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Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 465 asked in the Legislative Council on 18 May 2022 by Hon Peter Collier

Parliament: 41 Session: 1


465. Hon PETER COLLIER to the minister representing the Minister for Police:

I refer the minister to the processing of traffic infringements known as renominations.

(1) What is the maximum term that a renomination must be prosecuted prior to it being statute-barred?

(2) What is the current number of renominations waiting for prosecution?

(3) In 2021, how many renominations failed to be prosecuted due to being statute-barred?


I thank the member for some notice of the question. I provide an answer on behalf of the Minister for Emergency Services, who is out on urgent parliamentary business. The following information has been provided to him by the Minister for Police. The Western Australia Police Force advises the following.

(1) It is 12 months from the offence date.

(2) As at 18 May 2022, approximately 50 000 renominations are due to be processed for issuance of a traffic infringement.

(3) There were 20.