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Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 1061 asked in the Legislative Council on 13 October 2020 by Hon Peter Collier

Parliament: 40 Session: 1


1061. Hon PETER COLLIER to the minister representing the Treasurer:

This question is asked on behalf of Hon Tjorn Sibma who is on urgent parliamentary business.

I refer to the financial and operational performance of agencies since 1 July 2017.

(1) Has Treasury undertaken any functional reviews, structural reviews and/or similar reviews of the financial management and performance of any agency?

(2) If yes to (1), which agency or agencies have been subjected to that analysis?

(3) If yes to (1), could the Treasurer explain the details and the outcomes of the review or reviews?


I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question. The following answer has been provided by the Treasurer.

(1) Analysing and advising on agencies' financial management and performance is a core ongoing function of the Department of Treasury. Although Treasury itself has not undertaken any functional or structural agency reviews, Treasury in its role as a central agency has been party to a number of reviews since 1 July 2017, including a Department of Training and Workforce Development capability review; a Department of Communities functional review of disability services; a Department of Communities functional review of corporate functions; a Housing Authority machinery-of-government reform; and a Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development capability review.

(2) Refer to the response to (1).

(3) The Department of Training and Workforce Development capability review: the Department of Training and Workforce Development commenced a capability review in early 2018 to ensure efficient and effective service delivery in vocational education and training functions. The recommendations of the review were considered by government in late 2018 and reflected in the 2018–19 midyear review.

The Department of Communities functional review of disability services: the functional review of disability services was commissioned by government to inform decision-making on the type and level of residual disability services to be administered by the state once all eligible participants had transitioned to the commonwealth-administered National Disability Insurance Scheme. The review informed government's decisions as part of the 2020–21 budget.

The Department of Communities functional review of corporate functions: Communities has commenced a review of its corporate policy and contracting functions. The review is focused on current and forecast budget settings and a review of the functions Communities delivers to ensure that they meet statutory requirements and the needs of stakeholders. The review is ongoing.

Housing Authority machinery-of-government reform: in November 2019, cabinet approved the structural separation of the functions of the Housing Authority, with land development and related commercial functions to be transferred to DevelopmentWA. Social housing and other non-commercial functions will remain within the Department of Communities. The reform activities being overseen by a steering committee chaired by the director general of Premier and Cabinet are ongoing.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development capability review: a capability review of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development was undertaken during 2018, with oversight by a steering committee with representatives from DPIRD, Treasury and the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. The purpose was to review the function, structure and resourcing required to deliver the government's priorities in primary industries and regional development. The outcomes of the review were considered by government as part of the 2019–20 budget, with additional expenditure of $131.5 million reflected in that budget.