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Parliamentary Questions

Question On Notice No. 392 asked in the Legislative Council on 10 October 2017 by Hon Tjorn Sibma

Question Directed to the: Minister for Environment representing the Treasurer
Parliament: 40 Session: 1


I refer to the Local Projects, Local Jobs funding program, and ask:

(a) which Minister is responsible for administering the $39 million program and what do those responsibilities include;
(b) is this the same Minister who accepts responsibility for ensuring that the use of public funds to support the Local Projects, Local Jobs complies with the Financial Management Act 2006 and other relevant legislation safeguarding the proper use of public funds;
(c) noting the financial value of the program, when were community groups advised of their ability to apply for funding through the Local Projects, Local Jobs program;
(d) how many groups applied for funding and how did they apply;
(e) what uniform objective criteria has been applied to assess the merits of individual projects seeking funding through the Local Projects, Local Jobs program;
(f) can Ministers provide information concerning how each of the 750 projects funded (or promised funding) through the Local Projects, Local Jobs program was evaluated or will be evaluated against the criteria referred to at (e) above;
(g) in relation to (e) and (f) above, which organisations have already received funding and for what purpose;
(h) if there is no uniform objective criteria governing the administration of the Local Projects, Local Jobs program, how and by who are decisions made to allocate funding and funding amounts; and
(i) how is the success of projects funded through this program proposed to be evaluated?
Answered on 28 November 2017

(a – i) Please refer to Legislative Council Question On Notice 393.