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Parliamentary Questions

Question On Notice No. 2184 asked in the Legislative Council on 4 June 2019 by Hon Diane Evers

Question Directed to the: Minister for Environment; Disability Services; Electoral Affairs
Parliament: 40 Session: 1


(1) Does the Government support the implementation of the Wetlands Conservation Policy for Western Australia that was published in 1997:
(a) if no to (1), why not?
(2) Is the Minister aware that the Wetlands Coordinating Committee was established under the auspices of this policy to “coordinate the implementation of the policy and the activities of relevant government agencies with respect to wetlands”, and that the committee is to “report directly to the Minister for the Environment”:
(a) if no to (2), why not?
(3) Is the Minister aware that the Wetlands Coordinating Committee has only met three times (24 September 2014, 24 July 2017 and 10 December 2018) since the current Chair, now in the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions, assumed responsibility for the committee in late 2013:
(a) if no to (3), why not?
(4) Is the Minister aware that prior to the current Chair assuming control, the Wetlands Coordinating Committee used to meet four times a year:
(a) if no to (4), why not?
(5) Why has the Wetlands Coordinating Committee met so infrequently since the current Chair assumed responsibility of the committee in 2013?
(6) Is the Minister aware that at the Assembly Estimates meeting on 26 May 2016, Labor, while in opposition, raised the matter of the current Chair continually obstructing members of the Wetlands Coordinating Committee from meeting:
(a) if no to (6), why not?
(7) Has the Minister received minutes of meetings, reports, advice or audits on progress from the Chair of the Wetlands Coordinating Committee:
(a) if yes to (7), will the Minister table these reports and advice; and
(b) if no to (7), why not?
(8) Is the Minister aware that the Wetlands Coordinating Committee prepared a set of draft wetlands buffer guidelines and an updated Western Australia wetlands conservation policy in 2007:
(a) if no to (8), why not?
(9) Will the Minister allow the draft wetland buffer guidelines and updated wetlands conservation policy to be released for public consultation:
(a) if yes to (9), when will the guidelines and policy be made available for public consultation; and
(b) if no to (9), why not?
(10) Is the Minister aware that at the last Wetlands Coordinating Committee meeting on 10 December 2018, the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions Chair refused to accept agenda items from committee members:
(a) if yes to (10), what action will the Minister take in response to this refusal; and
(b) if no to (10), why not?
(11) Is the Minister aware that community members of the Wetlands Coordinating Committee have requested the Chair on at least three occasions over the past few years to hold more frequent meetings of the Wetlands Coordinating Committee to allow it to function and undertake its business, and that the Chair has either ignored or declined most of these requests:
(a) if yes to (11), what action will the Minister take to ensure that committee members requests are acted on; and
(b) if no to (11), why not?
(12) Is the Minister aware that several committee members wrote to the former Minister for Environment in March 2016 about the current Chair obstructing the Wetlands Coordinating Committee from meeting and requested that the Minister direct the Chair to convene a meeting:
(a) if yes to (12), will the Minister direct the Chair to convene meetings more frequently, in response to committee members requests; and
(b) if no to (12), why not?
(13) Is the Minister aware that while the Wetlands Coordinating Committee is unable to meet and conduct business and that this is affecting the conservation, restoration and enhancement of wetlands across the State:
(a) if yes to (13), how will the Minister act to ensure the Committee is able to meet and conduct business effectively; and
(b) if no to (13), why not?
(14) Will the Minister replace the current Chair of the Wetlands Coordinating Committee with a competent and qualified person from either the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions or one of his other agencies involved in wetland conservation or management:
(a) if no to (14), why not?

Answered on 6 August 2019

(1) – (1a)         The Government supports the implementation of the Wetlands Conservation Policy, recognising that it was introduced in 1997 and many actions have been completed or represent ongoing business of Government agencies.


(2) – (2a)         I am aware that the Wetlands Coordinating Committee was established under the Policy and I have received advice in relation to the role, function and reporting requirements of the Committee.


(3) – (3a)         Yes.


(4) – (4a)         I am advised that the Committee initially met four times a year. The Committee has not met four times a year since 2010. The current Chair commenced the role in October 2013.


(5)                   Many of the actions in the Wetlands Conservation Policy have been achieved or represent ongoing business of Government agencies, and the recent meeting frequency of the Committee reflects this.


(6) – (6a)         I am advised that the matter was raised in Assembly Estimates in 2016, and since then the Committee has met twice during this term of Government – in July 2017 and December 2018.


(7) – (7b)         I am advised that minutes of meetings have not been provided to relevant Ministers since at least 2008-2009.


(8) – (8a)         I am advised that the Committee prepared draft wetland buffer guidelines and a draft wetlands conservation policy document in 2007, however, they were not progressed to the Minister at that time.


(9) – (9b)         Guidance on wetland buffers is currently being developed by the Departments of Planning, Lands and Heritage, Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and Water and Environmental Regulation. Public consultation will be considered as the guidance is further developed.


The 2007 draft Wetlands Conservation Policy is not being progressed at this time, as the Government is focussed on delivering election commitments and other strategic priorities. Therefore, public consultation is not required.


(10) – (10b)     I am advised that the Chair of the Wetlands Coordinating Committee responded to proposed agenda items verbally at the meeting and also in writing following the meeting.


(11) – (11b)     See response to (5).


(12) – (12b) No. I am not privy to correspondence directed to the previous Minister for Environment, however, I am aware that the Committee has met twice in this term of Government, and that this meeting frequency relates to the achievement of many of the Policy’s actions.


(13) – (13b)     The Wetlands Coordinating Committee is able to meet and has been meeting under this Government. I am advised that matters relating to the conservation, restoration and enhancement of wetlands have been discussed at the meetings.


(14) – (14a)     The Chair of the Wetlands Coordinating Committee is identified by role in the Wetlands Conservation Policy as the Director of Nature Conservation of the former Department of Conservation and Land Management. The current Chair occupies the equivalent role in the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.