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Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 1158 asked in the Legislative Council on 20 November 2018 by Hon Robin Scott

Parliament: 40 Session: 1


1158. Hon ROBIN SCOTT to the minister representing the Minister for Mines and Petroleum:

(1) Will the minister confirm that in 2016 the Department of Mines and Petroleum engaged consultants Gresley Abas to prepare a feasibility report on the expansion of the Joe Lord Core Library, the Kalgoorlie drill core library, and will the minister table that report?

(2) Will the minister confirm that at the present rate of collection, by November 2019 there will be no room for additional core in the Kalgoorlie drill core library and that space is being made by shifting to Perth quantities of core that originated in the Kimberley and Pilbara regions, which are presently in the Kalgoorlie core library catchment area?

(3) Will the minister give an assurance that there will never be any removal from the Kalgoorlie drill core library of core originating in the goldfields region?

(4) When will the government approve the urgently needed expansion of the Kalgoorlie drill core library?

Hon DARREN WEST replied:

I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question. On behalf of the Minister for Regional Development representing the Minister for Mines and Petroleum, I provide the following answer.

(1) Yes, Gresley Abas did prepare a feasibility report on the expansion of the Joe Lord Core Library in Kalgoorlie. The report was not released because of the ongoing planning of the core library operations.

(2) Due to the current high level of drilling activity, the current estimate is November 2019. To provide additional storage space, moving Kimberley and Pilbara core to Perth is being considered.

(3) Current policy is that all goldfields region core will remain at Kalgoorlie.

(4) Decisions regarding investments in infrastructure will be made through the standard budgetary processes.