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Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 379 asked in the Legislative Council on 11 April 2019 by Hon Tim Clifford

Parliament: 40 Session: 1


379. Hon TIM CLIFFORD to the minister representing the Minister for Energy:

I refer to Western Power's ''Make a Claim'' page on its website where customers can make a claim if they believe their appliances have been damaged due to power surges.

(1) How many claims have been made for the years 2014–15, 2015–16, 2017–18 and 2018–19?

(2) Please table the causes that led to those claims?

(3) Please table the causes of power surges and spikes, and what Western Power does to prevent them?

(4) What were the lowest and highest recorded voltages recorded on the south west interconnected system for the years 2016–17, 2017–18 and 2018–19?


I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question. The following information has been provided by the Minister for Energy.

(1) The answer to question (1) is in tabular form. It lists the year, the number of claims received each calendar year and the total number of claims. I seek leave to have the response incorporated into Hansard.

Leave granted.

The following material was incorporated —


No of claims received per calendar year

2014 – 2015


2015 – 2016


2016 – 2017


2017 – 2018


2018 – 2019





(2) Claims arise from a number of events, including, but not limited to, trees or overgrown vegetation clashing with powerlines; interference by wildlife, for example birds, animals and termites; motor vehicles colliding with power poles or assets; bushfires; vandalism; lightning storms; winds or windborne debris; events caused by pollution; power interruptions for planned work; emergency action by police, fire or emergency services; any third party interference to the electricity system; and asset failures including surges.

(3)–(4) It is not possible to provide the requested information in the time available. I therefore request that the honourable member place these questions on notice.