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Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 1035 asked in the Legislative Council on 26 October 2022 by Hon Nick Goiran

Parliament: 41 Session: 1


1035. Hon NICK GOIRAN to the parliamentary secretary representing the Attorney General:

I refer to the concerns of the Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation regarding the Public Trustee's scale of fees for 2022–23 and the advice to the house on 20 October 2022 that the concerns had been satisfied.

(1) Did the Attorney General, the Department of the Attorney General or the Public Trustee provide any information to the joint standing committee in relation to those concerns?

(2) If yes to (1), was any person commissioned with the task of ensuring that no information provided was at odds with the damning findings of the Auditor General in the performance audit of 10 August 2022?

(3) If no to (2), why not?

(4) If yes to (2), who was given that task?


I thank the member for some notice of the question. The following answer is based on information provided to me by the Attorney General.

(1)–(4) In relation to the Public Trustee's scale of fees for 2022–23, the Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation corresponded with the Attorney General about a typographical error. An undertaking was given to the committee to correct this typographical error. The Public Trustee advises that this typographical error will not have an impact on clients. I direct the member to the committee's departmental undertakings document published on the Parliament's website, which is current as of 21 September 2022. I table the document to assist the member.

[See paper 1772.]