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    Next sitting day is yet to be announced

Educators and students

The Parliamentary Education Office provides education services that inspire, inform, engage and connect schools, students and the community to the Parliament of Western Australia.


Interactive teacher and student workbooks.
Five teacher and student curriculum-based workbooks

Our programs

Dynamic programs for students and teachers.
A Parliamentary Education Presenter delivering an education session to a regional school

Virtual Q&A Sessions

Book a 30 minute tailored Q&A session
A Parliamentary Education Presenter delivering an education session to a regional school


Hands-on learning about the lawmaking process.
Students from St Mark’s Anglican Community School participating in a role-play in the Legislative Assembly Chamber


Engaging videos on our Parliament.
Animated view of jellybeans explaining the difference between Parliament and government

Outdoor Activities

Explore the grounds with our outdoor activities
students looking at the treasure map activity sheet

Educational tours

Actively learn about our democratic system.
Students from One Arm Point Remote Community School seated against a banner of Parliament House

Frequently asked questions

Your questions about Parliament answered.
Two students from Clontarf Aboriginal School looking quizzical