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  • The Public Administration meets on 29/04/2024 (11:00 AM)
    Committee meet 29/04/2024

Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 630 asked in the Legislative Council on 12 June 2019 by Hon Tim Clifford

Parliament: 40 Session: 1


630. Hon TIM CLIFFORD to the minister representing the Minister for Transport:

On behalf of local concerned residents, I refer to the proposed upgrade of Orrong Road between Great Eastern Highway and Leach Highway.

(1) How many trees will be removed to facilitate each option of the proposed upgrade?

(2) Given the trees along the strip proposed for upgrade provide a key eco-corridor for wildlife and provide a critical urban tree canopy to mitigate the urban heat island effect, can the minister guarantee that any trees removed will be replaced?

(3) Will any established trees not marked for retention be relocated?


I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question. The following information has been provided by the Minister for Transport.

(1)–(3) Further detailed work will be required to make this determination as part of any future project investigation.