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Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 437 asked in the Legislative Council on 14 May 2020 by Hon Peter Collier

Parliament: 40 Session: 1


437. Hon PETER COLLIER to the minister representing the Minister for Police:

I ask this question on behalf of Hon Simon O'Brien, who is on urgent parliamentary business. It is to the Leader of the House representing the Minister for Police.

I refer to the appearance on news programs and social media of video footage from body cameras worn by police, such as of the recent Esperance high-risk arrest.

(1) What is the purpose of making this sort of footage public?

(2) Is body cam footage the property of the Western Australia Police Force?

(3) Was any payment received by police for this footage?

(4) How does the Western Australia Police Force make sure that someone receiving this footage from the police does not profit from police efforts, by selling the footage to another party; for example, a large news broadcaster?


I thank Hon Simon O'Brien for some notice of the question. I represent the Minister for Police in this chamber, so I have the answer. The following answer has been provided to me by the Minister for Police.

The Western Australia Police Force advises the following.

(1) The purpose is to inform the public of matters of public interest.

(2) Yes.

(3) No.

(4) The WA Police Force makes the vision available for media outlets to independently obtain and use at their discretion.