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Parliamentary Questions

Question On Notice No. 1377 asked in the Legislative Council on 12 June 2018 by Hon Alison Xamon

Question Directed to the: Minister for Environment
Parliament: 40 Session: 1


I refer to the Environmental Protection Authority's (EPA) advice to the Department of Planning regarding MRS Amendment 1308/41, East Wanneroo Structure Plan Area provided as part of EPA reference CMS14142, and I ask:
(a) could the Minister please specify which Threatened Ecological Communities (TEC) exist in the amendment area:
(i) for each TEC, could the Minister please specify the number of sites and size of each site;
(b) could the Minister please specify which declared rare flora exist in the amendment area:
(i) for each rare flora species, could the Minister please specify the number and size of the sites where the rare flora are found;
(c) could the Minister please specify which vegetation complexes are found in the amendment area that are below 30 percent of the original extent of the complex:
(i) for each of these vegetation complexes, could the Minister please specify the number and size of the sites where these vegetation complexes are found; and
(d) could the Minister please specify which Conservation Category Wetlands are within the amendment area?

Answered on 16 August 2018

(a)   The Commonwealth-listed Banksia Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain is the only Threatened Ecological Community (TEC) that has been identified to date.

(i) There are 125 sites where this TEC has been identified within the area of this Metropolitan Region Scheme amendment and these range in size from 0.03 hectares to 10.98 hectares. The dataset that relates to this TEC, including the size of each site, is available from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA).

(b) Based on datasets held by DBCA, no threatened flora has been identified in the amendment area to date.

(i) Not applicable.

(c)   Vegetation complexes that are less than 30 per cent of their original (pre-European) extent are the Karrakatta Complex, Pinjar Complex and Bassendean Complex.

(i) The Karrakatta Complex has been identified at 95 sites and these range in size from 0.1 hectares to 5.72 hectares. The Pinjar Complex has been identified at 38 sites and these range in size from 0.14 hectares to 127 hectares. The Bassendean Complex has been identified at seven sites and these range in size from 0.75 hectares to 10.98 hectares. The dataset that relates to these vegetation complexes, including the size for each site, is available from DBCA.

(d) The three Conservation Category Wetlands that have been mapped in the area are most accurately identified by their unique feature identifiers (UFIs). These are UFI8154, UFI14241 and UFI15901. I am advised that the first does not have a colloquial name, however the latter two are often referred to as Bronzewing Grove and Lakelands Country Club respectively.