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Parliamentary Questions

Question On Notice No. 1276 asked in the Legislative Council on 8 May 2018 by Hon Tjorn Sibma

Question Directed to the: Leader of the House representing the Premier
Parliament: 40 Session: 1


(1) I seek details concerning the acquittal process, including the information provided by recipient organisations regarding the funding they received via that portion of the Local Projects Local Jobs (LPLJ) scheme administered by the department, in particular I ask:
(a) was there a standard form provided to all recipient organisations to acquit the LPLJ revenue they received against their expenditure;
(b) what standard documents were each recipient organisation obliged to provide the department prior to/after LPLJ funds were released;
(c) by when was this information required by the department;
(d) did the department undertake any audits to confirm the accuracy of acquittal documentation submitted by recipient organisations;
(e) did any organisation's project expenditure deviate from the purpose for which the grant was provided, or from the amount provided by the department by an amount of five percent or more (in either direction);
(f) if yes to (e), what are the details; and
(g) whenever there was concerns arising from the acquittal information submitted by a recipient, how were concerns followed up, and what was the outcome?
(2) Will the Minister please identify the project, recipient organisation and associated funding for acquittals that are/were:
(a) thirty to forty four days overdue;
(b) forty five to fifty nine days overdue;
(c) sixty to eighty nine days overdue; and
(d) over ninety days overdue?
(3) Are any acquittals presently outstanding and, if so, which project and organisation is involved?

Answered on 26 June 2018

(1) a) The acquittal information requested by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet of recipient organisations is dependent upon the amount and intent of the funds provided. The Department ensures that reporting and acquittal requirements clearly demonstrate how the funds have been spent and for the intended purpose.

      b) Each recipient organisation was required to complete and sign a grant agreement prior to the release of funds.

      c) Once the detail of the project had been agreed.

      d) One project has been acquitted to date. No audit has been undertaken on this documentation.

      e) No

      f) Not applicable

      g) Not applicable

(2) (a-d) Not Applicable

(3) No acquittals are yet overdue.