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    Committee meet 29/04/2024

Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 493 asked in the Legislative Council on 24 August 2017 by Hon Michael Mischin

Parliament: 40 Session: 1

      493. Hon MICHAEL MISCHIN to the Leader of the House representing the Premier:
I refer to the Premier's appointment of the Ms Amber-Jade Sanderson, MLA, as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Cabinet.
      (1) Given that some six months have passed since her appointment, have her duties and responsibilities been reduced to writing; where are they to be found; will the Premier table them; and, if not, why not?
(2) Are they in the ''Cabinet Handbook'' or some other publicly available source; and, if not, why not?
Hon SUE ELLERY replied:
I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question.
      (1)–(2) Assuming the honourable member meant to ask what the Parliamentary Secretary to the Cabinet's responsibilities are and where they can be found, they include the following: working with the Premier and ministers to coordinate cabinet submissions; ensure government priorities are progressing through cabinet; and, working with the cabinet to ensure that election commitments are delivered as promised to the people of Western Australia. The ''Cabinet Handbook'' has been updated to make reference to the role of the Parliamentary Secretary to the Cabinet, which is a publicly available document. However, as there is no specific section detailing the role, I now table it in its entirety.
[See paper 436.]