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  • The Public Administration meets on 29/04/2024 (11:00 AM)
    Committee meet 29/04/2024

Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 303 asked in the Legislative Council on 6 April 2022 by Hon Dr Brian Walker

Parliament: 41 Session: 1


303. Hon Dr BRIAN WALKER to the Leader of the House representing the Minister for Community Services:

I ask this question on behalf of Hon Sophia Moermond. I refer the minister to the three vulnerable Noongar Yamatji sisters Alicia, Tyler and Adamma who have been left without a guardian or a home after a realtor evicted them from their property in Perth last week. The girls have been left in this situation following the death of their father and sole guardian, Aubrey Roe, who sadly passed away a week after his first Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. To complicate matters, Adamma, who is studying her final year of high school, has a rare heart condition—truncus arteriosus. Community organisation Victoria Park Youth Accommodation has been unable to find the family accommodation.

(a) What steps has the Department of Communities taken to urgently help the family?

(b) Has the minister made representations to the Minister for Housing in an attempt to resolve the issue?

Hon SUE ELLERY replied:

I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question.

(a)–(b) The Department of Communities has been in contact with the family since January 2022 to discuss options and supports available to access accommodation either through the private rental market or through community service organisations as well as the requirements to apply for public housing assistance including application instructions and offering to help complete an application.