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Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 662 asked in the Legislative Council on 16 August 2022 by Hon Sophia Moermond

Parliament: 41 Session: 1


662. Hon SOPHIA MOERMOND to the Leader of the House representing the Premier:

Given yesterday's revelations that former Prime Minister Scott Morrison secretly held several portfolios, including health, finance and resources—they are the ones we know about—without disclosing this to not only the Australian public, but also his own cabinet, I ask the following in the interests of transparency.

(1) Does the Premer hold any portfolios that we are unaware of?

(2) Have all ministerial and parliamentary secretary positions —

Several members interjected.


Hon SOPHIA MOERMOND: — in the Western Australian government been disclosed to the Parliament and the public?

(3) Has the government sought legal advice on what, if any, legal questions may arise as a result of any state–federal arrangements made in the portfolios that the former Prime Minister secretly held during the period he held them; and, if not, will it?

Hon SUE ELLERY replied:

I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question. It is indeed incredibly interesting what has happened in the last 24 hours. The answer is clearly as follows.

(1) No.

(2) Yes.

(3) The Prime Minister has indicated that he is seeking advice on the revelations that have come to light in recent days. The state government will respond if necessary.