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Parliamentary Questions

Question On Notice No. 1444 asked in the Legislative Council on 28 June 2018 by Hon Martin Aldridge

Question Directed to the: Minister for Regional Development
Parliament: 40 Session: 1


I refer to the Minsiter's answer to the Standing Committee on Estimates and Financial Operations 2017-2018 budget estimates hearings inquiry, question 1 (answers to additional questions), and I ask:
(a) the answer to 1(a) suggests that you are seeking further advice before providing an answer, given the answer was provided by you on 7 November 2017, have you received that advice;
(b) what was the advice you have received;
(c) have you provided an answer to the Standing Committee on Estimates and Financial Operations;
(d) will you now provide an answer to 1(a) requesting the name of the 'specialist local procurement officer' in each region; and
(e) if no to (d), when will you fulfil your obligation under Section 82 of the Financial Management Act 2006?

Answered on 28 August 2018

(a)  yes

(b)  the names can be provided

(c)  yes

(d)  The answer provided to the Standing Committee on Estimates and Financial Operations has now been updated to include the names of the local procurement officers.

(e)  N/A