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Invite Presiding Officers to an event

Each year, the Presiding Officers attend special events, ceremonies and celebrations across the state, both together and separately. If you would like to invite one or both Presiding Officers to attend an event, please write a letter and include the following information:

  • background information on the event or organisation
  • the date and time of the event and the venue
  • the number of people expected to participate
  • the role you would like the Presiding Officers to play, if any (e.g. speech, award presentation etc)
  • name, telephone and email address of contact person

Please keep in mind that their programs are planned well in advance.

Please send your invitation by regular mail or by email to:

President of the Legislative Council
Parliament House
4 Harvest Terrace
West Perth WA 6005
Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
Parliament House
4 Harvest Terrace
West Perth WA 6005


Decisions to attend are based on their availability, confirmed program of engagements, travel requirements and other factors.