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Parliamentary Questions

Question On Notice No. 1176 asked in the Legislative Council on 1 December 2022 by Hon Dr Brad Pettitt

Question Directed to the: Leader of the House representing the Minister for Transport
Parliament: 41 Session: 1


I refer to the completed High Street upgrade from Stirling Highway to Carrington Street, noting the response to question on notice 263, and I ask for the Minister to provide:
(a) the total number of large trees retained in the project area;
(b) the total number of established tuart trees retained in the project area;
(c) the total number of new trees planted in the project area;
(d) the total number of new large trees planted in the project area; and
(e) and any plans to plant additional trees in the project area, and a timeline for completion of these plans?

Answered on 14 February 2023

  1. 153.
  2. 12.
  3. 1,709.
  4. 117.
  5. Remaining revegetation activity will take place over the next two winters to give the new trees the optimum chance of success.