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Parliamentary Questions

Question On Notice No. 3060 asked in the Legislative Council on 11 August 2020 by Hon Michael Mischin

Question Directed to the: Leader of the House representing the Premier
Parliament: 40 Session: 1


(1) On how many occasions, since his election in March 2017, has the:
(a) Premier visited the North Metropolitan Region in a ministerial capacity; and
(b) Premier's office advised non-Government Members representing the Region of his proposed visit by email?
(2) With reference to (1)(b):
(a) on how many occasions has the email notification included advice to the effect "should you require more information, do not hesitate to contact our Strategic Adviser Mark Reed via (also copied into this email)"; and
(b) for each occasion when Mr Reed has not responded, why has he failed to do so?
(3) With reference to (2)(a), on how many occasions has Mr Reed responded to such a request?
(4) With reference to (3), identify by date and time the instances where Mr Reed has responded to such a request and to whom the information was sent?
(5) With reference to (4), was Mr Reed's failure to respond to requests for further information consistent with a directive or directions and, if so, from whom and what were they?
(6) With reference to (5), was Mr Reed's failure to respond to requests for further information consistent with the Premier's wishes and, if not, why has the Premier allowed it to continue for almost three and a half years?
(7) With reference to (6), if Mr Reed's failure to respond to requests for further information is not consistent with the Premier's wishes and professed standards of openness, transparency and accountability, what disciplinary or other action will the Premier take with respect to Mr Reed's consistent and extensive discourteous and derelict behaviour?

Answered on 15 September 2020

Given the number of times the Premier has visited the North Metropolitan Region it is not considered a reasonable use of resources to compile a fulsome answer.