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Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 594 asked in the Legislative Council on 6 June 2019 by Hon Nick Goiran

Parliament: 40 Session: 1


594. Hon NICK GOIRAN to the minister representing the Minister for Water:

I refer to the minister's media release of 27 November 2018 that announced a new partnership between the Water Corporation and the Women's Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services WA.

(1) Did the Water Corporation earlier this year introduce 10 days per annum of family and domestic violence leave for all employees?

(2) Did the minister say —

With this partnership we're helping to ensure Water Corporation employees who access this leave also have access to financial assistance, in the event they need to relocate.

(3) Did the minister say —

Through this partnership we hope to assist an additional 90 to 100 women around the State each year to establish a new home and start a new life.

(4) Is this partnership intended to be gender discriminative?

(5) If no to (4), how many men is the government intending to assist with this partnership?

(6) If yes to (4), did the government consult with the Commissioner for Equal Opportunity before endorsing this partnership?


I have to say to the member, I am sorry, this is not in my file, nor have I seen it today. What time did the member submit it?

Hon Nick Goiran: On 28 November 2018.

Hon ALANNAH MacTIERNAN: If it was 28 November last year, I think it will have been taken out.

Hon Nick Goiran: Do you need a bit more time—not ready?

Hon ALANNAH MacTIERNAN: No. I mean, honestly, seriously, that is absurd. I will get the answer for the member tomorrow.

Several members interjected.

The PRESIDENT: Order! The minister is providing a response. It is a bit hard to hear her.