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Access to Committee Offices

Committee Offices – 2 Parliament Place

Legislative Council Committee Office

Telephone: +61 (08) 9222 7300
Location: Level 1
2 Parliament Place
West Perth WA 6005


Legislative Assembly Committee Office

Telephone: +61 (08) 9222 7494
Location: Level 2
2 Parliament Place
West Perth WA 6005

Access to the building

The committee offices are located directly opposite Parliament House at 2 Parliament Place. The building was completed in 2023 and is fully compliant with access requirements. The Legislative Council Committee Office is located on level 1, and the Legislative Assembly Committee Office is located on level 2.

There is paving leading to the main entrance of the building, on a slight incline. Double automated doors provide access to the entry foyer. The reception counter is at a height suitable for wheelchairs. Wheelchair accessible automated gates provide access to the building. Lifts (elevators) provide access to the committee offices.

Accessing the committee offices

The lift lobby opens into the Committee Office reception. The entry foyer is tiled and the committee meeting rooms have plain carpet.

All meeting rooms accommodate wheelchair access and are fitted with a Hearing Assistance System.

There are accessible toilets on each floor, however you may require assistance from staff to navigate the manual door leading to the toilet area.


Taxis and car parking

Perth Taxi companies have wheelchair accessible vehicles. You can alight directly outside the building on Parliament Place.

Metered parking is available on Parliament Place.

Public transport

The free Red CAT route stops at Parliament House (stop 15). These buses are easily accessible with kneeling actions, a driver activated entry ramp and low floor. Please note however that there is a significant incline up Harvest Terrace from the Parliament House bus stop to both the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly Committee Offices.

The Green Cat and number 935 bus stops on Malcolm Street, however this is a busy road to negotiate with significant inclines and declines to both Committee Offices and no cross walk on Malcolm Street.

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