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Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 309 asked in the Legislative Council on 17 June 2021 by Hon Colin De Grussa

Parliament: 41 Session: 1


309. Hon COLIN de GRUSSA to the parliamentary secretary representing the Minister for Fisheries:

I refer to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's recent admission that the finfish nursery in Geraldton may not proceed.

(1) How many applications have been received to date to operate any future finfish nursery?

(2) Were any previous tender applicants approached again to operate the nursery?

(3) Is the nursery still expected to be located within the Batavia Coast Maritime Institute?

(4) Does the minister agree that this investment, initially announced in 2019, has been significantly delayed; and, if yes, what are the reasons?

Hon KYLE McGINN replied:

I thank the member for some notice of the question, although he might not like the answer.

The premise of the member's question is incorrect. The government's commitment to this project remains unchanged.

(1) The Geraldton marine finfish nursery is to be built and initially operated by the state government; therefore, applications have not been sought to operate the nursery.

(2) Not applicable.

(3) Yes.

(4) Completion of the nursery has been delayed primarily due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on potential commercial aquaculture operators.