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Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 125 asked in the Legislative Council on 25 May 2017 by Hon Jacqui Boydell

Parliament: 40 Session: 1

      125. Hon JACQUI BOYDELL to the parliamentary secretary representing the Minister for Regional Development:
I refer to the answer given to question without notice 3, in which the Minister for Regional Development stated that all royalties for regions projects are being reviewed. Does that include stages 1 and 2 of the Central East Aged Care Alliance senior housing project; Collet Barker Court, Mt Barker; Avon Well Aged housing project; Beverley, Brookton and Pingelly aged housing; Brunswick River Cottages; Midland Centres aged housing development; Cunderdin, Tammin and Quairading Well Aged precincts; the Wheatbelt South Aged Housing Alliance aged housing; Bridge Street affordable housing; Waroona Housing Options Village; Killarney Retirement Living, Hannans, Kalgoorlie; expansion of aged care for the Esperance community; the Leonora Ageing in Place project; and the Laverton primary health and aged care facility?
Hon DARREN WEST replied:
I thank the member for some notice of the question. On behalf of the Minister for Regional Development, I provide the following answer.
I can confirm that ''all'' in answer to question without notice 3 means all. From time to time, in the lead‑up to the budget, some decisions on particular items may be made and announced. The review of all items will be finalised in the budget.