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Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 676 asked in the Legislative Council on 16 August 2022 by Hon Neil Thomson

Parliament: 41 Session: 1


676. Hon NEIL THOMSON to the Minister for Regional Development:

I refer to the soil replenishment program conducted in Carnarvon.

(1) Is the minister aware that many growers consider they have received only a small allocation of the soil required despite the stated 12 338 cubic metres delivered being approximately 21 per cent more than was estimated to have been required?

(2) How was the amount of soil delivered recorded and accounted for?

(3) Given these mounting concerns, will the minister order a survey of the pit the soil was taken from?

(4) Was a competitive tender process used to procure the cartage of the soil?

(5) If yes to (4), was the lowest cost applicant awarded the contract?


I do hope the member is not suggesting that one of the earthmovers in Carnarvon is dodgy. I really hope that is not what he is suggesting. I hope, in particular, that the member is not aligning himself with one of the earthmovers against another earthmover.

That having been said, the answer to the question is —

Several members interjected.

The PRESIDENT: Order! The minister is trying to provide the answer.

Hon ALANNAH MacTIERNAN: I was just giving a bit of advice in advance of that.

(1)–(2) The soil volume was confirmed by the Loadrite receipt provided by the contractor from the delivery tipper truck and certificate of bulk density of the area being evacuated by a separate materials engineering laboratory. Topsoil was not provided for roads or in areas not suitable for farming, such as within close proximity to floodways or spillways.

(3) No. The pit area was remediated as per a rehabilitation plan, which involved a redistribution of topsoil from across the site to minimise depth of the disturbed area and maintain a natural seed base on the site so that vegetation can be established to protect the area from erosion.

(4) A competitive procurement process involving requests for quote from four local contractors was undertaken with only two quotes received. The procurement process was approved by the Department of Finance.

(5) Yes.