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Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 647 asked in the Legislative Council on 18 June 2020 by Hon Diane Evers

Parliament: 40 Session: 1


647. Hon DIANE EVERS to the minister representing the Minister for Water:

I refer to the minister's response to question without notice 286 on 31 March regarding the Vasse–Wonnerup water quality plan 2010.

(1) Will the revised plan be available for public comment?

(a) If yes, when; and

(b) if not, why not?

(2) Will the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation produce a whole-of-system progress report on the management and research for the 2010 water quality improvement plan for the Vasse–Wonnerup wetlands and Geographe Bay, including progress on meeting targets?

(a) If yes, when will it be publicly available; and

(b) if not, why not?

(3) Please detail how the $1.6 million allocation in 2019–20 for ''Revitalising Waterways of Geographe Bay'', found on page 192 of budget paper No 3 under ''Royalties for Regions Expenditure'', is being spent, including what research, management and organisations, and for what outcomes.


I thank the member for the question. This information has been provided by the Minister for Water.

(1) Yes.

(a) In 2021.

(b) Not applicable.

(2) Yes.

(a) In 2021.

(b) Not applicable.

(3) The Vasse Taskforce released those details in its June 2019 update, which will be made publicly available. I also table a copy of the Vasse Taskforce report.

[See paper 3974.]