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Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 1260 asked in the Legislative Council on 10 November 2020 by Hon Jim Chown

Parliament: 40 Session: 1


1260. Hon JIM CHOWN to the Minister for Agriculture and Food:

In response to my question without notice asked on 12 February 2019, the minister stated that the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development was first made aware of the situation at Noonkanbah station on 24 December 2018, when in reality, Chris Wilkin, CEO of the Yungngora Association, emailed the DPIRD Broome office about animal welfare issues and cattle getting bogged on Noonkanbah station in October of the same year.

(1) Why was this call for assistance ignored?

(2) Why did it take until 24 December of that year for DPIRD to react?


I know the member has such extraordinary faith in my abilities that he feels that a detailed question like that can be placed without notice.

(1)–(2) I can say that the incident that led to the existing investigation that has been going on absolutely took place on I cannot remember whether it was Christmas Day or Boxing Day. But I do know that the acting head of the department had to divert many departmental staff from their family festivities to spend the day dealing with that issue. This is not to say there might not have been—I certainly have no knowledge of it—allegations made, just as there are about various properties, including those belonging to non-Aboriginal pastoralists. But the events that led to the current investigation and to the extreme intervention by the department were the result of information that I think may have come in late on 24 December 2018. If the member puts the question on notice or gives me some notice of the question, I am more than happy to investigate whether there had been earlier complaints about this station. But, certainly, that event involved a helicopter pilot who flew over the property and advised the departmental officers of their concerns. The department then hired an aircraft and went out to investigate.

The PRESIDENT: I appreciate that from time to time members ask questions without notice. If the question is about something that is reasonably current, you would expect an answer—I thank the minister for her response on this occasion—but if it is about something that is seemingly historic, you might want to give some notice or advance warning to the minister so that they can go and do some research for you, member.