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Parliamentary Questions

Question On Notice No. 1154 asked in the Legislative Council on 1 December 2022 by Hon Nick Goiran

Question Directed to the: Leader of the House representing the Minister for Health
Parliament: 41 Session: 1


I refer to page 11 of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Board Western Australia Annual Report 2021-22 that states medical and nurse practitioners participating in the voluntary assisted dying process must meet eligibility criteria as defined in the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2019, including registration type, practice duration and completion of the Western Australian Voluntary Assisted Dying Approved Training (WA VAD Approved Training)’; and I ask:
(a) of the 70 medical practitioners who completed the WA VAD Approved Training to enable them to act as a participating practitioner as a Coordinating, Consulting or Administering Practitioner in the 2021-22 reporting period (p11), how many of these medical practitioners were registered as nurse practitioners;
(b) of the 50 medical practitioners (71.4%) of participating practitioners) who acted as a Coordinating, Consulting or Administering Practitioner in the 2021-22 reporting period (p11), how many of these medical practitioners were registered as nurse practitioners; and
(c) of the 35 medical practitioners who completed First Assessments as a Coordinating Practitioner in the 2021-22 reporting period (p11), how many of these medical practitioners were registered as nurse practitioners?

Answered on 14 February 2023

Nurse practitioners and medical practitioners are different types of practitioners and have completely unique registration requirements. No medical practitioners were registered as nurse practitioners.


(a) Nil.


(b) Nil.


(c) Nil. A nurse practitioner cannot fulfil the role of Coordinating Practitioner.