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  • The Public Administration meets on 29/04/2024 (11:00 AM)
    Committee meet 29/04/2024

Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 1161 asked in the Legislative Council on 20 November 2018 by Hon Martin Aldridge

Parliament: 40 Session: 1


1161. Hon MARTIN ALDRIDGE to the minister representing the Minister for Electoral Affairs:

I refer to the Electoral Commissioner's referral on 17 April 2018 of suspected electoral fraud in the Pilbara to the Western Australia Police Force.

(1) Has the Electoral Commissioner or the Minister for Electoral Affairs been provided with an update from the Western Australia Police Force on the status of the investigation?

(2) If yes to (1), what was the update that was provided?

(3) Has the Western Australia Police Force identified any person suspected of such offences or made any recommendations to charge any person?

Hon DARREN WEST replied:

I thank the honourable member for the question. On behalf of the Minister for Regional Development representing the Minister for Electoral Affairs, I provide the following answer.

(1) The Electoral Commissioner has received an update.

(2)–(3) The update was that there is insufficient evidence to support a prosecution. Formal notification of the outcome of the inquiry has not yet been received.