| | |
 | Aboriginal Constitutional Recognition Committee |
| |
 | Adequacy of Foster Care Assessment Procedures by the Department for Community Development Committee |
| |
 | Advocacy for Children (Appointment of a Commissioner for Children) Committee |
| |
 | Ancient Shipwrecks Committee |
| |
 | Anti-Corruption Commission Joint Committee (1997 - 2001) |
| |
 | Anti-Corruption Commission Joint Committee (2001 - 2004) |
| |
 | Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People (2008 - 2013) |
| |
 | Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People (2013 - 2017) |
| |
 | Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People (2017 - 2021) |
| |
 | Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People (2021 - 2025) |
| |
 | Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission (2004 - 2005) |
| |
 | Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission (2005 - 2008) |
| |
 | Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission (2008 - 2013) |
| |
 | Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission (2013 - 2017) |
| |
 | Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission (2017 - 2021) |
| |
 | Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission (2021 - 2025) |
| |
 | Committee on the Review of the Racing and Wagering Western Australia Acts (2008 - 2013) |
| |
 | Community Development and Justice Committee (2001 - 2005) |
| |
 | Community Development and Justice Committee (2005 - 2008) |
| |
 | Community Development and Justice Committee (2008 - 2013) |
| |
 | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) |
| |
 | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2017 - 2021) |
| |
 | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2021 - 2025) |
| |
 | Constitutional Affairs Committee (1989 - 2001) |
| |
 | Crime Prevention Committee |
| |
 | Delegated Legislation Committee (2001 - 2017) |
| |
 | Delegated Legislation Committee (2017-2021) |
| |
 | Delegated Legislation Committee (2021 - 2025) |
| |
 | Delegated Legislation Joint Committee (1987 - 2001) |
| |
 | Department of Education and Training Select Committee |
| |
 | Ecologically Sustainable Development Committee (1997 - 2001) |
| |
 | Economics and Industry Committee (2001 - 2005) |
| |
 | Economics and Industry Committee (2005 - 2008) |
| |
 | Economics and Industry Committee (2008 - 2013) |
| |
 | Economics and Industry Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) |
| |
 | Economics and Industry Standing Committee (2017 - 2021) |
| |
 | Economics and Industry Standing Committee (2021 - 2025) |
| |
 | Education and Health Committee (2001 - 2005) |
| |
 | Education and Health Committee (2005 - 2008) |
| |
 | Education and Health Committee (2008 - 2013) |
| |
 | Education and Health Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) |
| |
 | Education and Health Standing Committee (2017 - 2021) |
| |
 | Education and Health Standing Committee (2021 - 2025) |
| |
 | End of Life Choices Committee |
| |
 | Environment and Public Affairs Committee |
| |
| Report 1, Preventing the Entry and Establishment of Cane Toads into Western Australia (15/09/2005)
|  |
| Report 2, Overview of Petitions Report (22/09/2005)
|  |
| Report 3, Overview of Petitions Report (1 Dec 2005) (01/12/2005)
|  |
| Report 4, Annual Report 2005 (23/03/2006)
|  |
| Report 5, Overview of Petitions (24/08/2006)
|  |
| Report 6, Overview of Petitions (06/12/2006)
|  |
| Report 7, A Petition into the Proposed Marina at Point Peron (07/12/2006)
|  |
| Report 8, Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2) 2006 (03/04/2007)
|  |
| Report 9, Annual Report 2006 (08/05/2007)
|  |
| Report 10, Overview of Petitions (27/09/2007)
|  |
| Report 11, Annual Report 2007 (27/02/2008)
|  |
| Report 12, Overview of Petitions (20/03/2008)
|  |
| Report 13, A Petition on Consumer Utility Hardship in Western Australia (10/04/2008)
|  |
| Report 14, Overview of Petitions Report (09/12/2008)
|  |
| Report 15, Annual Report 2008 (19/03/2009)
|  |
| Report 16, Municipal Waste Management in Western Australia (19/05/2009)
|  |
| Report 17, Overview of Petitions Report (26/11/2009)
|  |
| Report 18, Inquiry into Deep Sewerage in the Cockburn Area (18/12/2009)
|  |
| Report 19, Petition - Prayer for Relief (01/04/2010)
|  |
| Report 20, Overview of Petitions (12/08/2010)
|  |
| Report 21, Shack Sites in Western Australia (14/04/2011)
|  |
| Report 22, Overview of Petitions (18/07/2011)
|  |
| Report 23, Inquiry into the Transportation of Detained Persons: The Implementation of the Coroner's Recommendations in Relation to the Death of Mr Ward and Related Matters (18/07/2011)
|  |
| Report 24, Inquiry into Cockburn Cement Limited, Munster (20/10/2011)
|  |
| Report 25, Overview of Petitons (03/05/2012)
|  |
| Report 26, Petition No. 145 - Closure of Tier 3 Rail Lines in the Central Wheatbelt (21/06/2012)
|  |
| Report 27, Petition No. 161 - Review of the Laws Pertaining to Domestic Violence (13/09/2012)
|  |
| Report 28, Petition No 137 - Emergency Accommodation for the Homeless (27/11/2012)
|  |
| Interim Report 29, Inquiry into the Sandalwood Industry in Western Australia (27/11/2012)
|  |
| Report 30, Overview of Petitions (27/11/2012)
|  |
| Report 31, Petition No 136 - Kwinana Air Buffer Zone Extension: Mandogalup (30/11/2012)
|  |
| Report 32, Inquiry into the Sandalwood Industry in Western Australia - Terms of Reference (13/08/2013)
|  |
| Report 33, Inquiry into the Implications for Western Australia of Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional Gas - Terms of Reference (13/08/2013)
|  |
| Report 34, Inquiry into the Sandalwood Industry in Western Australia – Request for access to documents from the 38th Parliament (14/08/2013)
|  |
| Report 35, Inquiry into the Sandalwood Industry in Western Australia (06/05/2014)
|  |
| Report 36, Review of the Government Response to Report 35: Inquiry into the Sandalwood Industry in Western Australia (16/10/2014)
|  |
| Report 37, Overview of Petitions (23/10/2014)
|  |
| Report 38, Petition No 54 - Gidgegannup Urban Precinct (27/11/2014)
|  |
| Report 39, Petition Number 17 - Opposing Fee for 457 Visa Holders (02/12/2014)
|  |
| Report 40, Petition Number 23 - Increase Number of Mental Health Beds in New Perth Children's Hospital (26/03/2015)
|  |
| Report 41, Petition No. 42 - Request to repeal the Environmental Protection (Environmentally Sensitive Areas) Notice 2005 (11/08/2015)
|  |
| Report 42, Implications for Western Australia of Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional Gas (17/11/2015)
|  |
| Report 43, Overview of Petitions 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 (26/11/2015)
|  |
| Report 44, Overview of Petitions 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 (15/03/2016)
|  |
| Report 45, Petition Number 59 - Bio-Organics composting facility, Oakford (15/09/2016)
|  |
| Report 46, Overview of Petitions 1 January 2016 to 30 September 2016 (09/11/2016)
|  |
| Report 47, Inquiry into mechanisms for compensation for economic loss to farmers in Western Australia caused by contamination by genetically modified material - Terms of Reference (07/12/2017)
|  |
| Report 48, Overview of Petitions 16 May 2017 to 30 June 2018 (22/11/2018)
|  |
| Report 49, Mechanisms for compensation for economic loss to farmers in Western Australia caused by contamination by genetically modified material (14/02/2019)
|  |
| Report 50, Terms of Reference: Inquiry into children and young people on the Sex Offenders Register - is mandatory registration appropriate? (11/04/2019)
|  |
| Report 51, Terms of Reference: Inquiry into the functions, processes and procedures of the Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs (24/09/2019)
|  |
| Report 52, Punitive not protective: when the mandatory registration of young people is not based on risk (21/05/2020)
|  |
| Report 53, Overview of Petitions 1 July 2018 to 31 December 2018 (20/08/2020)
|  |
| Report 54, The functions, processes and procedures of the Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs - are they clear for petitioners and do they reflect its core petitions role? (17/09/2020)
|  |
| Report 55, Overview of Petitions 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2019 (24/09/2020)
|  |
| Report 56, Overview of Petitions 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 (24/09/2020)
|  |
| Report 57, Overview of Petitions 1 July 2020 to 31 October 2020 (26/11/2020)
|  |
| Report 58, Overview of Petitions 2 June 2021 to 2 December 2021 (24/03/2022)
|  |
| Report 59, Overview of Petitions 3 December 2021 to 30 June 2022 (13/10/2022)
|  |
| Report 60, Petition No. 020 – Dog Act 1976 (24/11/2022)
|  |
| Report 61, Terms of reference: Inquiry into past forced adoptive policies and practices (22/02/2023)
|  |
| Report 62, Petition No. 029 – Request for an independent review of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions prescribed burning practices (22/06/2023)
|  |
| Report 63, Overview of Petitions 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2022 (22/06/2023)
|  |
| Report 64, Overview of Petitions 1 January 2023 - 30 June 2023 (14/09/2023)
|  |
| Report 65, Overview of Petitions 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2023 (14/03/2024)
|  |
| Report 66, Broken Bonds, Fractured Lives: report on the inquiry into past forced adoption in Western Australia (22/08/2024)
|  |
| Report 67, Overview of Petitions 1 January 2024 to 30 September 2024 (14/11/2024)
|  |
 | Environment and Public Affairs Committee (2001 - 2005) |
| |
 | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee |
| |
 | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee (1989 - 2001) |
| |
 | Heavy Transport Committee |
| |
 | Human Reproductive Technology Act 1991 Committee |
| |
 | Immunisation & Vaccination Rates in Children Committee |
| |
 | Intervention in Childbirth Committee |
| |
 | Joint Audit Committee (2013 - 2017) |
| |
 | Joint Audit Committee (2017 - 2021) |
| |
 | Joint Audit Committee (2021 - 2025) |
| |
 | Legislation Committee |
| |
 | Legislation Committee (1989 - 2001) |
| |
 | Legislation Committee (2001 - 2005) |
| |
 | Misuse of Drugs Act 1981 Committee |
| |
 | Native Title Legislation Committee |
| |
 | Native Title Rights in Western Australia Committee |
| |
 | Palliative Care in Western Australia Committee |
| |
 | Personal Choice and Community Safety Committee |
| |
 | Perth's Air Quality Committee |
| |
 | Petroleum Products Pricing in Western Australia Committee |
| |
 | Privilege on a Failure to Produce Documents under Summons (1998) Committee |
| |
 | Privilege on a Failure to Produce Documents under Summons (1999) Committee |
| |
 | Procedure and Privileges Committee |
| |
 | Procedure and Privileges Committee (2001 - 2005) |
| |
 | Procedure and Privileges Committee (2005 - 2008) |
| |
 | Procedure and Privileges Committee (2008 - 2013) |
| |
 | Procedure and Privileges Committee (2013 - 2017) |
| |
 | Procedure and Privileges Committee (2017 - 2021) |
| |
 | Procedure and Privileges Committee (Council) |
| |
 | Public Accounts Committee (1986 - 2001) |
| |
 | Public Accounts Committee (2001 - 2005) |
| |
 | Public Accounts Committee (2005 - 2008) |
| |
 | Public Accounts Committee (2008 - 2013) |
| |
 | Public Accounts Committee (2013 - 2017) |
| |
 | Public Accounts Committee (2017 - 2021) |
| |
 | Public Accounts Committee (2021 - 2025) |
| |
 | Public Administration and Finance Committee (2001 - 2005) |
| |
 | Public Administration Committee |
| |
 | Public Administration Committee (1996 - 2001) |
| |
 | Public Obstetric Services Select Committee |
| |
 | Reserves (Reserve 43131) Bill 2003 Committee |
| |
 | Rules, Orders and Usage of the House Committee |
| |
 | Select Committee into alternate approaches to reducing illicit drug use and its effects on the community |
| |
 | Select Committee into Cannabis and Hemp |
| |
 | Select Committee into Child Development Services |
| |
 | Select Committee into Elder Abuse |
| |
 | Select Committee into Local Government |
| |
 | Select Committee into Mining on Pinjin Station |
| |
 | Select Committee into the Appropriateness of Powers and Penalties for Breaches of Parliamentary Privilege and Contempts of Parliament |
| |
 | Select Committee into the Appropriateness of Powers and Penalties for Breaches of Parliamentary Privilege and Contempts of Parliament (November 2008) |
| |
 | Select Committee into the Finance Broking Industry in Western Australia |
| |
 | Select Committee into the operations of The Royal Society for The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Western Australia (Inc) |
| |
 | Select Committee into the Police Raid on The Sunday Times |
| |
 | Standing Orders and Procedure Committee |
| |
 | Uniform Legislation and General Purposes Committee (2002 - 2005) |
| |
 | Uniform Legislation and Intergovernmental Agreements Committee |
| |
 | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee |
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 | Western Australian Police Service Committee |
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 | Workers' Compensation Committee |
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