlandHon Dr Brad PettittLapsed 17/12/2024
17526/11/2024648  Emergency service volunteersPeter RobinsHon Louise KingstonLapsed 17/12/2024
17426/11/20241095  Alcoa pollution and deforestationNorton GellerHon Dr Brad PettittLapsed 17/12/2024
17326/11/2024201  Declaring a State of Emergency on Housing and homlessness in WAAllan ConnollyHon Dr Brad PettittLapsed 17/12/2024
17214/11/20241  Inaccurate Register of Titles impacting property rightsBronwyn WaughHon Nick GoiranLapsed 17/12/2024
1717/11/2024136  Support the return of Port Hedland to Bali flightsBarry HarrisonHon Peter FosterLapsed 17/12/2024
170 6/11/20241155  Explicit books available to children in schools and librariesMichelle KinsellaHon Ben DawkinsLapsed 17/12/2024
1696/11/2024248  Dolphin Discovery Centre InquiryPedr FinnHon Ben DawkinsLapsed 17/12/2024
1685/11/202485  Get Ramsay Health Care out of Western AustraliaSanjoy DharHon Martin PritchardLapsed 17/12/2024
1675/11/2024122  Implementing a robust system of accountability for healthcare professionalsSanjoy DharHon Martin PritchardLapsed 17/12/2024
1665/11/2024181  Urgent action on Shot Hole Borer to save our treesBronwyn WaughHon Neil ThomsonLapsed 17/12/2024
1655/11/2024490  Impact on Western Australian Farmers due to Labor’s sheep trade banThomas BroughHon Dr Steve ThomasLapsed 17/12/2024
1645/11/2024321  Expansion of Mindarie Senior CollegeTrinah BarbyHon Peter CollierLapsed 17/12/2024
16324/10/2024818  Woodvale Secondary College Performing Art CentreKerrie BrounHon Peter CollierLapsed 17/12/2024
16223/10/2024287  Failing road infrastructure in the Mid-WestKirrilee WarrHon Martin AldridgeLapsed 17/12/2024
16122/10/2024910  Save Our Little PenguinsHayley EdwardsHon Neil ThomsonLapsed 17/12/2024
16016/10/2024105  Soundwall for BatemanTrenton CampbellHon Tjorn SibmaLapsed 17/12/2024
15916/10/2024702  Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) Amendment 1421 (Brabham and Dayton PrecinctsAmanda DornHon Donna FaragherLapsed 17/12/2024
15815/10/20244287  Private property rightsBasil ZempilasHon Neil ThomsonLapsed 17/12/2024
15715/10/202426138  Phasing out Greyhound Racing in Western AustraliaMelissa HarrisonHon Dr Brad Pettitt & Hon Dan CaddyLapsed 17/12/2024
15617/09/20241604  IPLEX water pipes in homesStuart PritchardHon Martin Pritchard Finalised (27/11/2024)
15517/09/2024992  Urgent reform to state planning system and abolition of political donations from developersEmily BirdHon Dr Brad Pettitt MLC Finalised (27/11/2024)
15417/09/2024989  Law and order. State housingClaire DavieHon Steve Martin MLC Finalised (27/11/2024)
15317/09/2024815  Missing persons in the North WestJoanne TaylorHon Peter Collier MLCLapsed 17/12/2024
15218/09/202425  Justice for Stacey ThorneRobyn CottmanHon Peter Collier MLC Finalised (27/11/2024)
15111/09/2024352  Action needed power reliability and compensation inquirySteve McKenny Hon Neil Thomson Finalised (27/11/2024)
15010/09/2024348  Call for transparency re Glen Iris development overrideNicole RobinsHon Nick Goiran Finalised (27/11/2024)
14921/08/202475  Water licences and the sale of water in the Lennard Brook AreaGary DobsonHon Martin AldridgeLapsed 17/12/2024
14820/08/2024887  Stopping Offshore Wind Farms in Geographe BayAnnalise KlemHon Ben DawkinsLapsed 17/12/2024
14713/08/2024169  Headspace WAMichelle KinsellaHon Sophia Moermond Finalised (27/11/2024)
14613/08/2024809  Commercial groundwater abstraction in the Perth HillsMeg TraversHon Sophia MoermondFinalised, 6/11/2024
14513/08/20241350  No to Windfarms in Western AustraliaKyle TreloarHon Sophia Moermond Finalised (27/11/2024)
14413/08/2024224  Reforms for tiny houses and caravansAlison RaymondHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised, 6/11/2024
14313/08/20243249  Calling for a Parliamentary Inquiry into the treatment of children suffering from gender dysphoriaJames ParkerHon Dr Brian WalkerFinalised (16/10/2024)
142 13/08/20247732  Keep the Horizontal Waterfalls Open to EveryoneHarold TraceyHon Neil Thomson Finalised (27/11/2024)
14113/06/20241674  South Coast Marine ParkMaxwell SzulcHon Colin de GrussaFinalised (16/10/2024)
14030/05/2024928  Regional Crime - Enough is EnoughTania ParkesHon Neil ThomsonFinalised (16/10/2024)
13928/05/20248828  Protect the rights of Biological FemalesBianca CobbyHon Nick GoiranFinalised (16/10/2024)
13828/05/20241706  Boddington HospitalElizabeth NairnHon Steve Martin Finalised (27/11/2024)
13715/05/2024516  Petition to protect entrance Point Reef, Broome, from THE PROPOSED FLOATING WHARF and its infrastructureNgaire PigramHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised, 6/11/2024
13614/05/2024715  PETITION IN RELATION TO POLLUTION FROM THE ALCOA PINJARRA ALUMINA REFINERYRichard SheridanHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised 6/11/2024
1357/05/20241420  Equity in enrolment to learning of Second Language courses in WA secondary schoolsYew Han HeeHon Pierre YangFinalised (16/10/2024)
1347/05/2024148  Corrective Services - Department of JusticeBronwyn HendryHon Peter CollierFinalised (14/08/2024)
1337/05/202432234  Firearms Bill 2024Rick MazzaHon Nick GoiranFinalised (29/05/24)
13218/04/2024243  Medical defence for medicinal cannabis users who driveCourtney CorkerHon Sophia MoermondFinalised (14/08/2024)
13117/04/2024194  Request a moratorium on all lethal dingo controls and undertake an investigation into the adoption of non-lethal toolsGloria GroosHon Kate DoustFinalised (16/10/2024)
13017/04/2024927  Unacceptable road intersection changes in RossmoyneHelen LundHon Nick GoiranFinalised (14/08/2024)
12921/03/202431  Re-instating roadside impairment testing by WAPOLTaryn DavisHon Sophia MoermondFinalised (29/05/24)
12813/03/2024971  Call for WA Covid Policy Response InquiryConstantin OrtheilHon Ben DawkinsFinalised (14/08/2024)
12713/03/202490  Reverse Ban on Live Sheep ExportGilbert Rowan-RobinsonHon Ben DawkinsFinalised (29/05/24)
12613/03/202415  Giving Young People a VoiceStuart MorganHon Ben DawkinsFinalised (29/05/24)
12512/03/2024205  End no grounds eviction, and give renters a fair goPierre MaraisHon Wilson TuckerFinalised (29/05/24)
12412/03/2024437  Insurance stamp duty reform in Western AustraliaTony HutchinsonHon Neil ThomsonFinalised (14/08/2024)
12328/02/20243437  Protection of Bushland at Erindale Road HammersleyMarie GiorgiHon Ayor Makur ChuotFinalised (14/08/2024)
12227/02/2024332  Reasonable and Inclusive eRideable LegislationMichael BertrandHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (14/08/2024)
12127/02/20248  Additional school bus from Brunswick to Harvey Senior High SchoolCasey BlunsdonHon Dr Steve ThomasFinalised (29/05/24)
12027/02/20242819  Julimar State Forest becoming a national parkSharon RichardsHon Darren WestFinalised (14/08/2024)
11930/11/2023328  Protect the Wetland in the Perth Cultural CentrePatrick CullenHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (13/03/24)
11829/11/2023421  Building Industry and Stimulus GrantsJohn WhinnenHon Ben DawkinsFinalised (13/03/24)
11729/11/20231577  Firearm ReformAnthony PetzerHon Ben DawkinsFinalised (28/02/24)
11614/11/20237839  Assaults on retail and fast-food workersBenjamin HarrisHon Kate DoustFinalised (14/02/24)
11514/11/202312672  Extending Consultation Period on Proposed Firearms ReformsSporting Shooters Association Australia WA Inc.Hon Colin de GrussaFinalised (28/02/24)
1149/11/20231009  Patient Assisted Travel SchemeCasey PeteraHon Martin AldridgePetition finalised (12/06/24)
1137/11/20234792  The new Women and Babies Hospital locationJoanne BeedieHon Dr Steve ThomasFinalised (17/04/24)
1127/11/202310266  Say no to race-dividing 'Voice' in WA constitutionSherry SufiHon Nick GoiranFinalised (14/02/24)
11117/10/202311  Muja Coal Fired Power Station ClosureAlan ReadHon Dr Steve ThomasFinalised (13/03/24)
11017/10/20235165  Leave faith-based schools aloneNicole RobinsHon Nick GoiranFinalised (29/11/23)
10911/10/20231030  The introduction of daylight saving time in Western AustraliaBrett TuckerHon Wilson TuckerFinalised (15/05/24)
10810/10/202376  Enforcing Statutory Planning Scheme — BinningupFred FlanaganHon Ben DawkinsFinalised (13/03/24)
10721/09/20231032  Kimberley CrimeTroy GibsonHon Neil ThomsonFinalised (14/02/24)
10612/09/202370  Lack of accessible dental services in HedlandRoger HigginsHon Peter FosterFinalised (13/03/24)
10512/09/20232405  Electoral ReformRobert DinesHon Neil ThomsonFinalised (13/03/24)
10429/08/20235394  Abortion Legislation Reform Bill 2023Maryka GroenewaldHon Kate DoustFinalised (18/10/23)
10329/08/2023484  Call for rejection of the Eastlink HighwayRethink EastlinkHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (14/08/2024)
10229/08/2023734  Western Australian Truth-Telling and Justice CommissionHeidi MippyHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (13/03/24)
10116/08/20231046  Midwest aeromedical Rescue HelicopterIan DempseyHon Martin AldridgeFinalised (14/02/24)
1009/08/2023771  Proposed Great Southern Landfill Site (York)Kay DaviesHon Darren WestFinalised (08/11/23)
0998/08/20233023  Discrimination against unborn children with Down SyndromeLisa Yvonne KossenHon Nick GoiranFinalised (18/10/23)
0988/08/20231172  Upgrade of East Road and Wanneroo Road intersectionJordan WrightHon Martin AldridgeFinalised (18/10/23)
0978/08/2023478  Threat to Broome Lifestyle and LivelihoodsJan LewisHon Peter FosterFinalised (14/08/2024)
0968/08/202385  Medically monitored injection roomSophia MoermondHon Dr Brian WalkerFinalised (29/11/23)
0958/08/20235750  Firearm Act ReformAaron CrossHon Dr Brian WalkerFinalised (28/02/24)
09421/06/202329714  Aboriginal Cultural Heritage ActTony SeabrookHon Neil ThomsonFinalised (09/08/23)
09315/06/20236195  Amendment to Cat ActAnna-Marie JacksonHon Stephen PrattFinalised (13/09/23)
09217/05/20234  Extension and replacement of the Beenyup treated sewage outfallKim Shawn AllenHon Martin PritchardFinalised (14/02/24)
09116/05/202364  Murder of Stacey Robyn Thorne, 9 December 2007Robyn Cottman,Hon Martin AldridgeFinalised (13/09/23)
09016/05/2023758  Stop Shalom Group from Operating out of the Mercyville SiteEmma Cochrane Hon Martin PritchardFinalised (09/08/2023)
0899/05/2023693  Wittenoom Memorial for Australia’s worst Industrial disasterMelita MarkeyHon Peter FosterFinalised (14/08/2024)
0889/05/20237489  Gold-standard transparency owed on the VoiceSherry SufiHon Nick GoiranFinalised (09/08/23)
0879/05/20231576  Royal Commission to evaluate our health systemAswath ChavittuparaHon Dr Steve ThomasFinalised (14/02/24)
08630/03/20232599  Urgent review of the justice systemDesmond BlurtonHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (16/08/23)
08530/03/202383  Racial discrimination within the justice systemDesmond BlurtonHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (16/08/2023)
08428/03/20236192  Religious freedomPeter AbetzHon Nick GoiranFinalised (09/08/23)
08316/03/2023351  Transport subsidies in response to the Fitzroy Crossing floodsDarren SpackmanHon Neil ThomsonFinalised (21/06/23)
08214/03/2023458  Recommendation 5 of the independent review into the 2021 Wooroloo fireDwayne ScookHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (21/06/23)
08221/03/20232004  Recommendation 5 of the independent review into the 2021 Wooroloo fireDwayne Scook Hon Lorna HarperFinalised (21/06/23)
08114/03/2023603  Air conditioning at Roebourne Regional PrisonPaul Kevin MeekHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (13/03/24)
08014/03/2023225  Sealing the remainder of the Goldfields Highway, Meekatharra to WilunaHarvey James NicholsHon Colin de GrussaFinalised (09/08/23)
08028/03/2023225  Sealing the remainder of the Goldfields Highway, Meekatharra to WilunaHarvey James Nichols Hon Colin de GrussaFinalised (09/08/23)
07916/02/20239407  No more emergency powers without oversightBianca CobbyHon Nick GoiranFinalised (10/05/23)
07814/02/20231183  Risk proportionate vaping regulation in WAThe Vaping Association of AustraliaHon Dr Brian WalkerFinalised (14/06/23)
07714/02/20231371  Litter bisecting the Walpole WildernessMichael FilbyHon Martin AldridgeFinalised (14/06/23)
07714/02/202365  Litter bisecting the Walpole WildernessMichael FilbyHon Martin AldridgeFinalised (14/06/23)
07629/11/20221129  Planned upgrades to Toodyay Road, east of Dryandra RoadBethan LloydHon Darren WestFinalised (15/02/23)
07529/11/202210234  Protecting the rights of parents and role of faith-based schoolMark DaviesHon Nick GoiranFinalised (22/02/23)
07429/11/20229  Sterling First CollapseDenise Lurene BraileyHon Colin de GrussaFinalised (22/02/23)
07322/11/2022214  Removal and abandonment of shopping trolleysJohn CunaiHon Stephen PrattFinalised (15/03/23)
07322/11/2022130  Removal and abandonment of shopping trolleysJohn CunaiHon Stephen PrattFinalised (15/03/23)
07217/11/20221310  Stolen Generations CompensationAlan CarterHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (17/04/24)
07115/11/20222903  Protecting children from harmful hypersexualised advertisingNicole RobinsHon Nick GoiranFinalised (13/09/23)
07015/11/2022318  Inquiry into past adoptive policies and practicesJennifer McRaeHon Lorna HarperFinalised (15/03/23) See: Inquiry into past forced adoptive policies and practices
06927/10/20221021  Funding of Ambulance Services in WAJoan Anne GethingHon Martin AldridgeFinalised 15/02/23
06927/10/20222996  Funding of Ambulance Services in WAJoan Anne GethingHon Martin AldridgeFinalised (15/02/23)
06818/10/20222941  LGBTIQA+ rights in Western AustraliaMisty FarquharHon Peter FosterFinalised (09/08/23)
06713/10/2022946  Sustainable forest managementGavin Mark ButcherHon Dr Steve ThomasFinalised (15/02/23)
06611/10/202217885  Proposed 8 or 9 month demersal banTim Farnell Hon Colin de GrussaFinalised (15/02/23)
06520/09/20224642  Preservation of Mount Claremont FieldsJosephine Dawn NormanHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (15/02/23)
06420/09/202213449  Ban Greyhound Racing in WAMelissa HarrisonHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (29/03/23)
06421/09/20225228  Ban Greyhound Racing in WAMelissa HarrisonHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (29/03/23)
06316/08/20223750  Access to allied health services for ages 0-8Joanne Melissa MatthewsonHon Donna FaragherFinalised (21/09/22) See: Select Committee into Child Development Services
06216/08/2022784  Legalising cannabis in Western AustraliaHon Sophia Moermond MLCHon Wilson TuckerFinalised (16/11/22)
06111/08/20222573  Abortion rights in Western AustraliaNicole McEwenHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (15/02/23)
0609/08/2022765  Sewerage provisions adjacent to Kenwick Train StationRikki-Lea BuxtonHon Kate DoustFinalised (14/06/23)
0599/08/202211  Safety and compensation for Port Hedland taxi driversKristi-Anne SpoljaricHon Neil ThomsonFinalised (15/02/23)
0589/08/2022823  School response to self-injury and suicidal behaviourMark CumminsHon Dr Steve ThomasFinalised (16/11/22)
0579/08/202210294  No Further State of Emergency Declarations to be madeBianca CobbyHon Nick GoiranFinalised (26/10/22)
0569/08/2022334  Commercial development at Pinnaroo Point, HillarysMitchell SiderisHon Martin PritchardFinalised (23/11/22)
0559/08/20221017  Local government reform processDaniel HanleyHon Tjorn SibmaFinalised (19/10/22)
05416/06/2022605  Mining Act 1978Diane EversHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (15/02/23)
05314/06/2022102  Home Indemnity InsuranceTiarna NouwlandHon Wilson TuckerFinalised (19/10/22)
05219/05/2022361  Native logging banDiana BabisHon Steve MartinFinalised (16/11/22)
05111/05/2022234  Marine fish kill in Jurien Bay MarinaPenelope NormingtonHon Sandra CarrFinalised (15/02/23)
05010/05/2022695  Minimum penalties for animal abuseKate KramaraHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (12/10/22)
04910/05/20228318  State of Emergency DeclarationsBianca CobbyHon Nick GoiranFinalised (30/11/22)
0487/04/20222525  Manning Park in Beeliar Regional ParkAndrew JoskeHon Stephen PrattFinalised (17/08/22)
0476/04/2022558  Crime and anti-social behaviour across the KimberleyHarold TraceyHon Neil ThomsonFinalised (10/08/22)
04623/03/2022189  Oppose mandatory masks for Years 3 to 7Lauren RogersHon Dr Brian WalkerFinalised (11/05/22)
04517/03/20222116  Regional Electricity NetworkShane Love MLAHon Martin AldridgeFinalised (10/08/22)
04524/03/202247  Regional Electricity NetworkShane Love MLAHon Martin AldridgeFinalised (10/08/22)
04424/02/202270  Flood mitigation in CarnarvonAnthony VrankovichHon Neil ThomsonFinalised (10/08/22)
04323/02/20221071  Save the Black CockatoosPatrick CullenHon Stephen PrattFinalised (17/08/22)
04215/12/2021115  Department of Communities Housing in KarawaraDebra MoranHon Stephen PrattFinalised (18/05/22)
04114/12/2021146  Southern Link Road Stage 3Josephine StoneHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (6/04/22)
0408/12/2021254  Caledonian Ave, MaylandsShannon LeighHon Donna FaragherFinalised (6/04/22)
0392/12/20214642  Robinson Road, BellevueMark RichardsHon Peter Collier on behalf of Hon Donna FaragherFinalised (15/06/22)
0397/12/2021186  Robinson Road, BellevueMark RichardsHon Donna FaragherFinalised (15/06/22)
03830/11/202176  Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2021Clayton LewisHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (8/12/21)
0381/12/202171  Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2021Clayton LewisHon Wilson TuckerFinalised (8/12/21)
0382/12/202172  Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2021Clayton LewisHon Sophia MoermondFinalised (8/12/21)
03730/11/20213843  Public Health Emergency and Vaccine MandatesJasen NunnHon Sophia MoermondFinalised (11/05/22)
03618/11/2021118  Mandatory VaccinesAmber PascoHon James HaywardFinalised (6/04/22)
03517/11/20212134  East Subiaco A-Class ReservePaul ClementsHon Neil ThomsonFinalised (6/04/22)
03416/11/2021387  Electoral Reform Bill 2021Linley RoseHon Steve MartinFinalised (17/11/21)
03314/10/20212262  Release the Coroner’s Court RecommendationHenry HamelinkHon Nick GoiranFinalised (18/05/22)
03213/10/2021542  R.A.A.F Memorial in Kings ParkJustine WarrenHon Dr Brian WalkerFinalised (16/02/22)
03113/10/20214541  Glen Iris Golf CourseLeanne ChaproniereHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (20/10/21)
03012/10/2021192  Asbestos contamination Wittenoon, Eastern Gorge and YampireMaitland ParkerHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (15/06/22)
02915/09/20211710  Independent review of DBCA prescribed burning practicesDonald ClarkeHon Dr Sally TalbotFinalised (21/06/23) See: Report 62, Petition No.029
02916/09/2021891  Independent review of DBCA prescribed burning practicesDonald ClarkeHon Jackie JarvisFinalised (21/06/23) See: Report 62, Petition No.029
0287/09/20213  Railway junction on Rockingham Road, SpearwoodMonique GrayHon Pierre YangFinalised (27/10/21)
0272/09/2021314  Percy Doyle ReserveMary O'ByrneHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (1/12/21)
0261/09/202162  Bio-security levy imposed on residents of Boyup BrookGraham AirdHon Dr Steve ThomasFinalised (13/10/21)
02518/08/2021233  Preserving the Gnarabup CoastlineAstrid ServentyHon Jackie JarvisFinalised (23/02/22)
02417/08/20212123  Murder of Stacey Robyn ThorneHannah McGladeHon Rosetta SahannaFinalised (16/02/22)
02317/08/202112  Proposed realignment of the Southwest Freight Rail LineDavid LeitchHon Matthew SwinbournFinalised (16/02/22)
02217/08/2021438  Opposed to ban on gel blaster toysNhat TruongHon Matthew SwinbournFinalised (27/10/21)
02110/08/20212172  Public Health Amendment (Safe Access Zones) Bill 2021Henry HamelinkHon Nick GoiranFinalised (1/09/21)
0205/08/2021107  Dog Act 1976Cindy BurtHon Tjorn SibmaFinalised (23/11/22) See: Report 60, Petition No, 020 – Dog Act 1976
01924/06/2021478  Increase bus services BullsbrookDamien SeeryHon Donna FaragherFinalised (27/10/21)
01822/06/20214  Home building industry and DMIRSJames LawrenceHon Nick GoiranFinalised (13/10/21)
01717/06/202120  Staffing of school librariesBarbara LippiattHon Donna FaragherFinalised (4/08/21)
01616/06/20212  Fiona Stanley HospitalMichael DoyleHon Kyle McGinn on behalf of Hon Samantha RoweFinalised (21/09/22)
015 16/06/202156  Sound mitigation Mitchell FreewayTodd DaleyHon Martin PritchardFinalised (13/10/21)
01415/06/20212941  Moratorium on subdivision in bushfire prone areasPeter BrazierHon Matthew SwinbournFinalised (21/09/22)
01315/06/20211874  Outsourcing Commonwealth Home Care Support Program in KalgoorlieDavid OatesHon Kyle McGinnFinalised (15/09/21)
012 27/05/2021170  Oppose re-zoning of Lot 5780 Down Road AlbanyDonna ThomasHon Dr Brad PettittFinalised (13/10/21)
011 27/05/2021810  Vehicle Beach Access BoranupPeter LangridgeHon Dr Steve ThomasFinalised (13/10/21)
01013/05/20211153  Oppose Greyhound RacingAlanna ChristiansenHon Alison XamonFinalised (17/11/21)
00913/05/20219526  Oppose Greyhound RacingAlanna ChristiansenHon Alison XamonFinalised (17/11/21)
00812/05/202175  Speed limit on Chapman Road BeresfordJohn Patrick LoveHon Colin de GrussaFinalised (8/19/21)
00712/05/202178  Corruption and Mismanagement in Aboriginal CorporationsMaria MeredithHon Robin ScottFinalised (1/09/21)
00611/05/202122  Caravan and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997Karl StadeHon Tjorn Sibma on behalf of Hon Simon O’BrienFinalised (23/02/22)
0055/05/202170  Allocation of a Primary School siteRoland SharpeHon Aaron StonehouseFinalised (4/08/21)
0045/05/2021280  Biosecurity levy imposed on the residents of Bridgetown-GreenbushesMichelle HumphreysHon Colin HoltFinalised (13/10/21)
0035/05/2021829  Speed Limit on Bussell HighwayAnthonia SteinbrennerHon Colin HoltFinalised (15/09/21)
0031/09/2021121  Speed limit on Bussell HighwayAnthonia SteinbrennerHon James HaywardFinalised (15/09/21)
0025/05/2021548  Dardanup Waste Precinct and LandfillFiona MoriartyHon Colin HoltFinalised (15/09/21)
0015/05/20211038  Pinjarra Alumina RefinerySharon Parker-BrownHon Colin HoltFinalised (15/09/21)

40th Parliament

Petition No.Date
Signatures  SubjectPrincipal
18426/11/20207176  Legalise vapingDr Joe KosterichHon Aaron StonehouseLapsed 7/12/2020
18325/11/2020950  Karnup Train StationPatrick ConwayHon Alison XamonLapsed 7/12/2020
18225/11/20202902  Percy Doyle ReserveMary O'ByrneHon Alison XamonLapsed 7/12/2020
18124/11/20204  Home building industry and DMIRSJames LawrenceHon Nick GoiranLapsed 7/12/2020
18024/11/2020638  Dog Act 1976Cindy BurtHon Tjorn SibmaLapsed 7/12/2020
17924/11/2020992  Preserving the Gnarabup coastlineAstrid ServentyHon Diane EversLapsed 7/12/2020
17824/11/202018  Eaton Family CentreMichelle TranthamHon Dr Steve ThomasLapsed 7/12/2020
17724/11/20202000  Albany radiation oncology servicesMary WilliamsHon Dr Steve ThomasLapsed 7/12/2020
17612/11/2020519  Railway junction on Rockingham Road, SpearwoodMonique GrayHon Pierre YangLapsed 7/12/2020
17512/11/202012  Woodlupine Family Centre IncManagement CommitteeHon Donna FaragherLapsed 7/12/2020
17411/11/2020776  Staffing of school librariesBarbara LippiattHon Donna FaragherLapsed 7/12/2020
17310/11/20202183  Fiona Stanley HospitalMichael DoyleHon Samantha RoweLapsed 7/12/2020
1723/11/2020524  Dog Amendment (Stop Puppy Farming) Bill 2020J A RussellHon Rick MazzaLapsed 7/12/2020
1713/11/20203112  Opposition to Southern Forest Irrigation SchemeAnton TroyHon Diane EversFinalised 11/11/20
17014/10/2020470  Proposed realignment of the South West freight rail lineDavid LeitchHon Donna FaragherLapsed 7/12/2020
16913/10/20202644  Dardanup Waste Precinct and LandfillFiona MoriartyHon Colin HoltLapsed 7/12/2020
1688/10/2020213  Pinjarra Alumina RefinerySharon Parker-BrownHon Jacqui BoydellLapsed 7/12/2020
16811/11/20201866  Pinjarra Alumina RefinerySharon Parker-BrownHon Colin HoltLapsed 7/12/2020
16724/09/202025  Tonkin Gap ProjectKevin MackHon Tim CliffordFinalised 25/11/20
16623/09/20201421  Closure of Tier 3 rail linesJane FuchsbichlerHon Diane EversLapsed 7/12/2020
16613/10/2020146  Closure of Tier 3 rail linesJane FuchsbichlerHon Diane EversLapsed 7/12/2020
16625/11/202038  Closure of Tier 3 rail linesJane FuchsbichlerHon Diane EversLapsed 7/12/2020
16523/09/2020211  Police AccountabilityMargaret HowkinsHon Tim CliffordFinalised 21/10/20
16417/09/20201024  Bayswater Train StationPaul ShanahanHon Donna FaragherFinalised 25/11/20
1639/09/2020626  Midland Railway WorkshopsBrad BedfordHon Charles SmithFinalised 25/11/20
16220/08/2020462  Tavern in premises of Iluka PlazaHon Alison XamonFinalised 25/11/20
16119/08/2020213  Prescribed burning practices in Western AustraliaBart LebbingHon Diane EversFinalised 14/10/20
16018/08/2020474  Biosecurity levy imposed on the residents of Boyup BrookGraham AirdHon Colin HoltLapsed 7/12/2020
16011/11/202095  Biosecurity levy imposed on the residents of Boyup BrookGraham AirdHon Colin HoltLapsed 7/12/2020
15918/08/2020786  Buyback scheme for country taxisNavdeep KumarHon Adele FarinaFinalised 11/11/20
15812/08/2020610  Ocean Reef Marina DevelopmentJeff FondacaroHon Alison XamonFinalised 04/11/20
1589/09/2020472  Ocean Reef Marina DevelopmentJeff FondacaroHon Alison XamonFinalised 04/11/20
15711/08/20201047  Proposed boating facilities at Entrance Point, BroomeNgaire PigramHon Robin ChappleFinalised 25/11/20
15611/08/2020473  Preservation of Lady Lawley CottageKalieha RyanHon Peter CollierFinalised 23/09/20
15525/06/20202643  Midwest based Rescue Helicopter ServiceIan Geoffrey DempseyHon Colin de GrussaFinalised 25/11/20
15416/06/20201502  Glen Iris Golf CourseMihael McCoyHon Nick GoiranFinalised 09/09/20
15423/06/2020915  Glen Iris Golf CourseMihael McCoyHon Nick GoiranFinalised 09/09/20
1539/06/2020313  Mount Pleasant Bowling ClubJoy PollardHon Simon O’BrienFinalised 9/09/20
1529/06/2020309  Classic car and street rod registration discountPeter RobinsHon Colin HoltFinalised 11/11/20
1519/06/2020956  Children and Community Services Bill 2019Edman AnthonyHon Nick GoiranFinalised 17/06/2020
15116/06/202039  Children and Community Services Bill 2019Joe AlmeidaHon Nick GoiranFinalised 17/06/2020
15013/05/2020804  Cockburn Cement Limited factoryGregory Norman Hocking Hon Robin ChappleFinalised 19/08/2020
14912/05/202065  Noise barriers along Yalinda Drive, GelorupGlenys Malatesta Hon Colin HoltFinalised 12/08/2020
14831/03/20202036  WA Planning SystemClive RossHon Simon O’BrienFinalised 12/08/2020
14720/02/202015  Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgiaCara-May McGroganHon Nick GoiranFinalised 01/04/2020
14611/02/2020510  Subiaco Approved Local Planning Scheme No. 5Peter McDonaldHon Peter CollierFinalised 13/05/2020
14613/02/2020504  Subiaco Approved Local Planning Scheme No. 5Peter McDonaldHon Alison XamonFinalised 13/05/2020
14611/03/2020256  Subiaco Approved Local Planning Scheme No. 5Peter McDonaldHon Alison XamonFinalised 13/05/2020
14611/03/2020256  Subiaco Approved Local Planning Scheme No. 5Peter McDonaldHon Tjorn SibmaFinalised 13/05/2020
14511/02/2020895  WA Egg IndustryIan WilsonHon Jacqui BoydellFinalised 20/05/2020
14411/02/20206221  Post 20 week abortionsHenry HamelinkHon Nick GoiranFinalised 17/06/2020
1435/12/2019595  Palliative Care in Regional WAMia DaviesHon Martin AldridgeFinalised 20/05/2020
1425/12/20191  Motorbike Racing at Lake LeschenaultiaAnnette RyanHon Alanna ClohesyFinalised 11/03/2020
1415/12/2019153  North West Shelf ExtensionJason ParishHon Tim CliffordFinalised 18/03/2020
1404/12/2019309  Royalties for Regions Environmental Project AllocationsRobbie MonckHon Diane EversFinalised 01/04/2020
14011/02/2020110  Royalties for Regions Environmental Project AllocationsStarr CornishHon Diane EversFinalised 01/04/2020
1394/12/20194000  Tonkin Highway and Hale RoadAndrea PikeHon Donna FaragherFinalised 01/04/2020
1383/12/20191088  North Wanneroo Water RightsChristopher WaddellHon Aaron StonehouseFinalised 13/05/2020
13729/11/20191  Fremantle MarketsThomas CockleHon Simon O’BrienFinalised 11/03/2020
13627/11/2019260  Police Administration of FirearmsRonald BryantHon Rick MazzaFinalised 13/05/2020
13520/11/201982  Young Offenders Act 1994John BagiatisHon Colin HoltFinalised 11/03/2020
13420/11/20191493  Southern Section of the Bunbury Outer Ring RoadBarbara StoneHon Diane EversFinalised 12/02/2020
13320/11/20197430  Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2019Belinda TehHon Robin ScottFinalised 12/02/2020
13231/10/2019282  Tonkin HighwayColin TriggHon Alanna ClohesyFinalised 19/02/2020
13129/10/2019417  Water Skiing in the Mullocullop Nature ReserveJohn HassellHon Diane EversFinalised 11/03/2020
13015/10/20192358  AirsoftLaurentiu ZamfirescuHon Aaron StonehouseFinalised 12/02/2020
12919/09/20191061  Araluen Residential EstateBarry PorterHon Donna FaragherFinalised 12/02/2020
1284/09/2019448  Dust emissions in Port HedlandGary WightmanHon Jacqui BoydellFinalised 12/08/2020
1273/09/2019204  Recreational Fishing GuideMalcolm de LilleHon Kyle McGinnFinalised 23/10/2019
12622/08/20192181  Kwinana Outer HarbourAllan NelsonHon Alison XamonFinalised 20/11/2019
1258/08/20193345  Railway line between Bunbury and GreenbushesTherese DignamHon Diane EversFinalised 23/10/2019
12427/06/20191186  Muzzling of GreyhoundsAndrea PollardHon Alison XamonFinalised 04/09/2019
12327/06/2019862  Southern Forest Irrigation SchemeBrian VallentineHon Diane EversFinalised 12/02/2020
12211/06/2019564  Storage of Lithium TailingsLisa FerrisHon Colin HoltFinalised 14/08/2019
12111/06/2019776  Mandatory VaccinationRoslyn WilymanHon Robin ScottFinalised 26/06/2019
1206/06/2019166  Release of BalloonsCollette BrennanHon Pierre YangFinalised 04/09/2019
1206/06/20194156  Release of BalloonsLisa HillsHon Pierre YangFinalised 04/09/2019
1195/06/2019375  Quadriplegic Centre ClosureGlenn NevilleHon Colin de GrussaFinalised 04/12/2019
1185/06/2019390  Youth Violence in CockburnChamonix Terblanche and Ursula SmitHon Simon O’BrienFinalised 04/12/2019
1175/06/2019246  Parking Congestion at Local SchoolsLinda AitkenHon Michael MischinFinalised 14/08/2019
1169/05/201960  Ban Helium BalloonsJennifer MorcombeHon Colin de GrussaFinalised 04/09/2019
11511/04/201928  Corner of Thomas and Nicholson Roads in OakfordElton SwartsHon Donna FaragherFinalised 07/08/2019
11410/04/20194  Lot 52 Victoria Road West SwanJohn MartinHon Charles SmithFinalised 12/06/2019
11310/04/2019781  Liquor Restrictions in the PilbaraDion ReganHon Jacqui BoydellFinalised 12/06/2019
1122/04/2019193  Walpole Wilderness and Marine ParkLouis BeckerlingHon Diane EversFinalised 07/08/2019
11114/03/2019156  Lots 16 and 32, Great Northern HighwayAnn WinchesterHon Tim CliffordFinalised 26/06/2019
11014/03/20193584  Labour Hire PracticesSteve McCartneyHon Alanna Clohesy on behalf of Hon Darren WestFinalised 12/02/2020
10913/03/201950  Nedlands Draft Local Planning Scheme No. 3Victoria RogersHon Alison XamonFinalised 12/06/2019
1099/04/2019975  Nedlands Draft Local Planning Scheme No. 3Victoria RogersHon Peter CollierFinalised 12/06/2019
1099/04/20191194  Nedlands Draft Local Planning Scheme No. 3Victoria RogersHon Alison XamonFinalised 12/06/2019
10820/02/20191  State Owned Energy CorporationsKarl RaszykHon Colin de GrussaFinalised 10/04/2019
10720/02/201991  Lot 501 Paradise Quays BallajuraMike HatzidakisHon Robin ScottFinalised 15/03/2019
10620/02/2019676  Nursing Service MedalsPaul WallingHon Martin PritchardFinalised 08/05/2019
10513/02/2019847  Alternative Bunbury Outer Ring RoadChristopher ScottHon Colin HoltFinalised 12/06/2019
10413/02/2019491  Rural CrimeGeoffrey CharterisHon Colin de GrussaFinalised 07/08/2019
1036/12/2018190  Black Spot Mobile CoverageDorothy SaddletonHon Adele FarinaFinalised 08/05/2019
1026/12/201816  Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural IndustriesGary CrawfordHon Robin ChappleFinalised 20/02/2019
1015/12/201815  Performance of Integrity Oversight BodiesJack GarberHon Charles SmithFinalised 08/05/2019
1005/12/2018826  3 Oceans Development ScarboroughKieran KellyHon Alison XamonFinalised 03/04/2019
10013/02/2019241  3 Oceans Development ScarboroughKieran KellyHon Robin Chapple on behalf of Hon Alison XamonFinalised 03/04/2019
09929/11/2018174  SMART Drumline TrialsDonna MartinHon Diane EversFinalised 20/03/2019
09828/11/201826  Protect Lake JasperSarah ClarkeHon Diane EversFinalised 13/03/2019
09819/02/2019957  Protect Lake JasperDonald ClarkeHon Diane EversFinalised 13/03/2019
09728/11/201832  Performance of the Local Government Standards PanelJack GarberHon Charles SmithFinalised 20/03/2019
09729/11/201826  Performance of the Local Government Standards PanelMark McLerieHon Pierre YangFinalised 20/03/2019
09628/11/20181071  Subiaco Draft Local Planning Scheme No. 5Genevieve BinnieHon Alison XamonFinalised 20/03/2019
09628/11/20181062  Subiaco Draft Local Planning Scheme No. 5Genevieve BinnieHon Peter CollierFinalised 20/03/2019
09522/11/201840  International School of WAStuart McDonaldHon Alison XamonFinalised 13/02/2019
09420/11/2018126  Harvest Lakes Shopping CentreTeresa McDonaldHon Simon O’BrienFinalised 13/02/2019
09320/11/2018587  Bunbury Outer Ring RoadBarbara StoneHon Diane EversFinalised 10/04/2019
0928/11/2018452  Woodbridge Primary SchoolDanielle McAuliffeHon Donna FaragherFinalised 03/04/2019
0925/12/201856  Woodbridge Primary SchoolDanielle McAuliffeHon Donna FaragherFinalised 03/04/2019
0916/11/2018389  Eviction of PicabarBrian BuckleyHon Tjorn SibmaFinalised 13/02/2019
09128/11/20181081  Eviction of PicabarBrian BuckleyHon Tjorn SibmaFinalised 13/02/2019
0906/11/201817  Local Government Insurance ServicesIan RiceHon Pierre YangFinalised 13/02/2019
08916/10/20181  WA Police OfficersJessica BoothHon Charles SmithFinalised 20/03/2019
08816/10/20183  Transport (Road Passenger Services) Bill 2018Athan TsirigotisHon Robin ScottFinalised 10/04/2019
08716/10/201813  Crown Land Lot 9789Catherine O'NeillHon Alison XamonFinalised 13/02/2019
08616/10/201813927  Ban on FrackingJane HammondHon Robin ChappleFinalised 13/03/2019
08510/10/201819  Local Government Standards PanelGary CrawfordHon Robin ChappleFinalised 13/02/2019
0851/11/201859  Local Government Standards PanelGary CrawfordHon Robin ChappleFinalised 13/02/2019
0849/10/201820  Integrity Oversight BodiesGary CrawfordHon Robin ChappleFinalised 13/02/2019
08412/03/201928  Integrity Oversight BodiesMark McLerieHon Pierre YangFinalised 13/02/2019
08318/09/2018334  Golden Bay DunesAnna-Marie JacksonHon Pierre YangFinalised 05/12/2018
08213/09/20181216  Advanced Care Planning for RegionsBrian LowHon Kyle McGinnFinalised 31/10/2018
08112/09/20188  City of Melville and Building LegislationGary CrawfordHon Robin ChappleFinalised 28/11/2018
08011/09/20182  Conduct of Officers in the City of WannerooStephen AdamHon Michael MischinFinalised 31/10/2018
07929/08/201831  City of MelvilleMark McLerieHon Robin ChappleFinalised 31/10/2018
07816/08/201810  Dianella Industrial PrecinctNatalie WrayHon Alanna ClohesyFinalised 21/11/2018
07716/08/2018501  Pilbara Improvement LevyKerry RobinsonHon Robin ChappleFinalised 05/12/2018
07614/08/2018377  Rural Representation in the City of Greater GeraldtonJulie FreemanHon Laurie GrahamFinalised 17/10/2018
07514/08/2018543  Development of the Greenpatch, DalyellupKerry BemroseHon Diane EversFinalised 20/02/2019
07530/10/20183  Development of the Greenpatch, DalyellupPhil HarbourHon Diane EversFinalised 20/02/2019
07416/08/2018603  Protection of rock art in MurujugaJudith HugoHon Robin ChappleFinalised 31/10/2018
07411/09/2018196  Protection of rock art in MurujugaJudith HugoHon Robin ChappleFinalised 31/10/2018
07411/10/201856  Protection of rock art in MurujugaJudith HugoHon Robin ChappleFinalised 31/10/2018
07427/06/201881  Protection of rock art in MurujugaJudith HugoHon Robin ChappleFinalised 31/10/2018
0749/10/201862  Protection of rock art in MurujugaJudith HugoHon Robin ChappleFinalised 31/10/2018
0748/11/201820  Protection of rock art in MurujugaJudith HugoHon Robin ChappleFinalised 31/10/2018
07420/11/201832  Protection of rock art in MurujugaJudith HugoHon Robin ChappleFinalised 31/10/2018
0746/12/201823  Protection of rock art in MurujugaJudith HugoHon Robin ChappleFinalised 31/10/2018
07326/06/2018817  Herdsman Lake Wildlife CentreKevin KenneallyHon Donna FaragherFinalised 31/10/2018
07223/08/20181355  Education Funding CutsJoanne MatthewsonHon Donna FaragherFinalised 31/10/2018
07226/06/20182468  Education Funding CutsJoanne MatthewsonHon Donna FaragherFinalised 31/10/2018
07126/06/2018716  Destruction of GravestonesAlexander BlundenHon Tjorn SibmaFinalised 31/10/2018
07026/06/20182  Sex Offenders Register of WALee LaneHon Martin PritchardFinalised 10/04/2019
06912/06/2018130  Conduct of the Shire of EsperanceKaj NieukerkeHon Laurie GrahamFinalised 19/09/2018
06817/05/20181066  Rossmoyne and Willetton Senior High SchoolsGaelia HuntHon Simon O’BrienFinalised 15/08/2018
06721/08/20181448  Palliative Care AvailabilityBrian LowHon Pierre YangFinalised 15/08/2018
06717/05/20181822  Palliative Care AvailabilityWarwick D'SilvaHon Martin PritchardFinalised 15/08/2018
06617/05/2018801  Geraldton Camp SchoolCaroline WardHon Jim ChownFinalised 17/10/2018
06517/05/20181162  Proposed landfills in BullsbrookJessica ShawHon Alanna ClohesyFinalised 10/10/2018
06415/05/2018171  Pesticides in public placesJane BremmerHon Diane EversFinalised 29/08/2018
06315/05/2018105  Impact of pesticides on public healthAlexandra JonesHon Diane EversFinalised 29/08/2018
0629/05/20181688  MRI at Kalgoorlie HospitalSharon HendersonHon Robin ScottFinalised 15/08/2018
06226/06/2018301  MRI at Kalgoorlie HospitalSharon HendersonHon Robin ScottFinalised 15/08/2018
0619/05/20185995  Landsdale Farm SchoolMaureen GriersonHon Tjorn SibmaFinalised 27/06/2018
0608/05/201880  Accountability for Police and corruption oversight agenciesMargaret HowkinsHon Alison XamonFinalised 07/11/2018
06016/08/20185  Accountability for Police and corruption oversight agenciesMargaret HowkinsHon Alanna ClohesyFinalised 07/11/2018
05910/04/20182585  Closure of Regional Schools and Schools of the AirHon Mia DaviesHon Jacqui BoydellFinalised 16/05/2018
05810/04/2018398  Agricultural Education Farm Provision TrustHon Mia Davies MLAHon Colin de GrussaFinalised 27/06/2018
05710/04/201874  Christian Prayer Room at Perth Children's HospitalSunettea FernandezHon Martin PritchardFinalised 15/08/2018
05628/03/2018788  Joondalup/Wanneroo Road OverpassRohan CriddleHon Tjorn SibmaFinalised 27/06/2018
05528/03/2018271  Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Act 1966John VukovichHon Adele FarinaFinalised 11/04/2018
05427/03/2018660  School of the Air closuresKirsty ForshawHon Ken BastonFinalised 11/04/2018
05322/03/201814638  Protect high conservation value forestsBeth SchultzHon Diane EversFinalised 27/06/2018
05220/03/2018733  Murdoch Drive Connection ProjectBenjamin ReidHon Simon O’BrienFinalised 29/08/2018
05212/04/2018114  Murdoch Drive Connection ProjectKate KellyHon Tim CliffordFinalised 29/08/2018
05210/04/2018246  Murdoch Drive Connection ProjectBenjamin ReidHon Simon O’BrienFinalised 29/08/2018
05227/03/201891  Murdoch Drive Connection ProjectBenjamin ReidHon Simon O’BrienFinalised 29/08/2018
05120/03/2018635  Point Peron Camp SchoolMeredyth McLartyHon Jim ChownFinalised 17/10/2018
05013/03/20181771  Moora Residential CollegeShane LoveHon Martin AldridgeFinalised 27/06/2018
04913/03/2018834  Pemberton Camp SchoolWendy EibyHon Colin HoltFinalised 17/10/2018
04928/03/2018570  Pemberton Camp SchoolWendy EibyHon Colin HoltFinalised 17/10/2018
0499/05/2018261  Pemberton Camp SchoolWendy EibyHon Colin HoltFinalised 17/10/2018
04813/03/20182350  Bridgetown Camp SchoolWendy MenghiniHon Colin HoltFinalised 17/10/2018
04828/03/2018474  Bridgetown Camp SchoolJoanne MooreHon Colin HoltFinalised 17/10/2018
04815/05/2018468  Bridgetown Camp SchoolJoanne MooreHon Colin HoltFinalised 17/10/2018
04811/09/2018200  Bridgetown Camp SchoolJoanne MooreHon Colin HoltFinalised 17/10/2018
04713/03/201831  Torrens Title SystemTerrence EalingHon Colin HoltFinalised 15/08/2018
04613/03/20182137  Banning plastic bagsJosephine JurakHon Robin ChappleFinalised 13/06/2018
04513/03/2018634  Fluoridation of water in YanchepMelanie WaldronHon Charles SmithFinalised 21/03/2018
0446/12/2017819  Proposed nickel sulphate plant in EsperancePeter GaleHon Colin de GrussaFinalised 28/03/2018
0436/12/20172  Hawthorn Resources LimitedMichael DarbyHon Robin ScottFinalised 14/03/2018
0426/12/2017639  Boarding away from home allowanceMia DaviesHon Jacqui BoydellFinalised 09/05/2018
0416/12/2017156  Old Warren District HospitalMary NixonHon Adele FarinaFinalised 27/06/2018
04121/03/2018211  Old Warren District HospitalPaul OmodeiHon Adele FarinaFinalised 27/06/2018
04030/11/2017726  Multi-unit developments in the City of JoondalupNamita MehraHon Tjorn SibmaFinalised 13/06/2018
03930/11/2017756  RAC rescue helicopter serviceDoriana MangiliHon Colin HoltFinalised 14/03/2018
03828/11/201713  Canal Rocks boat rampRich MyersHon Dr Steve ThomasFinalised 14/03/2018
0377/11/201785  Sentence regarding death of Elijah DoughtyJosephine JurakHon Robin ChappleFinalised 14/03/2018
0362/11/201760  Joint Development Assessment PanelsKatrina DavyHon Pierre YangFinalised 14/03/2018
0352/11/201711  Management of South Perth ForeshoreHLR AnsteyHon Pierre YangFinalised 14/03/2018
0342/11/20171124  Aged care facility in WilkinsNeil PemberHon Donna FaragherFinalised 21/03/2018
0331/11/2017384  Fluoridation of public water in WAJames FairbairnHon Jacqui BoydellFinalised 14/03/2018
0321/11/20177243  Induced premature birthsDwight RandallHon Nick GoiranFinalised 22/08/2018
03131/10/2017299  Helena Aurora RangeMark HenryonHon Robin ChappleFinalised 14/03/2018
03031/10/2017622  WA fracking inquiryJane HammondHon Robin ChappleFinalised 14/03/2018
02912/10/2017149  Funding for Moora Residential CollegeShane LoveHon Martin AldridgeFinalised 9/05/2018
02812/10/20173655  Proposed WA gold royaltyReg Howard-SmithHon Ken BastonFinalised 11/12/2017
02811/10/2017772  Proposed WA gold royaltyGraeme CampbellHon Robin ScottFinalised 11/12/2017
02810/10/2017799  Proposed WA gold royaltyMichael DarbyHon Robin ScottFinalised 11/12/2017
0281/11/2017625  Proposed WA gold royaltySteven KeanHon Robin ScottFinalised 11/12/2017
02710/10/2017409  Proposed landfill in YorkKay DaviesHon Laurie GrahamFinalised 29/11/2017
02610/10/2017180  Proposed inquiry into Town of Victoria ParkAnita TreasureHon Robin ChappleFinalised 14/03/2018
02514/09/2017537  Compensation for small business around Mends StreetPaul NobleHon Pierre YangFinalised 6/12/2017
02414/09/20173048  Oppose logging in NannupMartin and Ellie MckieHon Diane EversFinalised 12/09/2018
02312/09/2017133  Fluoridation of water in Port HedlandSimon VrancicHon Kyle McGinnFinalised 14/03/2018
02212/09/201752  Independent State Records OfficePauline JosephHon Tjorn SibmaFinalised 14/3/2018
02112/09/2017332  Shenton Park Hospital RedevelopmentHeidi Hardisty and Lynette JenningsHon Alison XamonFinalised 7/11/2018
02110/10/2017957  Shenton Park Hospital RedevelopmentHeidi HardistyHon Alison XamonFinalised 7/11/2018
02012/09/2017135  Conduct of officers in City of MelvilleGary CrawfordHon Pierre YangFinalised 8/11/2017
01922/08/20172342  Scarborough Foreshore RedevelopmentChirs BurkeHon Tjorn SibmaFinalised 6/12/2017
01817/08/201734  Management of wild dogs in NullagineCate ClancyHon Kyle McGinnFinalised 6/12/2017
01717/08/2017254  Community and Neighborhood Development Services funding arrangementsJane ChilcottHon Tjorn SibmaFinalised 11/10/2017
01615/08/2017112  Oppose fluoridation chemicals to public water supply in KununurraDanny CarterHon Alannah MacTiernanFinalised 14/3/2018
01520/06/2017295  Divestment of Port of FremantleRhonda VredenbregtHon Diane EversFinalised 11/10/2017
01415/06/2017304  Proposed landfill in EsperanceJill FitzpatrickHon Colin de GrussaFinalised 1/11/2017
01314/06/2017600  Animal Welfare ActCharlotte ArmstrongHon Alanna ClohesyFinalised 11/10/2017
01213/06/20172746  Proposed inquiry into City of MelvilleClive RossHon Pierre YangFinalised 8/11/2017
01113/06/20173409  Wave park, Alfred CoveTom LubinHon Pierre YangFinalised 1/11/2017
01013/06/2017903  Compensation for non-GM farmersJanet GroganHon Diane EversFinalised 6/12/2017
00913/06/20172061  Horse Beach JoondalupKirrily BeerHon Martin PritchardFinalised 29/11/2017
00813/06/20171577  Joondalup Animal Local Law (Horse Beach)Kelly JonesHon Martin PritchardFinalised 29/11/2017
00725/05/2017455  Proposed Inquiry into Shire of ExmouthJackie BrooksHon Kyle McGinnFinalised 16/08/2017
00624/05/20171557  Oppose MRS amendment Guildford RoadGraeme Mark ReanyHon Alanna ClohesyFinalised 16/08/2017
00524/05/20176479  Oppose Education Central Plan for Perth ModernPeter Farr and Andrew StevensHon Donna FaragherFinalised 11/10/2017
00513/06/20171654  Oppose Education Central Plan for Perth ModernPeter Farr and Andrew StevensHon Donna FaragherFinalised 11/10/2017
00424/05/201716  Oppose development of Wetlands and Lake in Helena ValleySusan McCannHon Samantha RoweFinalised 23/08/2017
00318/05/201795  Proposed telecommunications tower, Bell Hill ReserveLynn BorgHon Darren WestFinalised 29/11/2017
00217/05/2017185  Proposal to sell Midland Recreation Ground ReservePatrick IrwinHon Dr Bill LeadbetterFinalised 1/11/2017
00116/05/20173066  Oppose greyhound racingAndrea PollardHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 1/11/2017

39th Parliament

Petition No.Date
Signatures  SubjectPrincipal
14022/11/201660  NorthLink WA — Main Roads DecisionDarryl SmithHon Helen MortonLapsed 30/01/17
13917/11/2016696  Oppose fluoridation chemicals to public water supply in KununurraDanny CarterHon Stephen DawsonLapsed 30/01/17
13816/11/2016266  Compensate GM-Free farmersJanet GroganHon Lynn MacLarenLapsed 30/01/17
13716/11/20161476  Oppose Bassendean Activity Centre PlanKathryn HamiltonHon Lynn MacLarenLapsed 30/01/17
13616/11/20165070  Asbestos Diseases Compensation Bill 2013Robert VojakovicHon Laine McDonaldFinalised 23/11/16
13519/10/2016298  Oppose water fluoridation in Margaret River and WADavid ChickHon Jacqui BoydellFinalised 23/11/16
13418/10/201617  Oppose development of Wetlands and Lake in Helena ValleySusan McCannHon Samantha RoweLapsed 30/01/17
13313/09/20163  Culture and operations of Port Hedland and South Hedland Police StationsRobert NevilleHon Robin ChappleFinalised 16/11/16
13312/10/20169  Culture and operations at Port Hedland and South Hedland Police StationsRobert NevilleHon Robin Chapple
1328/09/2016870  Oppose funding cuts to the Department of Child Protection and Family SupportCraig ParrHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 23/11/16
1317/09/2016191  Oppose location of liquor store in the South Hedland shopping centrePhillip WrightHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 23/11/16
13025/08/2016539  Oppose greyhound racingAlanna ChristiansenHon Lynn MacLarenLapsed 30/01/17
12924/08/201689  Esperance Tanker JettyThe Jetty Group (Inc)Hon Dave GrillsLapsed 30/01/17
12823/08/20163  Destruction of sensitive wetlands in BayswaterGeorgia JohnsonHon Alanna ClohesyLapsed 30/01/17
12718/08/2016268  Proposed telecommunications tower, Bell Hill ReserveLynn BorgHon Darren WestLapsed 30/01/17
12617/08/201655  Synergy competing with private enterpriseJohn Stephen HallHon Robin ChappleFinalised 09/11/16
12517/08/2016207  Biodiversity Conservation Bill 2015 Jess PeckerlingHon Lynn MacLaren
12517/08/2016264  Biodiversity Conservation Bill 2015Jess BeckerlingHon Sue ElleryFinalised 24/08/16
12416/08/2016129  Closure of Main Street Jetty to Port Hedland communityJoan FoleyHon Stephen DawsonLapsed 30/01/17
12321/06/20161  Perth Fringe World FestivalMelissa CallananHon Alanna ClohesyFinalised 12/10/16
12221/06/2016161  Bunara Maya Hostel, Port HedlandBloodwood TreeHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 17/08/16
12119/05/2016163  Pesticides and harm to public healthAlexandra JonesHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 22/06/16
12122/11/2016264  Pesticides and harm to public healthAlexandra JonesHon Lynn MacLaren
12010/05/20162501  Commissioner for SeniorsNita SadlerHon Simon O’BrienFinalised 14/09/16
1197/04/20162  Building Commission and State Administrative TribunalJohn SamuelHon Adele FarinaFinalised 22/06/16
1187/04/20162  White Set PlasterJohn SamuelHon Sue Ellery on behalf of Hon Kate DoustFinalised 29/06/16
1176/04/20161301  Southgates Sand Dunes, GeraldtonShane Van StynHon Paul BrownFinalised 14/09/16
11624/03/2016180  Point Moore, Geraldton LeasesDavid HarringtonHon Paul BrownFinalised 17/08/16
11523/03/20162139  Oppose AbortionDwayne BallastHon Nick GoiranFinalised 14/09/16
11416/03/201620  Burial on country of the late Mr HowardLynette HowardHon Robin ChappleFinalised 22/06/16
11316/03/2016562  Review Mining Amendment Bill 2015Terrence WinnerHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 23/03/16
11216/03/20162207  Oppose Fish Traps Gascoyne RegionVince CataniaHon Jacqui BoydellFinalised 22/06/16
11123/02/2016455  Kalbarri Power SupplyJim ChownHon Brian EllisFinalised 8/06/16
11017/02/20169132  Deregulation of retail trading hoursPeter O'KeeffeHon Kate DoustFinalised 8/06/16
10917/02/20162  Energy Operator accessing private landTerrence EalingHon Robyn McSweeneyFinalised 17/08/16
10816/02/20162131  Operations of DFESRaymond HullHon Rick MazzaFinalised 29/06/16
1073/12/20157  Religious Schools DiscriminationBeth Cole and Karen GilgallonHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 06/04/16
1061/12/201520  Kings Park StatusCheryl MowbrayHon Simon O’BrienFinalised 17/02/16
10623/02/2016167  Kings Park StatusCheryl MowbrayHon Simon O’Brien
1051/12/201581  Esperance Hospital Support ServicesDeleine CongreveHon Dave GrillsFinalised 17/08/16
10426/11/201525  Rail Freight NetworkDale ParkHon Darren WestFinalised 17/02/16
10325/11/201524  Privatisation of Western Australian PortsDale ParkHon Paul BrownFinalised 17/02/16
10224/11/2015169  Aged Care FacilitiesRonald CareyHon Alanna ClohesyFinalised 22/06/16
10117/11/2015201  Sunday Community Markets Canning ValeSue ElleryHon Kate DoustFinalised 17/02/16
10015/10/201541  TABGlenys GodfreyHon Robyn McSweeneyFinalised 17/02/16
9914/10/201572  Swan Valley Nyungah CommunityBella BrophoHon Robin ChappleFinalised 02/12/15
989/09/2015399  Remand Facility for WomenBandyup Action GroupHon Lyn MacLarenFinalised 17/08/16
979/09/20151958  Prescribed Burning in South West RegionMark MuirHon Barry HouseFinalised 18/11/15
968/09/2015957  Serpentine Jarrahdale Shire CouncilSteven LenzHon Robin ChappleFinalised 17/02/16
9611/05/20163  Serpentine Jarrahdale Shire CouncilSteven LenzHon Robin Chapple
9518/08/2015105  Roe Highway ExtensionChristine CooperHon Kate DoustFinalised 18/11/15
9516/02/201627  Roe Highway ExtensionChristine CooperHon Kate Doust
9413/08/2015179  Bus Route 15Tadeusz KrysiakHon Martin PritchardFinalised 18/11/15
9311/08/20151424   Perth Freight Link ProjectGrainne O'DonovanHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 18/11/15
9211/08/20154425  Bauxite MiningAvon & Hills Mining Awareness Group IncHon Robin ChappleFinalised 14/10/15
923/12/2015743  Bauxite MiningAvon & Hills Mining Awareness Group IncHon Robin Chapple
9113/08/201584  Aboriginal Heritage SitesClayton LewisHon Robin ChappleFinalised 02/12/15
9111/08/2015975  Aboriginal Heritage SitesClayton LewisHon Robin ChappleFinalised 02/12/15
9018/06/2015470  Proposed Capital City of Perth LegislationColin Latchem and Kenneth EastwoodHon Liz BehjatFinalised 05/08/15
8917/06/2015174  Development of Chrystal Halliday Nursing HomeAlison GibbonsHon Liz BehjatFinalised 05/08/15
8817/06/20155  Opposing South Coast Crustacean Managed Fishery Management Plan 2015Alan MilesHon Adele FarinaFinalised 16/09/15
8721/05/2015166  Guildford Hotel RestorationLuke MartinoHon Alyssa HaydenFinalised 17/06/15
866/05/20151  St John Ambulance Employee Deaths by SuicideSteve GazzoneHon Adele FarinaFinalised 17/06/15
8523/04/2015518  Rowles Lagoon Water Skiing AreaKellie ChassaingHon Mark LewisFinalised 12/08/15
8422/04/2015113  Criminal Law Amendment (Home Burglary and Other Offences) Bill 2014Tammy SolonecHon Jacqui BoydellFinalised 05/08/15
845/05/2015493  Criminal Law Amendment (Home Burglary and Other Offences) Bill 2014Tammy SolonecHon Sue ElleryFinalised 05/08/15
8416/06/2015113  Criminal Law Amendment (Home Burglary and Other Offences) Bill 2014Tammy SolonecHon Robin ChappleFinalised 05/08/15
8420/08/2015145  Criminal Law Amendment (Home Burglary and Other Offences) Bill 2014Tammy SolonecHon Robin Chapple
8319/03/20152  State Administrative Tribunal Register of Proceedings 2011Colin JoyceHon Kate DoustFinalised 22/04/15
8218/03/201572  Food Security Capacity Building Project in BroomeClinton DurhamHon Mark LewisFinalised 05/08/15
8126/02/2015701  Death in Police CustodyMark NewhouseHon Robin ChappleFinalised 05/08/15
8025/02/201538  Aboriginal Heritage Act Amendment Bill 2014Clayton LewisHon Robin ChappleFinalised 17/06/15
8025/03/2015132  Aboriginal Heritage Act Amendment Bill 2014Clayton LewisHon Robin ChappleFinalised 17/06/15
8011/08/201513  Aboriginal Heritage Act Amendment Bill 2014Clayton LewisHon Robin Chapple
7924/02/20152493  High Road Hotel, ParkwoodTanya WoosnamHon Sue ElleryFinalised 05/08/15
7817/02/20152  Taxation Legislation Amendment BillIsaac RaiterHon Michael MischinFinalised 25/03/15
7717/02/2015515  Fracking Gascoyne RegionSonny WalkerHon Robin ChappleFinalised 25/02/15
7617/02/201520  Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972Kimberley Land CouncilHon Robin ChappleFinalised 17/06/15
752/12/201443  Pilbara Institute (TAFE) funding cutsRobert SheehyHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 06/05/15
7427/11/20146285  Mowen Forest LoggingNaomi GoddenHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 06/05/15
7325/11/2014198  Regional Transport ServicesJane FuchsbichlerHon Darren WestFinalised 22/04/15
7225/11/2014627  Domestic Violence FundingHelen TuckHon Alanna ClohesyFinalised 17/02/16
7125/11/20146  Proposed Wellington Street Bus TunnelAlf WilsonHon Ken TraversFinalised 06/05/15
7025/11/20141005  WA Truck Drivers' Workplace SafetyTim DawsonHon Kate DoustFinalised 06/05/15
6919/11/2014480  Genetically Modified Crops Free Areas Act 2003Janet GroganHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 19/08/15
6920/11/2014128  Genetically Modified Crops Free Areas Act 2003Anne-Marie CopelandHon Paul BrownFinalised 19/08/15
6920/11/201424  Genetically Modified Crops Free Areas Act 2003Janette LiddelowHon Martin AldridgeFinalised 19/08/15
6923/09/2015467  Genetically Modified Crops Free Areas Act 2003Janet GroganHon Darren West
6818/11/20141813  Royal Association of Justices of WA (Inc)Peter MaughanHon Ljiljanna RavlichFinalised 22/04/15
6723/10/2014373  Kwinana BushlandMarianne MackayHon Lyn MacLarenFinalised 16/02/15
6616/10/20141029  LAMP IncLorrae LoudHon Adele FarinaFinalised 16/02/15
6516/10/20141751  Metropolitan Local CouncilsMartyn Jack WebbHon Simon O’BrienFinalised 25/02/15
6414/10/2014460  Canal Estate DevelopmentsLeisha JackHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 16/02/15
6314/10/2014644  Police Taskforce Port HedlandChristopher TurlandHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 16/02/15
6224/09/201481  Motor Vehicle Examination FeesTricia HebbardHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 19/11/14
6124/09/201451  Housing Conditions Warralong CommunityKevin FredHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 06/05/15
6016/09/2014554  Ocean Gardens Retirement VillageAnthony MuscaHon Kate DoustFinalised 26/11/14
5916/09/2014469  Bio-OrganicsAlan ClarksonHon Donna FaragherFinalised 15/09/16
5811/09/2014545  Waste to Energy incineratorsJames MummeHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 03/12/14
5710/09/20144790  Gorgon ProjectChristopher CainHon Kate DoustFinalised 25/03/15
569/09/2014878  Pilbara Underground Power ProjectDanielle HageHon Robin ChappleFinalised 19/08/15
5622/10/201441  Pilbara Underground Power ProjectDanielle HageHon Robin ChappleFinalised 19/08/15
5614/10/201444  Pilbara Underground Power ProjectDanielle HageHon Robin ChappleFinalised 19/08/15
559/09/2014314  Water fluoridation WAFluoride Free WAHon Mark LewisFinalised 26/11/14
5521/09/20165677  Water fluoridation WAFluoride Free WAHon Jacqui Boydell
549/09/2014311  Gidgegannup Urban PrecinctSally BlockHon Alanna ClohesyFinalised 19/11/14
5320/08/2014152  Recycling and composting in WAJane BremmerHon Amber-Jade SandersonFinalised 22/10/14
5219/08/2014908  Telecommunication Service Barrow IslandJordan SangerHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 22/10/14
5113/08/201463  Rosehill Golf Course rezoning to urbanRobert BillanceHon Alyssa HaydenFinalised 17/09/14
5012/08/2014342  Upgrade of Gnangara RoadRodney WahlHon Ken TraversFinalised 19/11/14
4912/08/201464  Hedland Health Campus Maternity Ward staff levelsNicole CoppockHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 24/09/14
4825/06/201419  Amend Mental Health Bill 2013 – ObjectDouglas HumphriesHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 13/08/14
4724/06/20143  Amend Mental Health Bill 2013 – Short TitleDouglas HumphriesHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 13/08/14
4626/06/20142775   Disability Services Commission Accommodation ServicesToni WalkingtonHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 06/05/15
4525/06/2014160  Report by the Chief Medical Officer on a DeathEdmund SaulysHon Darren WestFinalised 24/09/14
4424/06/201459  Oppose rezoning of Rosehill Golf Course John SquireHon Alyssa HaydenFinalised 17/09/14
4319/06/20143  Amend Mental Health Bill 2013Douglas HumphriesHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 25/06/14
4217/06/201414  Oppose Environmental Protection (Environmentally Sensitive Areas) Notice 2005Murray NixonHon Mark LewisFinalised 12/08/15
4117/06/2014159  Casuarina Boat Harbour (Bunbury) recreational pensNoel SeymourHon Adele FarinaFinalised 15/10/14
4017/06/2014449  Stolen Wages Reparation Scheme WAElizabeth O'BrienHon Robin ChappleFinalised 10/09/14
4017/09/201431  Stolen Wages Reparation Scheme WAElizabeth O'BrienHon Robin Chapple
4017/02/201560  Stolen Wages Reparation Scheme WAElizabeth O'BrienHon Robin Chapple
3914/05/20141  Licensing of strata/caravan park managersMaria GaworHon Sally TalbotFinalised 13/08/14
3813/05/20142  Opposing changes to Swan Valley Planning Act 1995Swan Valley and Regional Winemakers AssociationHon Alyssa HaydenFinalised 13/08/14
378/05/2014212  Initiate judicial inquiry into Shire of CarnarvonLino Paggi and Raymond FidockHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 25/02/15
366/05/20141636  Crime Prevention Greater GeraldtonRosemary LangridgeHon Darren WestFinalised 10/09/14
3510/04/20143619  Metro Central Joint Development Assessment PanelGeoffrey Pearson and Marina HansenHon Sue ElleryFinalised 19/11/14
349/04/2014900  Review life sentences of women imprisoned for domestic homicideLesley KirkwoodHon Alanna ClohesyFinalised 10/09/14
3311/03/20141757  Changes to the Local Government Act 1995Jeremy MoweHon Ken TraversFinalised 19/03/14
3211/03/2014408  Inclusion of Inglewood Primary School sites in 40 km/h electronic speed zones program Alison Le DainHon Donna FaragherFinalised 07/05/14
3127/02/2014672  Traffic Crash Barriers, MerriwaStacy DunbarHon Amber-Jade SandersonFinalised 25/03/15
3019/02/2014177  The Great Eastern Highway section between The Lakes Roadhouse Beechina and Northam BypassSamantha MudgwayHon Paul BrownFinalised 18/06/14
2918/02/2014535  Increase Access to Ultrasound Facilities in the Pilbara RegionEmma NichollsHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 07/05/14
2812/12/20131  Quality Education and ArtCassandre HubertHon Sue ElleryFinalised 19/02/14
2711/12/2013381  Opposing Great White Shark CullThe Wilderness Society WA IncHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 02/04/14
2611/12/2013304  Removal of Rights under the Local Government Act (1995)Malcolm Mummery and Heather HendersonHon Adele FarinaFinalised 19/02/14
255/12/2013251  Opposing Use of Pesticides on Public Land and Open SpacesAlexandra JonesHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 22/10/14
244/12/2013374  Protect Health and EnvironmentAlexandra JonesHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 19/02/14
233/12/2013691  Increase Number of Mental Health Beds in New Perth Children's HospitalChristine BrownHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 22/04/15
223/12/2013826  Opposing Change to Local Government BoundariesTrevor VaughanHon Kate DoustFinalised 19/02/14
2120/02/201488  Funding and Staff Cuts to State SchoolsSusan VennHon Sue ElleryFinalised 25/06/14
2126/11/20133089  Funding and Staff Cuts to State SchoolsEm Drake-BrockmanHon Sue ElleryFinalised 19/02/14
2120/02/20146  Funding and Staff Cuts to State SchoolsPeter CollinsHon Sue ElleryFinalised 25/06/14
2020/11/2013491  Opposing Proposed Sand Mines at WellardStephen SturgeonHon Phil EdmanFinalised 13/08/14
1922/10/20134256  Disposal of Metropolitan Waste in Rural AreasAvon Valley Environmental Society IncHon Paul BrownFinalised 22/10/14
1816/10/201398  Proposed Aquatic Resources Management BillConservation Council (WA) IncHon Robin ChappleFinalised 26/02/14
1726/11/2013479  Opposing Fee for 457 Visa HoldersDean KeatingHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 02/12/14
1715/10/20132115  Opposing Fee for 457 Visa HoldersDean KeatingHon Stephen DawsonFinalised 02/12/14
1619/09/2013324  Midland Railway Workshop SiteNeil ByrneHon Alanna ClohesyFinalised 19/02/14
1620/11/2013372  Midland Railway Workshop SiteNeil ByrneHon Alanna ClohesyFinalised 19/02/14
1511/09/2013449  Opposing Increases to Firearms License FeesJohn ElendtHon Darren WestFinalised 18/09/13
1410/09/20131  Quarantine Seed Inspection Fee Trevor CochraneHon Darren WestFinalised 20/11/13
1310/09/20131394   City of Bunbury Council – Suspension Glen WillettsHon Adele FarinaFinalised 19/02/14
127/08/2013217  Specific Dog Breed RestrictionsAshleigh LeeceHon Darren WestFinalised 27/11/13
1215/10/2013174  Specific Dog Breed RetrictionsAshleigh LeeceHon Darren WestFinalised 27/11/13
1217/10/201395  Specific Dog Breed RestrictionsAshleigh LeeceHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 27/11/13
1222/10/2013172  Specific Dog Breed RestrictionsAshleigh LeeceHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 27/11/13
1211/09/2013235  Specific Dog Breed Restrictions Ashleigh LeeceHon Darren WestFinalised 27/11/13
117/08/2013167  New Rail Yards at ClaisebrookLesley RichardsonHon Ken TraversFinalised 20/11/13
1026/06/20134676  Katanning District Hospital Maternity ServicesRick WilsonHon Jim ChownFinalised 23/10/13
923/05/20134023  Reverse the Decision to Send Year Seven Children to High SchoolAndrew DunneHon Darren WestFinalised 23/10/13
823/05/2013973  Cessation of the Chlorination of Busselton's Water SupplyDiana MichaelsHon Adele FarinaFinalised 23/10/13
722/05/20132  The Environmental Legacy of Mining in Western AustraliaConservation Council (WA) IncHon Robin ChappleFinalised 25/03/15
616/05/201335  Great Southern Institute of TAFE Music and Arts ProgramDawn BarringtonHon Colin HoltFinalised 07/08/13
516/05/2013107  Request for a Royal Commission into the Forest Product CommissionKeith MaderHon Colin HoltFinalised 06/05/14
415/05/20138191  Mangles Bay Marina Based Tourist PrecinctDawn JecksHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 21/08/13
314/05/20133  Roe Highway Stage 8Felicity McGeorgeHon Sally TalbotFinalised 23/10/13
214/05/20132  Bassendean Fire StationWouterina KleinHon Alyssa HaydenFinalised 23/10/13
114/05/20136  Free Range Eggs Labelling Bill 2012 John SimpsonHon Alyssa HaydenFinalised 07/08/13

38th Parliament

Petition No.Date
Signatures  SubjectPrincipal
17928/11/201290  Better Rail and Bus Services between Mandurah, Fremantle, Armadale and PerthJames MummeHon Lynn MacLarenLapsed 14/12/12
17827/11/20121560  Swan Valley Planning Act 1995 John GriffithsHon Matt Benson LidholmLapsed 14/12/12
17713/11/201294   Lack of Affordable HousingChristina WardHon Alyssa HaydenLapsed 14/12/12
1766/11/2012141  Banning of Smoking at Sporting GroundsSimon KeeminkHon Wendy DuncanLapsed 14/12/12
1757/11/2012120  Redevelopment of Laverton HospitalPatrick HillHon Wendy DuncanLapsed 14/12/12
17516/10/2012276   Redevelopment of Laverton HospitalPatrick HillHon Wendy DuncanLapsed 14/12/12
17513/11/201273   Redevelopment of Laverton HospitalPatrick HillHon Wendy DuncanLapsed 14/12/12
17427/09/2012237  Great Southern Institute of TAFE Music and Arts ProgramDawn BarringtonHon Colin HoltLapsed 14/12/12
17416/10/2012183  Great Southern Institute of TAFE Music and Arts ProgramDawn BarringtonHon Sally TalbotLapsed 14/12/12
17413/11/2012536  Great Southern Institute of TAFE Music and Arts ProgramDawn BarringtonHon Colin HoltLapsed 14/12/12
17416/10/2012219  Great Southern Institute of TAFE Music and Arts ProgramDawn BarringtonHon Giz WatsonLapsed 14/12/12
17325/09/201218  End Live Cattle ExportsSandra RawnleyHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 14/11/12
17218/09/2012185  First Click and Second Click Computer FundingMaria RabboneHon Ljiljanna RavlichLapsed 14/12/12
17119/09/20121   Reverse the Decision to Send Year Seven Children to High SchoolBrian ChristieHon Philip GardinerFinalised 14/11/12
17019/09/20121  Australian Plague Locust ProgramBrian ChristieHon Philip GardinerFinalised 14/11/12
16922/08/201215  Burrup Peninsular and Islands of the Dampier Archipelago Peter SchultzLynn MacLarenLapsed 14/12/12
16821/08/2012982   Closure of the Cockburn Police Station Mary JenkinsHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 28 /11/12
16715/08/2012222  Opposing the Destruction of Public Green SpacesAlexandra JonesHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 07/11/12
16614/08/20127232  Cessation of the Chlorination of Busselton’s Water Supply Diana MichaelsHon Adele FarinaLapsed 14/12/12
16614/08/2012969  Cessation of the Chlorination of Busselton's Water SupplyMaya Spilsbury-SleeHon Adele FarinaLapsed 14/12/12
16514/08/201226  Toxic Odour in GeraldtonBrian FergusonHon Brian EllisFinalised 26/09/12
16428/06/20125454  Protection of Endangered Species Indigenous to WAJess BeckerlingHon Giz WatsonLapsed 14/12/12
16324/05/2012155  Red Cross Blood Services in Regional HospitalsJudith CaudwellHon Brian EllisFinalised 15/08/12
16213/06/201279  Review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972Gavin JacksonHon Robin ChappleFinalised 26/09/12
16222/08/201228   Review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972Gvin JacksonHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 29/09/12
16222/05/20122666  Review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 Gavin JacksonHon Robin ChappleFinalised 26/09/12
16116/05/20122666  Review of the Laws Pertaining to Domestic ViolenceAngela HartwigHon Sue ElleryFinalised 13/09/12
16112/09/2012250   Review of the laws Pertaining to Domestic Violence Terri AldridgeHon Alison XamonFinalised 13/09/12
16019/06/2012130  Amelioration of Energy Costs Levied on Senior Citizens Jennie HuntHon Kate DoustFinalised 15/08/12
1603/05/20124409  Amelioration of Energy Costs Levied on Senior Citizens June Mac DonaldHon Kate DoustFinalised 15/08/12
1592/05/2012463  Regional Resource Recovery Centre Canningvale Operating LicenceDanielle BandtHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 13/06/12
15828/06/201212  Shire of Kalamunda Local Planning Scheme No. 3 Jane GenoveseHon Alison XamonFinalised 14/11/12
1582/05/201279  Shire of Kalamunda Local Planning Scheme No. 3Norma IredellHon Alison XamonFinalised 20/06/12
1571/05/201284  Actively Oppose Anti Association LegislationUnited Motorcycle Council of WAHon Giz WatsonFinalised 13/06/12
15615/05/2012614  Criminal Organisation Control Bill 2011Anthony ShepherdHon Giz WatsonFinalised 23/05/12
1561/05/201225  Criminal Organisation Control Bill 2011Anthony ShepherdHon Giz WatsonFinalised 23/05/12
1551/05/2012493  Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional GasDaniel GriffenHon Philip GardinerFinalised 15/08/12
15517/05/2012491  Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional GasDaniel GriffenHon Philip GardinerFinalised 15/08/12
15515/05/2012534   Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional Gas Daniel GriffenHon Sally TalbotFinalised 15/08/12
15519/06/201266   Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional GasDaniel GriffenHon Robin ChappleFinalised 15/08/12
15516/05/2012209  Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional GasDaniel GriffenHon Alison XamonFinalised 15/08/12
1551/05/201297   Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional GasDanielle GriffenHon Alison XamonFinalised 15/08/12
15515/05/2012166   Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional GasDaniel GriffenHon Giz WatsonFinalised 15/08/12
15519/06/201266  Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional GasDaniel GriffenHon Robin ChappleFinalised 15/08/12
15528/06/201258  Hydraulic Fracturing of Unconventional GasDaniel GriffenHon Adele FarinaFinalised 15/08/12
15421/03/201251   Requesting a Review of the Retirement Village Legislation ActPeter BoamHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 12/09/12
1536/03/2012766   Against Legalised AbortionWarner SpykerHon Nick GoiranFinalised 07/11/12
15220/03/20121936  Request for a Royal Commission into the Forest Products Commission Keith MaderHon Wendy DuncanLapsed 14/12/12
15120/03/2012395  Closure of the Denmark Centre for Sustainable LivingPeter PoliniHon Sally TalbotFinalised 24/10/12
15116/05/2012482   Closure of the Denmark Centre for Sustainable LivingPeter PoliniHon Sally TalbotFinalised 14/12/12
1507/03/2012153  Kwinana Industry Air Buffer Zone Extension - MunsterRobyn O'BrienHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 30/11/12
1496/03/2012170  Wajarri People’s TrustVictor MourambineHon Brian EllisFinalised 23/05/12
1486/03/201213  Perth Waterfront Project Mayor Max HipkinsHon Michael MischinLapsed 14/12/12
1486/03/2012662  Perth Waterfront Project Gregory SmithHon Kate DoustLapsed 14/12/12
14820/06/2012774  Perth Waterfront Project Lise SummersHon Kate DoustLapsed 14/12/12
14827/09/2012395  Perth Waterfront Project Hilda TurnbullHon Kate DoustLapsed 14/12/12
14813/11/201258   Perth Waterfront Project Hilda TurnbullHon Kate DoustLapsed 14/12/12
1486/03/20128677  Perth Waterfront Project Linley LuttonHon Kate DoustLapsed 14/12/12
14829/03/20121117   Perth Waterfront Project Linley LuttonHon Kate DoustLapsed 14/12/12
1471/12/2011376  Opposing a Ban on Commercial Dermesal Gillnet FishingWA Fishing Industry CouncilHon Nigel HallettFinalised 7/03/12
14622/11/201176  Pedestrian Safety near Kingsway Shopping CentreMadge PowellHon Ed DermerFinalised 07/03/12
14510/11/201114  Closure of Tier 3 Narrow Gauge Rail Lines in the WheatbeltBill CowanHon Ken TraversFinalised 21/06/12
14522/11/20112518  Closure of Tier 3 Narrow Gauge Rail Lines in the WheatbeltBill CowanHon Ken TraversFinalised 21/06/12
1456/03/201247  Closure of Tier 3 Narrow Gauge Rail Lines in the WheatbeltBill CowanHon Ken TraversFinalised 21/06/12
14522/11/20111637  Closure of Tier 3 Narrow Gauge Rail Lines in the WheatbeltBill CowanHon Philip GardinerFinalised 21/06/12
14410/11/2011134  Joining Henley Street Como to Jackson Road Karawara Audrey FrancisHon Kate DoustFinalised 23/05/12
1439/11/2011211  The Environmental Legacy of Mining in Western AustraliaPiers VerstegenHon Robin ChappleLapsed 14/12/12
1423/11/2011325  Request for Department of Public Prosectutions, Inquiry Rex Bellotti JnrShilo HarrisonHon Giz WatsonFinalised 28/03/12
1411/11/201198  Better Bus Services Ellenbrook to MidlandKathleen MitchellHon Linda SavageFinalised 23/05/12
14020/10/201123  Overhead Powerlines Beachlands, Geraldton Harold CopleyHon Matt Benson-LidholmFinalised 07/03/12
13920/10/2011624  Bassett Road Senior Village KarrathaLlyrus WeightmanHon Helen BullockFinalised 23/05/12
13822/11/2011571  Model Workplace Health and Safety BillLinda MorichHon Kate DoustFinalised 02/11/11
13829/09/2011432  Model Workplace Health and Safety BillLinda MorichHon Kate DoustFinalised 02/11/11
13727/09/2011562  Emergency Accommodation for the HomelessJohn HamersleyHon Colin HoltFinalised 27/11/12 see Report 28
13627/09/2011434  Kwinana Air Buffer Zone ExtensionPhilip LinHon Sue ElleryFinalised 30/11/12 see Report 31
13522/09/2011249  Shenton College Catchment AreaCaroline CrispHon Giz WatsonFinalised 07/03/12
13522/09/20113  Shenton College Catchment AreaCaroline CrispHon Giz WatsonFinalised 07/03/12
13422/09/2011140  Violence in the Community of Geraldton and the Midwest Region Jennifer ClaytonHon Matt Benson-LidholmFinalised 28/03/12
13320/09/2011108  Proposed Purchase of Untitled Reserve for Urban Development, High WycombeMark GilksHon Linda SavageFinalised 30/11/11
13220/09/2011415  Electronic School Signage Balcatta Chris HattonHon Liz BehjatFinalised 02/11/11
1311/12/20115  Cement and Lime Manufacturing, Nowergup Sabine WintonHon Giz WatsonFinalised 16/05/12
1316/09/20116  Cement and Lime Manufacturing, NowergupSabine WintonHon Michael MischinLapsed 14/12/12
1301/09/20113918  Commercial Gill Net Fishing in the Southern OceanJack JenningsHon Nigel HallettFinalised 23/11/11
12918/08/2011880  Lack of Reticulated Electricity to Remote CommunitiesLurlyne BennettHon Nigel Hallett on behalf of the Hon Robyn McSweeneyFinalised 02/11/11
12816/08/2011299  Bus services for Yanchep and Two RocksJohn QuigleyHon Ken TraversFinalised 19/10/11
1276/09/2011199  Request to Inquire into Late Term Abortion Richard EganHon Nick GoiranFinalised 09/11/11
12716/08/20114945  Request to Inquire into Late Term AbortionRichard EganHon Kate DoustFinalised 09/11/11
12610/08/20114  Proposed Site Mundaring Weir Water Treatment FacilityMyles HarmerHon Alison XamonFinalised 07/03/12
12510/08/2011249  Restoration of the Electricity Net Feed in Tariff Anthony RyanHon Kate DoustFinalised 23/05/12
1258/09/2011210   Restoration of the Electricity Net Feed in Tariff Anthony RyanHon Kate DoustFinalised 23/05/12
12410/08/2011187  Proposed Mining near the Horizontal Falls, Buccaneer Archipelago Troy ThomasHon Robin ChappleFinalised 09/11/11
12428/09/2011326  Proposed Mining near the Horizontal Falls, Buccaneer Archipelago Troy ThomasHon Giz Watson on behalf of Hon Robin ChappleFinalised 09/11/11
12422/08/20124  Proposed Mining near the Horizontal Falls, Buccaneer ArchipelagoTroy ThomasHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 09/11/11
12330/06/2011144  Plans for new Overhead Powerlines in Beachlands, Geraldton Robert HallHon Matt Benson-LidholmFinalised 10/08/11
12329/09/201118  Plans for New Overhead Powerlines in Beachlands, Geraldton Harold CopelyHon Matt Benson-LidholmFinalised 10/08/11
12228/06/2011694   Dental Health Services in Newman Michael NielsonHon Jon FordFinalised 10/08/11
12128/06/2011424  East Greenwood Primary School Re-Development Brian CorrHon Giz WatsonFinalised 19/10/11
12128/06/2011424   East Greenwood Primary School Re-Development Brian CorrHon Ken TraversFinalised 19/10/11
1201/09/201122  Mandatory Sentencing and Mental Impairment Edwin SewardHon Wendy DuncanFinalised 17/08/11
12011/08/201155  Mandatory Sentencing and Mental Impairment - Edwin SewardHon Linda SavageFinalised 17/08/11
12030/06/201172  Mandatory Sentencing and Mental Impairment - Edwin SewardHon Alison XamonFinalised 17/08/11
12018/08/201168  Mandatory Sentencing and Mental Impairment Edwin SewardHon Alison XamonFinalised 17/08/11
12021/06/201177  Mandatory Sentencing and Mental Impairment Edwin SewardHon Alison XamonFinalised 17/08/11
11921/06/2011139  Protection of the Kimberley Coast Kerry MarvelHon Robin ChappleFinalised 10/08/11
11821/06/20114819   Genetically Modified Canola - Inquiry Request Janet GroganHon Sally TalbotFinalised 28/09/11
11823/06/201132  Genetically Modified Canola - Inquiry Request Janet GroganHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 28/09/11
1176/09/201132  Transperth Service ContractsKevin StarrHon Sally Talbot on behalf of Hon Ken TraversFinalised 10/08/11
11726/05/2011151   Transperth Service Contracts Kevin StarrHon Ken TraversFinalised 10/08/11
11621/06/201111  Western Australian Container Deposit Scheme Louise McInnesHon Sue ElleryFinalised 07/03/12
11620/03/201220  Western Australian Container Deposit SchemeDianne McArthurHon Sue ElleryFinalised 07/03/12
1166/03/20123  Western Australian Container Deposit SchemeC CelenzaHon Sue ElleryFinalised 07/03/12
11620/03/201224  Western Australian Container Deposit SchemeTeresa RocchiHon Sue ElleryFinalised 07/03/12
11626/05/201198  Western Australian Container Deposit SchemeMaurice WilsonHon Sally TalbotFinalised 07/03/12
1166/03/201220   Western Australian Container Deposit SchemeNed PotterHon Sue ElleryFinalised 07/03/12
11526/05/201179   Amendment 40 to the City of Swan Local Planning Scheme 17 Anne Margaret SibbelHon Alison XamonFinalised 10/08/11
11427/09/201117   Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 Gerard ManningHon Sue ElleryFinalised 19/10/11
11428/06/201178  Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 Otto HoeferHon Sue ElleryFinalised 19/10/11
11430/08/201111   Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 Gregory DohertyHon Sue ElleryFinalised 19/10/11
1141/09/2011917  Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011Dennis LiddlelowHon Jon FordFinalised 19/10/11
11427/09/201117   Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 Theresa SteeleHon Sue ElleryFinalised 19/10/11
11411/08/201162  Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011Henry Van AsHon Matt Benson-LidholmFinalised 19/10/11
11426/05/2011133  Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 Owen WhittleHon Jon FordFinalised 19/10/11
1149/08/2011110  Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 Robert WrightHon Matt Benson-LidholmFinalised 19/10/11
11417/05/201260  WA Jobs from WA Resources J OutramHon Linda SavageFinalised 19/10/11
11410/08/2011114  Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 Rebecca SintonHon Kate DoustFinalised 19/10/11
11429/06/2011114  Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 Julie KroeberHon Sue ElleryFinalised 19/10/11
1149/08/2011272  Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 John SargentHon Sue ElleryFinalised 19/10/11
11421/06/201119  Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 David O'BrienHon Sue ElleryFinalised 19/10/11
11426/05/2011395  Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011Owen WhittleHon Jon FordFinalised 19/10/11
11317/05/2011373  The Establishment of a Police Station in the Town of CapelLeslie Julia DavisHon Sally TalbotFinalised 10/08/11
11212/04/2011132  Re-development Plans for the Old Carine TAFE Site Martin BarmentlooHon Michael MischinFinalised 17/08/11
1115/04/201113436  Cottesloe Local Planning Scheme 3 John HammondHon Giz WatsonFinalised 18/05/11
1106/04/20111  Termination of the Building Disputes Tribunal Mr Andrew SamuelHon Michael MischinFinalised 18/05/11
1095/04/20111225  Transportation of Detained Persons Marc NewhouseHon Giz WatsonFinalised 18/07/11 see Report 23
10817/03/2011787  Swanbourne Hospital Conservation Area Raymond and John SimpsonHon Giz WatsonFinalised 22/06/11
10729/06/20111022   Proposed Coal Mine at Osmington, Margaret River Ms Tarna OsborneHon Adele FarinaFinalised 16/05/12
10715/02/20111599   Proposed coal Mine at Osmington Margaret River Ms Tarna OsborneHon Adele FarinaFinalised 16/05/12
1062/12/20104  Transperth Service ContractsMr Kevin StarrHon Ken TraversFinalised 16/02/11
1052/12/201014  Payment of Sewerage rates in Wyndham (New Town)Marten VnemaHon Wendy DuncanFinalised 16/02/11
10425/11/2010175  Water Licence being applied for by Karara Mining Ltd in the Parmelia Leederville Aquifer Mingenew Sub Region Peter HorwoodHon Mia DaviesFinalised 25/05/11
10325/11/201047  Proposed Kununarra Heavy Vehicle Route and construction of bridge over Ord River Tom Stephens MLAHon Helen BullockFinalised 13/04/11
10224/11/2010145  Canning Bridge Precinct Vision Kim StedmanHon Phil EdmanFinalised 16/02/11
10124/11/2010  Funding for the Animal Welfare Unit Inspectorate Lisa Baker MLAHon Ken TraversFinalised 25/05/11
10017/11/201059  Transperth Changes to Bus Route (number 19), Yokine Karen MilliganHon Ken TraversFinalised 18/05/11
999/11/20101045   Industrial LNG Hub at James Price Point, Broome Nik WeversHon Robin ChappleFinalised 13/04/11
9917/11/201085   Industrial LNG Hub at James Price Point, Broome Nik WeversHon Robin ChappleFinalised 13/04/11
9821/10/201039  Establishment of a Mental Impairment Court Intervention Program Margaret DohertyHon Alison XamonFinalised 23/03/11
9813/10/201035   Establishment of a Mental Impairment Court Intervention Program Margaret DohertyHon Alison XamonFinalised 23/03/11
9721/09/20101852  Legislation of a Voluntary Euthanasia Bill WA Voluntary Euthanasia Society (Inc)Hon Linda SavageFinalised 20/10/10
9623/09/2010185  Reduction of Maximum Boat Speed in the Swan and Canning Rivers Lisa Baker MLAHon Sally TalbotFinalised 16/02/11
9516/09/201017  Appointment of the Independent Expert Panel on Uranium Regulations by the Director General of the Department of Mines and Petroleum Conservation Council of WAHon Robin ChappleFinalised 13/04/11
9415/09/2010164  Water Use in Karratha Raymond WardHon Kate DoustFinalised 23/03/11
939/09/20104518  Pinjar South - Proposed Inclusion as a Priority Area in the Industrial Land Strategy 2009 - Perth and Peel Glynis MonksHon Ken TraversFinalised 16/02/11
9217/08/201068  Designated Kite-Surfing Area on Mullaloo Beach Mullaloo Beach CommunityHon Ken TraversFinalised 16/02/11
9112/08/2010273  Dampier Primary School - Year 7 Children Relocating to High School Tracey BalchHon Colin Holt on behalf of Hon Wendy DuncanFinalised 17/11/10
9011/08/20101576  Oppose the Closure of ACTIV Business Service Centre in Busselton Ian BarkerHon Adele FarinaFinalised 13/10/10
8912/08/201040  Removal of Year 11 and 12 students from 21 District High Schools across Western Australia Laurie PearceHon Matt Benson-LidholmFinalised 11/08/10
891/07/201013   Removal of Year 11 and 12 Students from 21 District High Schools across Western Australia Laurie PearceHon Matt Benson-LidholmFinalised 11/08/10
8830/06/201057   Installation of a Zebra Crossing on the Great Northern Highway, Bindoon Barni NortonHon Philip GardinerFinalised 10/09/10
871/07/2010211   Location of a Department of Child Protection Facility without ConsultationChas HopkinsHon Ken TraversFinalised 13/10/10
871/07/201073  Location of a Department of Child Protection Facility without ConsultationChas HopkinsHon Ken TraversFinalised 13/10/10
8630/06/2010407  Preserving Part of Bunbury’s Timber Jetty Beulah ManeaHon Adele FarinaFinalised 29/06/11
8530/06/201048   Installation of fixed speed cameras on the Great Northern Highway, BindoonBarni NortonHon Mia DaviesFinalised 18/0810
8424/06/2010201   Closure of the Muresk Campus near NorthamIan FairnieHon Colin Holt on behalf of the Hon Philip GardinerFinalised 18/05/11
8323/06/2010269   Live Animal Trade People Against Cruelty in Animal TransportHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 23/03/11
8223/06/20103398   Live Animal Trade People Against Cruelty in Animal TransportHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 23/03/11
8123/06/20101451  Preservation of Warrup Forest Block Russell HamiltonHon Giz WatsonFinalised 19/10/11
8018/08/201042   Tier 3 Narrow Gauge Rail Lines in the Wheatbelt- Ian LaneHon Matt Benson-LidholmFinalised 13/10/10
8023/06/201050  Tier 3 Narrow Gauge Rail Lines in the WheatbeltIan LaneHon Matt Benson-LidholmFinalised 13/10/10
8018/08/201022  Tier 3 Narrow Gauge Rail Lines in the Wheatbelt Ian LaneHon Matt Benson-LidholmFinalised 13/10/10
7922/06/20105352  Proposed Chlorination of Busselton’s Water Supply Diana MichaelsHon Adele FarinaFinalised 17/11/10
7822/06/201049  Better Bus Services Dianna GuiseHon Ken TraversFinalised 24/11/10
7817/11/2010   Better Bus ServicesDianne GuiseHon Ken TraversFinalised 24/11/10
7722/06/2010409   Infill Sewerage Program in Quinns RocksTracey RobertsHon Ken TraversFinalised 05/04/11
7627/05/2010467  Rezoning of Special Rural Land in MariginiupGlynis MonksHon Ken TraversFinalised 13/10/10
7517/06/201055  Endorsement of Community Psychology and Health Psychology practices under the National Registration and Accreditation SchemeDr Ken RobinsonHon Alison XamonFinalised 24/11/10
7427/05/2010281  Establishment of a Specialist Psychologists Registration BoardDr Marjorie CollinsHon Alison XamonFinalised 23/06/12
7326/05/2010281  Rezoning of Underground Water Pollution Control Area in Pinjar South Glynis MonksHon Ken TraversFinalised 13/10/10
7225/05/2010   Plastic Shopping Bags - Ban Barbara WilsonHon Sally TalbotFinalised 20/06/10
7125/05/2010100  Cockburn Cement Ltd MunsterPhilip EvaHon Sally TalbotReport No 24 20/10/11
7126/05/201060   Cockburn Cement Ltd MunsterPhilip EvaHon Sally TalbotReport No 24 20/10/11
7130/06/2010260  Cockburn Cement Ltd Munster Philip EvaHon Hon Sally TalbotReport No 24 20/10/11
7122/06/2010100  Cockburn Cement Ltd Munster Philip EvaHon Sally TalbotReport No 24 20/10/11
711/07/2010239   Cockburn Cement Ltd Munster Philip EvaHon Sally TalbotReport No 24 20/10/11
7129/06/2010272  Cockburn Cement Ltd Munster Philip EvaHon Sally TalbotReport No 24 20/10/11
7123/06/2010200  Cockburn Cement Ltd Munster PhilipEvaHon Sally TalbotReport No 24 20/10/11
7020/05/2010386   Inadequate Mobile Telephone Coverage in the Eyre RegionKelly FlackHon Wendy DuncanFinalised 18/08/10
6920/05/2010645  Unallocated Crown Land Donovan Street Bushland, AugustaProfessor Don DradshawHon Nigel HallettFinalised 15/09/10
686/05/2010138   Air conditioning in State Government Schools Glyn CooperHon Linda SavageFinalised 23/03/11
675/05/20101113   Oppose Closure of all Waters Including Oyster Harbour Paul BensonHon Colin HoltFinalised 11/08/10
664/05/2010410   Proposed Limestone Quarry and Batching Plant at Nowergup Sabine WintonHon Giz WatsonFinalised 23/06/10
654/05/2010871  Water Equality in Esperance Greg ColeHon Wendy DuncanFinalised 17/11/10
6420/04/201028   Residents at Condicote Loop Butler Anthony SummersHon Michael MischinFinalised 08/11/10
6330/03/2010138  Interim Care Centre for Abused Juveniles Paul Miles MLAHon Michael MischinFinalised 11/08/10
6223/03/2010677   Broome Boating Facilities Development Jeffrey CooperHon Ken BastonFinalised 23/06/10
604/03/2010101  Prostitution Amendment Act 2008 (WA) Repeal Gail GiffordHon Nick GoiranFinalised 11/08/10
594/03/2010185   Breast Feeding Legislation jess bevanHon Adele FarinaFinalised 24/03/10
594/03/2010   Breast Feeding Legislation Jess BevanHon Adele FarinaFinalised 24/03/10
573/03/2010133  Bauxite Mining in the Shire of Chittering and Darling Range S Cray & L CuffHon Sally TalbotFinalised 23/06/10
571/04/201057   Bauxite Mining in the Shire of Chittering and Darling Range S Cray & L Cuff Hon Sally TalbotFinalised 23/06/10
563/03/2010865  Derby/West Kimberley Shire Opposing the Withdrawal of Health ServicesShane BurgeHon Wendy DuncanFinalised 30/06/10
563/03/20104  Derby/West Kimberley Shire Oppose the Withdrawal of Health ServicesShane BurgeHon Wendy DuncanFinalised 30/06/10
553/03/201048  Strawberry Packaging Shed on a Rural Resource PropertyDonna NorthHon Michael MischinFinalised 23/06/10
543/03/20101129   Carnarvon and Gascoyne Region Criminal Sentencing and Delivery of JusticePeter CauntHon Ken BastonFinalised 11/08/10
5324/11/2009357   Redress WA Scheme Stell ThomasHon Sue ElleryFinalised 24/03/10
5121/09/201057  Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia John BarichHon Nick GoiranFinalised 13/10/10
5125/11/20091011  Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia Peter O'MearaHon Nick GoiranFinalised 13/10/10
5121/09/2010100  Oppose Voluntary Euthanasia Gillian GonzalezHon Liz BehjatFinalised 13/10/10
5125/03/201039  Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia John BarichHon Nick GoiranFinalised 13/10/10
5117/11/20091011  Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia Peter O'MearaHon Helen MortonFinalised 13/10/10
511/04/201077  Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia Gary KleynHon Nick GoiranFinalised 13/10/10
5121/09/2010358  Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia Anne EdgarHon Nick GoiranFinalised 13/10/10
5125/03/2010904  Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia Royce VermeulenHon Nick GoiranFinalised 13/10/10
5121/09/201067  Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia Peter O'MearaHon Nick GoiranFinalised 13/10/10
5125/03/201017  Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia Peter O'MearaHon Nick GoiranFinalised 13/10/10
513/03/2010920   Opoosing Voluntary Euthanasia Peter O'MearaHon Nick GoiranFinalised 13/10/10
5110/11/20091018  Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia John BarichHon Nick GoiranFinalised 13/10/10
5124/11/20091004  Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia Peter O'MearaHon Helen BullockFinalised 13/10/10
511/04/201033  Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia Gillian GonzalezHon Nick GoiranFinalised 13/10/10
5010/11/20091932  Shack Site Communities Mick KontoolasHon Liz BehjatFinalised 14/04/11
4912/11/200980  Moore River Development John PrinceHon Giz WatsonFinalised 23/06/10
4913/10/2009191  Moore River Development John PrinceHon Giz WatsonFinalised 23/06/10
4920/04/201068  Moore River Development John PrinceHon Giz WatsonFinalised 23/06/10
4813/10/200964  Safe Transportation Management Handling and Export of Mining Products and Hazardous Materials Jane BremmerHon Robin ChappleFinalised 21/04/10
4713/10/2009176  Replacement of the Boorara Road Bridge Paul OwensHon Robyn McSweeneyFinalised 03/03/10
4613/05/200942   Land clearing in the Rockingham National Park Barry JaneHon Sue ElleryFinalised 23/06/10
4524/09/20092031  Esperance Anglican Community School - Registration for Years 11 and 12 Lisa GardinerHon Wendy DuncanFinalised 03/03/10
4416/09/200932  Route 344 Bus Service - South Ballajura Community Centre Luke SimpkinsHon Alyssa HaydenFinalised 03/03/10
4316/09/20094940   Transportation of Detained Persons Mark NewhouseHon Giz WatsonReport 23 18/07/11
4216/09/2009477  Recreational Fishing Licence and Fees - Increase in Fee Shane HillHon Matt Benson-LidholmFinalised 21/10/09
4222/10/2009530  Recreational Fishing Licence and Fees - Increase in Fee Benjamin PatrickHon Adele FarinaFinalised 21/10/09
4210/09/2009234  Recreational Fishing Licence and Fees - Increase in Fee Neil PatrickHon Jon FordFinalised 21/10/09
4210/11/200938  Recreational Fishing Licence and Fees - Increase in Fee Benjamin PatrickHon Matt Benson-LidholmFinalised 21/10/12
418/09/200995  Swan River Crab Fishery Closure Theo KallisHon Liz BehjatFinalised 11/11/09
418/09/2009247   Swan River Crab Fishery Closure Dom CurulliHon Liz BehjatFinalised 11/11/09
418/09/20091552  Swan River Crab Fishery Closure Peter and Louis LynchHon Liz BehjatFinalised 11/11/09
408/09/2009898   Mundlimup Forest Jarrahdale Logging Pia Steele and Jan StarHon Alison XamonFinalised 05/05/10
3913/08/20091672   Busselton Hospital - Immediate Construction New HospitalGary NordenHon Colin HoltFinalised 23/06/12
3830/03/201043  Uranium Mining in Western Australia Janet MarshHon Robin ChappleFinalised 21/04/10
3812/09/201221   Uranium Mining in Western AustraliaJo VallentineHon Linda SavageFinalised 21/04/10
3813/08/2009182   Uranium Mining in Western AustraliaJo ValentineHon Alison XamonFinalised 21/04/10
3712/08/2009541  Hanson Quarry Expansion Swan Valley Ratepayers & Residents AssociationHon Alison XamonFinalised 07/03/12
3613/10/200912  First Click Computer Funding Cuts Hon Sue Ellery MLCHon Kate DoustFinalised 14/10/09
3612/08/200946   First Click Computer Funding Cuts Hon Sue Ellery MLCHon Kate DoustFinalised 14/10/09
3524/03/201020   Depleted Uranium Munitions Scott LudlumHon Alison XamonFinalised 11/11/09
3511/08/200920  Depleted Uranium Munitions Scott LudlumHon Alison XamonFinalised 11/11/09
3424/06/2009110  Geraldton Foreshore Proposed Redevelopment Gerard GouldHon Philip GardinerFinalised 11/11/09
3325/06/2009209   Deep Sewerage in the Cockburn Area Mary JenkinsHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 14/12/09 see Report No 18
332/06/200920  Deep Sewerage in the Cockburn Area Mary JenkinsHon Lynn MacLarenFinalised 14/12/09 see Report No 18
322/06/2009593   Legislation of a Voluntary Euthanasia Bill Pamela BarrettHon Robin ChappleFinalised 12/08/09
312/06/20091634   Scarborough Beach Road - Lack of Adequate Safe Pedestrian CrossingsJack WilkinsHon Liz BehjatFinalised 11/11/09
3019/05/2009629  Collie Shire Council’s Town Planning Scheme No. 5 (TPS5) kathy millerHon Paul LlewellynFinalised 12/08/09
2913/05/20092195   Blair Street and Koombana Drive, Lots 707, 681, and 723 - Retain as a Parks and Recreation Reserve Karen SteeleHon Paul LlewellynFinalised 03/03/10
2813/05/200912  Emu Point, Albany Redevelopment Barbara McAllisterHon Paul LlewellynFinalised 12/08/09
276/05/2009152   Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2008 Jan WhitehurstHon Barry HouseFinalised 24/06/09
266/05/2009695  Turner Caravan Park - Redevelopment by the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River Peter Toy, Brian Fearn, Lorraine Monahan, Janice Innis Hon Barry HouseFinalised 19/08/09
2531/03/2009293  Esperance Residential CollegeKathy BoladerasHon Wendy DuncanFinalised 11/11/09
256/05/200981   Esperance Residential CollegeKathy BoladerasHon Wendy DuncanFinalised 11/011/09
2418/03/2009257   Passenger Rail Service Between Perth and GeraldtonAlbert TonksHon Brian EllisFinalised 14/10/09
2318/03/20091  Dalyellup Beach Estate BushlandNicolette PrefumoHon Adele FarinaFinalised 09/09/09
2218/03/200969  To Maintain W.A. as a Genetically Modified (GM) Free Zone Elsie BaesjouHon Matt Benson-LidholmFinalised 17/06/09
2117/03/200916  Roe Highway Stage 8 Dr Felicity McGeorgeHon Sally TalbotLapsed 14/12/12
2011/03/2009164  Daylight Saving Bill 2006 Alexandra HawthorneHon Barry HouseFinalised 18/03/09
1911/03/20091  Construction of Showrooms Ewen Street, Woodlands Elizabeth ReHon Barry HouseFinalised 12/08/09
189/12/20081   Western Australian Electoral Commission Terrance LoftusHon Ken TraversFinalised 11/03/09
173/12/200853   Regional Resource Recovery Centre - Canning Vale Rod OlsenHon Simon O’BrienReport 16 19/05/09
168/09/20093294  Oppose the Development of a LNG Processing Hub on the Kimberley Coast Kerry MarvelHon Giz WatsonFinalised 13/05/09
1611/08/20091558  Oppose the Development of a LNG Processing Hub on the Kimberley Coast Kerry MarvelHon Giz WatsonFinalised 13/05/09
1626/11/2008758  Oppose the Development of a LNG Processing Hub on the Kimberley Coast Kerry MarvelHon Giz WatsonFinalised 13/05/09
1526/11/20082129  Royal Perth HospitalRPH Ex Tainees AssociatesHon Simon O’BrienFinalised 02/12/08
1425/11/2008216  Yalgorup National ParkFragyle Inc.Hon Sally TalbotFinalised 13/05/09
1325/11/20086   Shortage of Abattoir Capacity in the State Hon Brian EllisFinalised 03/03/10
1225/11/20081  Rezoning of A Class Reserve at Lake Claremont Peter StanardPeter CollierFinalised 13/02/09
1110/03/2009537  W.A. as a Genetically Modified (GM) Free Zone Maggie LilithHon Giz WatsonFinalised 11/03/09
1113/11/20082623  W.A. as a Genetically Modified (GM) Free Zone Maggie LilithHon Giz WatsonFinalised 11/03/09
1126/11/2008608   W.A. as a Genetically Modified (GM) Free Zone Maggie LilithHon Giz WatsonFinalised 11/03/09
119/12/2008797  W.A. as a Genetically Modified (GM) Free Zone Maggie LilithHon Giz WatsonFinalised 11/03/09