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Hon. Clive Morris Brown MLA

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
Hide details for Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary HandbookExtract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
BROWN, Clive Morris, MLA
Member for Bassendean (6 February 1993 to 26 February 2005)
Australian Labor Party


Elected to the Thirty-fourth Parliament for Morley on 6 February 1993 in succession to Francis Anthony Donovan (retired). Electorate abolished in redistribution 1994. Elected to the Thirty-fifth Parliament for Bassendean (new seat) on 14 December 1996. Re-elected 2001. Retired before general election 2005 and succeeded by Martin Paul Whitely (Australian Labor Party).

Parliamentary Appointments

Deputy Chairman of Committees 21 October 1993 – 8 June 1994.

Ministerial Appointments

Minister for State Development; Small Business and Goldfields-Esperance 16 February - 6 March 2001.
Minister for State Development; Tourism; Small Business and Goldfields-Esperance 6 March - 1 July 2001.
Minister for State Development; Tourism and Small Business 1 July 2001 - 27 June 2003.
Minister for State Development from 27 June 2003.

Shadow Ministerial Appointments

Shadow Minister for Community Development, Corrective Services, Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs 7 February 1994 – 18 October 1994; for Community Development, Corrective Services, Justice 18 October 1994 – 18 March 1996; for Community Development, Justice (until 15 October 1996), Youth, and Public Sector Management 18 March 1996 – 15 January 1997; for Commerce and Trade, Tourism, and Small Business 15 January 1997 - 4 August 1999. Spokesperson for Commerce and Trade; Small Business; Science and Technology 5 August 1999 - 10 February 2001.

Standing Committees

Member Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee 19 August 1993 – 14 November 1996.

Parliamentary Party Appointments

President Parliamentary Labor Party February 1993 – February 1994.



Born 31 December 1946, England. Arrived in Western Australia 1956.

Marital Status


Qualifications and Occupation before entering Parliament

Trade union official.


Bassendean is located in the East Metropolitan Region and includes the suburbs of Ashfield, Bassendean, Bayswater, Eden Hill, Embelton, Kiara and Lockridge; and parts of Beechboro and Morley. Enrolment (10 February 2001) 25,104; 27 sq km.
