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Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 1069 asked in the Legislative Council on 1 December 2021 by Hon Neil Thomson

Parliament: 41 Session: 1


1069. Hon NEIL THOMSON to the Leader of the House representing the Minister for Planning:

I refer to the east Wanneroo district structure plan launched by the Western Australian Planning Commission in August 2021.

(1) Why has the proposal to create an additional 10 000 lots of stage 1 residential land been brought forward to 2031?

(2) What percentage of residents who live in the area affected support the acceleration of urbanisation in the structure plan?

(3) Noting the land denoted as subject to further planning is state-owned land, does the state see the rapid urbanisation of land west of Lake Gnangara as a way to assist in delivering services to that site?

(4) Is the government considering urbanising land north of Gnangara Road and to the east of Whiteman Yanchep highway—it is not in the question, but I must add ''reserve''—but west of Tonkin Highway?

The Leader of the House may answer as she chooses.

Hon SUE ELLERY replied:

I do not think it substantively changes anything, but the member actually cannot add words to a question that he has submitted with some notice, because the answer has been prepared based on what has been submitted.

I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question.

(1) Stage 1 has not been accelerated.

(2) Not applicable.

(3) The land to the east of the Whiteman Yanchep highway will be subject to the same servicing requirements as the rest of the east Wanneroo district structure plan.

(4) This area is not part of the east Wanneroo district structure plan, nor has it been considered for an alternative use in the subregional planning framework.