| | |
 | Aboriginal Constitutional Recognition Committee |
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 | Adequacy of Foster Care Assessment Procedures by the Department for Community Development Committee |
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 | Advocacy for Children (Appointment of a Commissioner for Children) Committee |
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 | Ancient Shipwrecks Committee |
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 | Anti-Corruption Commission Joint Committee (1997 - 2001) |
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 | Anti-Corruption Commission Joint Committee (2001 - 2004) |
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 | Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People (2008 - 2013) |
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 | Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People (2013 - 2017) |
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 | Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People (2017 - 2021) |
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 | Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People (2021 - 2025) |
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 | Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission (2004 - 2005) |
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 | Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission (2005 - 2008) |
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 | Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission (2008 - 2013) |
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 | Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission (2013 - 2017) |
| |
 | Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission (2017 - 2021) |
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 | Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission (2021 - 2025) |
| |
 | Committee on the Review of the Racing and Wagering Western Australia Acts (2008 - 2013) |
| |
 | Community Development and Justice Committee (2001 - 2005) |
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 | Community Development and Justice Committee (2005 - 2008) |
| |
 | Community Development and Justice Committee (2008 - 2013) |
| |
 | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) |
| |
 | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2017 - 2021) |
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 | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2021 - 2025) |
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 | Constitutional Affairs Committee (1989 - 2001) |
| |
| Report 1, Report in relation to a Petition Seeking Legislation on Various Aspects of Substantive Law and Procedural Law Relating to Sex Offences against Children (24/10/1991)
|  |
| Report 2, Interim Report on its Inquiry into Links Between Government Agencies and the Failed Western Women Group (04/11/1992)
|  |
| Report 3, Second Interim Report on Alleged Links Between Government Agencies and the Failed Western Women Group (02/12/1993)
|  |
| Report 4, Report in relation to a Petition requesting the Legislative Council to Investigate whether the Proposed Dissolution of the City of Perth Contravenes the Constitution Act 1889 or any other Act or Statute (02/12/1993)
|  |
| Report 5, Report in relation to a Petition requesting the Ban on the use of Fishing Nets (Other than Prawn Drag Nets and Throw Nets) for Recreational Fishing in the Pilbara Region and the Phasing Out of Certain Professional Licence Endorsements (16/12/1993)
|  |
| Report 6, Report in relation to a Petition concerning the Export of Iron Ore through Esperance (13/04/1994)
|  |
| Report 7, Report in relation to a Petition Concerning the Town of Wittenoom (13/04/1994)
|  |
| Report 8, Overview of Petitions: June 1993 - March 1994 (29/06/1994)
|  |
| Report 9, Overview of Petitions: May 1994 - December 1994 (15/12/1994)
|  |
| Report 10, Report in relation to a Petition regarding the Port Kennedy Development (25/05/1995)
|  |
| Report 11, Report in relation to the Electronic Availability of Statutes (20/06/1996)
|  |
| Report 12, Report in relation to a Petition Regarding the Swan Valley and Whiteman Park (20/06/1996)
|  |
| Report 13, Report in relation to a Petition Concerning Compulsory Connection to the Sewerage System (27/06/1996)
|  |
| Report 14, Report in relation to a Petition Objecting to the Government's Decision to Restrict the Use by Pensioners of their Free Westrail Entitlement During Holiday Periods (04/09/1996)
|  |
| Report 15, Overview of Petitions: March 1995 - March 1996 (26/09/1996)
|  |
| Report 16, Report in relation to a Petition regarding the Effect of Soil Conservation Policy on Clearing Controls and Remnant Vegetation Management (17/10/1996)
|  |
| Report 17, Report in relation to a Petition regarding Hardship due to the Formerly Rare and Endangered Plant Acacia Guinetti (12/11/1996)
|  |
| Report 18, Overview of Petitions: March 1996 - November 1996 (11/07/1997)
|  |
| Report 19, Report in relation to Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 1997 (16/10/1997)
|  |
| Report 20, Report in relation to a Petition Regarding the Application for Registration as a Painter Under the Painters' Registration Act 1961 of James Allison (17/03/1998)
|  |
| Report 21, Report in relation to Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill (No. 2) 1997 (01/04/1998)
|  |
| Report 22, Report in relation to the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Bill 1998 and Acts Repeal and Amendment (Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration) Bill 1998 (27/05/1998)
|  |
| Report 23, Report in relation to Petitions Regarding Voluntary Euthanasia (09/06/1998)
|  |
| Report 24, Report into a Petition Regarding the Funding and Care Provided to People with Acquired Brain Injury (23/06/1998)
|  |
| Report 25, Rail Safety Bill 1998 (23/06/1998)
|  |
| Report 26, Report in relation to the Government Railways (Access) Bill 1998 (15/09/1998)
|  |
| Report 27, Report in relation to the Dangerous Goods (Transport) Bill 1998 and the Dangerous Goods (Transport) (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1998 (13/10/1998)
|  |
| Report 28, Report in relation to the Gas Pipelines Access (Western Australia) Bill 1998 (12/11/1998)
|  |
| Report 29, Report in relation to the Friendly Societies (Western Australia) Bill 1998 and Friendly Societies (Taxing) Bill 1998 (18/11/1998)
|  |
| Report 30, Overview of Petitions: March 1997 - August 1998 (08/12/1998)
|  |
| Report 31, Report in relation to a Petition regarding Debt Imposition on Local Government Authorities for Meat Inspection Fees (18/12/1998)
|  |
| Report 32, In relation to the Crimes at Sea Bill 1999 and Proposed Intergovernmental Agreement (04/05/1999)
|  |
| Report 33, A report in relation to a Petiton Requesting the Successful Establishment of a Tidal Power Project in Doctor's Creek at Derby (13/05/1999)
|  |
| Report 34, Report in relation to Commonwealth Places (Mirror Taxes Administration) Bill 1998 (25/05/1999)
|  |
| Report 35, Report in relation to a Petition regarding the actions of the City of Fremantle concerning Ocean View Lodge (26/05/1999)
|  |
| Report 36, Report in relation to a Petition to Preserve Swanbourne Village by Opposing the Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment No.982/33 - Regional Roads (Part 3) (22/06/1999)
|  |
| Report 37, A Petition objecting to the practice of landfilling with demolition waste in the area of Bird and Jackson Roads in Mundijong (01/07/1999)
|  |
| Report 38, A Seminar on the Role of Parliaments in Treaty Making Canberra 24 and 25 June 1999 (26/07/1999)
|  |
| Report 39, A Petition Requesting the Legislative Council to Enquire into the City of Perth's Ownership of Lot 17 Mindarie/Tamala Park (26/07/1999)
|  |
| Report 40, A Petition Opposing the Potential for Serious Road Accidents at the Bunbury Highways Junctions (26/07/1999)
|  |
| Report 41, Overview of Petitions August 1998 - August 1999 (14/09/1999)
|  |
| Report 42, Prisoners (International Transfer) Bill 1999 (13/10/1999)
|  |
| Report 43, Standing Order 134 Concerning a Petition Regarding Issues of Community Concern in Regard to the City of Albany (28/10/1999)
|  |
| Report 44, The Financial Relations Agreement (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999 and the State Entities (Payments) Bill 1999 (23/11/1999)
|  |
| Report 45, The New Tax System Price Exploitation Code (Western Australia) Bill 1999 and the New Tax System Price Exploitation Code (Taxing) Bill 1999 (23/11/1999)
|  |
| Report 46, The Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Bill 1999 (07/12/1999)
|  |
| Report 47, A Petition Regarding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (07/12/1999)
|  |
| Report 48, A Petition requesting that Community Based Midwifery be included in State Health Services (14/12/1999)
|  |
| Report 49, Correction to Report 38: A Seminar on the Role of Parliaments in Treaty Making: Canberra June 24 and 25 1999 (02/05/2000)
|  |
| Report 50, A Report in relation to A Petition into Homeswest and the Department of Land Administration Policies: Opposing the proposed subdivision of land owned by Homeswest in Spencer Park Albany (02/05/2000)
|  |
| Report 51, First Home Owner Grant Bill 2000 (23/05/2000)
|  |
| Report 52, Denmark Agricultural School - Requesting the retention of the buildings which have housed the school since the 1940's (23/05/2000)
|  |
| Report 53, Dairy Industry and Herd Improvement Legislation Repeal Bill 2000 (20/06/2000)
|  |
| Report 54, A Petition requesting the Suspension of the Joint Venture Tender Process and Community Consultation with Respect to the Leighton Marshalling Yards Redevelopment (14/07/2000)
|  |
| Report 55, A Petition Opposing the Closure of the Swimming Pool at Yanchep National Park (01/08/2000)
|  |
| Report 56, Overview of Petitions August 1999 - August 2000 (07/09/2000)
|  |
| Report 57, Acts Amendment (Australian Datum) Bill 2000 (10/10/2000)
|  |
| Report 58, Electronic Transaction Bill 2000 (07/11/2000)
|  |
| Report 59, A Petition Requesting Action to Cut Fuel Costs (14/11/2000)
|  |
| Report 60, First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill 2000 (16/11/2000)
|  |
| Report 61, Rural Business Development Corporation Bill 2000 (23/11/2000)
|  |
| Report 62, A Petition Objecting to the Practice of Landfilling with Demolition Waste in the Area of Bird and Jackson Roads in Mundijong: Part 2 (09/01/2001)
|  |
 | Crime Prevention Committee |
| |
 | Delegated Legislation Committee (2001 - 2017) |
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 | Delegated Legislation Committee (2017-2021) |
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 | Delegated Legislation Committee (2021 - 2025) |
| |
 | Delegated Legislation Joint Committee (1987 - 2001) |
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 | Department of Education and Training Select Committee |
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 | Ecologically Sustainable Development Committee (1997 - 2001) |
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 | Economics and Industry Committee (2001 - 2005) |
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 | Economics and Industry Committee (2005 - 2008) |
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 | Economics and Industry Committee (2008 - 2013) |
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 | Economics and Industry Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) |
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 | Economics and Industry Standing Committee (2017 - 2021) |
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 | Economics and Industry Standing Committee (2021 - 2025) |
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 | Education and Health Committee (2001 - 2005) |
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 | Education and Health Committee (2005 - 2008) |
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 | Education and Health Committee (2008 - 2013) |
| |
 | Education and Health Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) |
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 | Education and Health Standing Committee (2017 - 2021) |
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 | Education and Health Standing Committee (2021 - 2025) |
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 | End of Life Choices Committee |
| |
 | Environment and Public Affairs Committee |
| |
 | Environment and Public Affairs Committee (2001 - 2005) |
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 | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee |
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 | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee (1989 - 2001) |
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 | Heavy Transport Committee |
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 | Human Reproductive Technology Act 1991 Committee |
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 | Immunisation & Vaccination Rates in Children Committee |
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 | Intervention in Childbirth Committee |
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 | Joint Audit Committee (2013 - 2017) |
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 | Joint Audit Committee (2017 - 2021) |
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 | Joint Audit Committee (2021 - 2025) |
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 | Legislation Committee |
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 | Legislation Committee (1989 - 2001) |
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 | Legislation Committee (2001 - 2005) |
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 | Misuse of Drugs Act 1981 Committee |
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 | Native Title Legislation Committee |
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 | Native Title Rights in Western Australia Committee |
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 | Palliative Care in Western Australia Committee |
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 | Personal Choice and Community Safety Committee |
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 | Perth's Air Quality Committee |
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 | Petroleum Products Pricing in Western Australia Committee |
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 | Privilege on a Failure to Produce Documents under Summons (1998) Committee |
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 | Privilege on a Failure to Produce Documents under Summons (1999) Committee |
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 | Procedure and Privileges Committee |
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 | Procedure and Privileges Committee (2001 - 2005) |
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 | Procedure and Privileges Committee (2005 - 2008) |
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 | Procedure and Privileges Committee (2008 - 2013) |
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 | Procedure and Privileges Committee (2013 - 2017) |
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 | Procedure and Privileges Committee (2017 - 2021) |
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 | Procedure and Privileges Committee (Council) |
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 | Public Accounts Committee (1986 - 2001) |
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 | Public Accounts Committee (2001 - 2005) |
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 | Public Accounts Committee (2005 - 2008) |
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 | Public Accounts Committee (2008 - 2013) |
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 | Public Accounts Committee (2013 - 2017) |
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 | Public Accounts Committee (2017 - 2021) |
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 | Public Accounts Committee (2021 - 2025) |
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 | Public Administration and Finance Committee (2001 - 2005) |
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 | Public Administration Committee |
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 | Public Administration Committee (1996 - 2001) |
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 | Public Obstetric Services Select Committee |
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 | Reserves (Reserve 43131) Bill 2003 Committee |
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 | Rules, Orders and Usage of the House Committee |
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 | Select Committee into alternate approaches to reducing illicit drug use and its effects on the community |
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 | Select Committee into Cannabis and Hemp |
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 | Select Committee into Child Development Services |
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 | Select Committee into Elder Abuse |
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 | Select Committee into Local Government |
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 | Select Committee into Mining on Pinjin Station |
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 | Select Committee into the Appropriateness of Powers and Penalties for Breaches of Parliamentary Privilege and Contempts of Parliament |
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 | Select Committee into the Appropriateness of Powers and Penalties for Breaches of Parliamentary Privilege and Contempts of Parliament (November 2008) |
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 | Select Committee into the Finance Broking Industry in Western Australia |
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 | Select Committee into the operations of The Royal Society for The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Western Australia (Inc) |
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 | Select Committee into the Police Raid on The Sunday Times |
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 | Standing Orders and Procedure Committee |
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 | Uniform Legislation and General Purposes Committee (2002 - 2005) |
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 | Uniform Legislation and Intergovernmental Agreements Committee |
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 | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee |
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 | Western Australian Police Service Committee |
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 | Workers' Compensation Committee |
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