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Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 385 asked in the Legislative Council on 11 April 2019 by Hon Robin Chapple

Parliament: 40 Session: 1


385. Hon ROBIN CHAPPLE to the minister representing the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs:

I refer to the development of a viewing platform and walkway in Deep Gorge on Murujuga—Burrup Peninsula—which is included in the Burrup Peninsula national heritage place.

(1) Has a section 18 consent been applied for the work; and, if so, has it been granted?

(2) Has a detailed archaeological survey, other than the July 2009 investigation report, been provided to the previous Department of Indigenous Affairs by Jo McDonald?

(3) Has the recommendation to carry out an archaeological subsurface excavation of the footing sites prior to the construction of these facilities been concluded?

(4) If no to (3), why not?

(5) Given the known instability of the slope to be viewed from the walkway, what precautionary measures have been or will be taken to ensure that vibrations from the construction work will not further dislodge petroglyphs disturbed by the construction of the North West and Pluto LNG facilities?

(6) If yes to (1), who is or are the heritage professional or professionals that provided the department with expert advice to enable issuing a section 18 notice?

(7) If no to (6), why was no professional expert advice considered?


I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question.

(1)–(2) Yes.

(3) This question should be directed to the proponent and the traditional owners.

(4) Not applicable.

(5) The section 18 consent was issued with conditions relating to the monitoring of the works by the traditional owners and an archaeologist. Measures have been put in place by the proponent in consultation with the traditional owners. Further queries should be directed to those parties.

(6) Applied Archaeology Australia Pty Ltd provided the department with advice.

(7) Not applicable.