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Parliamentary Questions

Question On Notice No. 644 asked in the Legislative Council on 13 March 2018 by Hon Robin Chapple

Question Directed to the: Minister for Regional Development
Parliament: 40 Session: 1


(1) Would the Minister please advise on the total expenditure, including staff time, that has been spent on studies and reports for the GoGo focus area under the Water for Food Project?
(2) In the proposal recently submitted to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) for a 50GL surface water irrigation project on GoGo Station "GoGo Station – Surface Irrigation Development Proposal: Referral to Environmental Protection Authority Supporting Documentation", the proponent states: "This can only be achieved if the logistics of loading and shipping in bulk or containerised units through a local port can be undertaken at a competitive cost base. This is considered as an essential early stage requirement for the development proposal and would rely upon sufficient production to generate a critical mass of product to support infrastructure that would be utilised for export including the necessary transport, storage and ship loading infrastructure." Can the Minister please confirm:
(a) are there plans for expanding port infrastructure at Broome Port or other Kimberley ports for bulk agricultural exports;
(b) what would be the estimated cost to Government and/or port authorities for establishing this infrastructure;
(c) is the Government and/or port authorities considering providing any subsidies for the export of agricultural products; and
(d) if yes to (2)(c), what is the estimated cost of these subsidies?
(3) In the proposal recently submitted to the EPA for a 50GL surface water irrigation project on GoGo Station "GoGo Station – Surface Irrigation Development Proposal: Referral to Environmental Protection Authority Supporting Documentation", the proponent states: "When the proposed development reaches a stage where infrastructure development can be operated without external funding support, it would be considered viable and self-sustainable and requires only minimal direct support from Government as a form of development incentive." Can the Minister please confirm:
(a) has an application from GoGo station been received for any financial assistance from Government, or has Government otherwise made provision for, or budgeted for, such assistance;
(b) if yes to (3)(a), what is the value of this assistance;
(c) is the Government considering providing financial assistance for the project at GoGo Station;
(d) if yes to (3)(c), to what value; and
(e) has GoGo Station requested any indirect financial support from Government, such as upgrades to roads or intersections?
(4) In the proposal recently submitted to the EPA for a 50GL surface water irrigation project on GoGo Station "GoGo Station – Surface Irrigation Development Proposal: Referral to Environmental Protection Authority Supporting Documentation", the proponent states: "budgets are based on published data from NSW Agriculture who publish Farm Enterprise Budgets for a wide variety of crops based on recent production costs and market values for a wide range of yields. The unknown issue at present is the additional cost of establishment and production that would result from the remoteness of the enterprise." And "Such costs have led to several failures for new agricultural developments and are a real factor in considering the proposed development that will require skill and innovative management to overcome." Can the Minister advise what assessment will be undertaken by Government as to the economic viability of this project prior to any possible future environmental approvals or water allocations?
(5) The proposed 40GL dam on GoGo station is a very large engineering structure on a flood plain with a water table that is close to the surface. Can the Minister please advise:
(a) what assessment will be undertaken by the Government as to the technical viability of this proposal prior to any future possible environmental approvals or water allocations; and
(b) such a structure is likely to require significant rock to armour walls against peak floods. Is there a suitable quarry or potentially quarry location nearby to GoGo Station that could be utilised for this work?
(6) Can the Government confirm whether a development lease, option agreement or any other legal agreement has been entered into by the Government relating to the conversion of any part of GoGo Station into freehold?
(7) If yes to (6), what conditions are required to be met before the land can be converted into freehold?

Answered on 11 April 2018

(1) No. This expenditure figure does not exist.

The program has not maintained a split of expenditure for staff time across the different projects and elements of the program. There have been no Gogo Station-specific studies undertaken by the program.

Survey lines were flown over portion of Gogo Station as part of the broader West Kimberley airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey in October 2015. That survey covered the whole lower Fitzroy area from Gogo Station to Willare, the Derby Peninsula, May and Meda Rivers area, and the area tracking back to Fitzroy Crossing over the regional Poole and Grant aquifers.

Five existing bores on Gogo Station have been the subject of monitoring as part of a broader groundwater monitoring program undertaken through the Water for Food Fitzroy Valley Groundwater Investigation. Those bores are not in the area of Gogo Station Pty Ltd’s (Gogo’s) project proposal.

Staff time has been spent providing guidance to Gogo on the Land Tenure Pathway for Irrigated Agriculture and project approvals processes, and in participating in engagement activities between Gooniyandi Aboriginal Corporation and Gogo regarding the irrigation agriculture project proposal. Time is also provided to other proponents who seek support in navigating regulatory processes.


(a) Building the export infrastructure capability and capacity of Kimberly ports is part of the mix of enabling infrastructure that will be required to drive growth and diversification of the agricultural industry in the Kimberley. No plans have commenced in this regard.

      (b) A cost estimate cannot be provided until planning has been undertaken. The State Government would seek to maximise private sector investment and to leverage Commonwealth Government funding for enabling infrastructure.

           (c) No

           (d) Not applicable

           (e) No


(a) No

(b) Not applicable

(c) No

(d) Not applicable

(e) No

 (4) The Minister for Lands has provided the following advice.

The Option Deed that will grant Gogo the option of being granted a Development Lease with the option of freehold tenure of the project area will require Gogo to provide a business plan accompanied by an independent financial assessment of the business plan by a suitably qualified consultant. The Option Deed is in preparation by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. The Development Lease will not be granted until all the conditions in the Option Deed have been met.

(5) The Minister for the Environment has provided the following advice.

(a – b) The technical viability of the engineering structure and the sourcing of any quarried materials for rock armour are the responsibility of the proponent. Any submissions regarding the potential environmental impacts or risks associated with the construction or operation of the proposed water storage infrastructure should be forwarded to the Environmental Protection Authority for consideration as part of the environmental impact assessment process.

(6) The Minister for Lands has provided the following advice.

No legal agreement has been entered into. The Option Deed that will grant Gogo the option of being granted a Development Lease with the option of freehold tenure of the project area is in preparation by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. The Development Lease will not be granted until all the conditions in the Option Deed have been met.

(7) Not applicable