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Parliamentary Questions

Question On Notice No. 558 asked in the Legislative Council on 13 March 2018 by Hon Martin Aldridge

Question Directed to the: Minister for Environment representing the Treasurer
Parliament: 40 Session: 1


I refer to the Freedom of Information Act 1992, and I ask:
(a) how many applications has the Minister's Office received, and for each department or agency under her direction received, per month, since 11 March 2017;
(b) of those identified in (a), how many were dealt with within the 45 day statutory timeframe;
(c) of those identified in (a), how many applicants were charged a fee beyond the initial $30 application fee; and
(d) what is the total sum of additional access fees charged with respect to (c)?

Answered on 10 April 2018

(a) - (d) Please refer to answer for Legislative Council question on notice 576.