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Access to Parliament House

Parliament House has two sites for public access: Parliament House, and the Legislative Council Committee Office and the Legislative Assembly Committee Office at 2 Parliament Place, West Perth.

The public attend Parliament House for a variety of reasons including to watch debates in the Chambers, attend events, meet with Parliamentarians and watch committee proceedings.

Access to the buildings will vary according to both your destination and the reason for your visit.

This information has been prepared to assist those with access issues to attend and navigate Parliament House and its facilities. Please see Access to Committees if you are attending the Committee Offices.

Parliament House

Telephone: +61 (08) 9222 7222
Location: 4 Harvest Terrace
West Perth WA 6005

Access to the building

Parliament House is a heritage building and has been retrofitted to meet access requirements. Unfortunately, if you have mobility or sight issues, this can sometimes mean that an alternative route is required to arrive safely at your destination.

The main entrance of the building faces the Mitchell Freeway, not Harvest Terrace. In front of the main entrance is a carpark that is relatively flat.

A ramp with handrails to the south of the building will provide access to the main entrance.

There are double automated doors providing access to Reception Services.

The Reception Services’ counters are a height suitable for wheelchairs. Automated gates provide access to the main ground floor Forrest Foyer. These gates are wheelchair accessible, and Reception Services staff are able to provide assistance.

Lifts (elevators) provide access to all floors of the building with the exception of the Library which is entered via stairs or via a chair lift.

A Universal Access Toilet is available on level one, south side of the Lee Steere foyer.

The ground floor Forrest Foyer is timber parquetry. Generally, all other areas are patterned carpet with the exception of the Travertine staircase, tiled wet areas and a paved courtyard. All meeting rooms and the Members’ Dining Room are wheelchair accessible. The Visitors’ Lounge is wheelchair accessible via the rear entrance from the Members’ Dining Room Corridor but not from the courtyard.

Accessing the houses of Parliament (the Chambers)

Public access to the Legislative Council Chamber is via the North Western side of Parliament House. There is an external staircase with 17 concrete stairs, three landings and a railing, leading to automated doors and security scanning. There is a single internal Travertine staircase with 30 steps, handrails on both sides, and a lower landing, with no steps leading into the Chamber public gallery. All other areas are covered in patterned carpet.

Entry to the Legislative Assembly Chamber is via the South Western side of Parliament House (Harvest Terrace side), through automated doors and security scanning. There is a single internal Travertine staircase with 30 steps, handrails on both sides, and a lower landing, with no steps leading into the Chamber public gallery. All other areas are covered in patterned carpet.

If you cannot safely use the stairs then please enter the building via the main (eastern) entrance and our staff will facilitate access to one or both Chambers.

Both Chamber galleries have wheelchair access. Television sets with activated audio are available as well as hearing loops.


The most common noise you will hear at Parliament House on a sitting day is the Division Bells. These bells inform the Members that they are required to vote in the Chamber.


Plan your visit

For general information on how to get to Parliament House, opening hours, security and accessing facilities, please see Plan Your Visit. For information on photography, filming and mobile phone usage, dress standard and holding rallies at Parliament House, please see Protocols.

Taxis and car parking

Accessible (disabled) parking bays are available near the gate on the South side of Parliament in visitor parking bays that are accessed via the Southern driveway.

Perth Taxi companies have wheelchair accessible vehicles. Please request the taxi to drop you off at the main (eastern) entrance to Parliament House.

Private bus parking

There are two bus layover bays adjacent to Parliament House at the southern end of Harvest Terrace. Additional layover bays are available at the Constitutional Centre on the corner of Havelock St and Parliament Place (350 metres from Parliament House). Bus parking is available in Kings Park.

Groups with special access requirements should contact Parliament House on 9222 7222 or, for educational tour groups, the Parliamentary Education Office on 9222 7259 ahead of their visit to discuss arrangements.

Public transport

The free Red CAT route stops at Parliament House (stop 15). These buses are easily accessible with kneeling actions, a driver activated entry ramp and low floor. Please note however that there is a significant incline up Harvest Terrace from the Parliament House bus stop.

The Green Cat and number 935 bus stops on Malcolm Street, however this is a busy road to negotiate with significant inclines and declines and there is no cross walk.

For further information visit:


Parliament House hosts a range of tours including scheduled public tours, community tours and educational (school and tertiary) tours. All parts of the tour route are wheelchair accessible. There are limited interpretation boards within Parliament. If you need further information then please seek assistance from our tour staff.

If you are booking a tour for a group with significant mobility or cognitive issues then please advise staff at the time of booking so they can assess requirements to maximise learning and enjoyment for participants on the tour.


Parliament House has a wheelchair, which can be booked by phoning Reception Services on (08) 9222 7222 at least 24 hours prior to arrival. Loan is based on availability. Visitors intending to use the chair must be able to either mobilise the chair themselves or have a companion assist them to do so.