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Hon. George Cash MLC
Deputy President and Chairman of Committees
LLB (Hons) London, LL M (UWA) B. Bus, FCIS
Legislative Council
Liberal Party
Inaugural Speech:
Speeches by Hon. Samuel (George) Ernest Cash
Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
CASH, Hon. Samuel (George) Ernest, MLC
Member for North Metropolitan Region
Liberal Party
Elected to the Thirty-first Parliament (Legislative Assembly) for Mount Lawley at the by-election on 17 November 1984 held to fill the vacancy consequent upon the resignation of Hon. Raymond James O'Connor. Re-elected 1986. Electorate abolished in redistribution 1988.
Elected to the Thirty-third Parliament (Legislative Council) for North Metropolitan Region from 22 May 1989. Re-elected 1993, 1996, 2001, 2005 (for term commencing 22 May 2005).
Retired 21 May 2009.
Parliamentary Appointments
President of the Legislative Council: 27 May 1997 - 21 May 2001.
Deputy President and Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Council: 22 May 2001 - 21 May 2005. Reappointed 24 May 2005 - 21 May 2009.
Ministerial Appointments
Minister assisting the Minister for Public Sector Management: 25 January 1994 - 26 April 1996.
Minister for Mines; Lands; Leader of the House in the Legislative Council: 16 February 1993 - 26 April 1996.
Minister assisting the Minister for Resources Development: 16 February 1993 - 10 February 1995.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Cabinet: 9 January 1997 - 26 May 1997.
Parliamentary Party/Shadow Ministerial Appointments
Shadow Minister for Sport and Recreation: December 1986 - 26 April 1988.
Shadow Minister for Police; Emergency Services; Prisons: 19 March 1986 - 26 April 1988.
Shadow Minister for Police; Emergency Services; Fisheries; Transport: 26 April 1988 - 7 March 1989.
Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council: 9 February 1989 - 16 February 1993.
Shadow Minister for Police; Fisheries; Corrective Services: 7 March 1989 - 17 June 1990.
Shadow Minister for Transport: July 1989 - 17 June 1990.
Shadow Minister for Police; Emergency Services; Corrective Services: 17 June 1990 - 24 November 1992.
Shadow Minister for Fisheries: 18 August 1992 - 24 November 1992.
Coalition Shadow Minister for Police; Corrective Services; Fisheries: 24 November 1992 - 16 February 1993.
Shadow Minister for Lands: 16 February 2001 - 21 May 2005.
Standing Committees
Note: At the commencement of each Parliament, Members are required to be (re)appointed
Member, Standing Committee on Government Agencies: 17 March 1992 - 16 December 1992 (membership ceased on prorogation).
Member, Printing Committee: 18 March 1997 - 10 June 1998.
Member, Estimates and Financial Operations Committee: 10 April 1997 - 27 May 1997.
Chairman, Standing Orders Committee: 27 May 1997 - 21 May 2001
Deputy Chairman, Standing Committee on Procedure and Privileges (formerly Standing Orders Committee): 24 May 2001 - 21 May 2005
. Reappointed 24 May 2005 - 21 May 2009.
Chairman, Estimates Committee (Sessional Order): August 8 2001 - 31 December 2004.
The House was prorogued from 10 January 2001 - 1 May 2001
The House was prorogued from 23 January 2005 - 29 March 2005
Select Committees/Royal Commissions
Note: Select Committees cease to exist on Prorogation
Chairman, Select Committee on a Matter of Privilege relating to Police Surveillance of Hon. Reg Davies: 22 October 1992 - 1 December 1992.
Member, Select Committee on State Investments, Rothwells, PICL and WAGH: 30 May 1991 - 6 March 1992.
Member, Select Committee of Privilege on Writ of Summons Issued by the ALS to the Clerk of the Legislative Council: 25 August 1992 - 16 December 1992.
Member, Select Committee on a Matter of Privilege relating to the Non-compliance of Brian Easton with an Order of the House: 9 August 1994 - 15 December 1994.
Chairman, Select Committee to Review the Legislative Council Standing Committee System: 26 June 1997 - 27 August 1997.
Chairman, Select Committee into the Police Raid on the Sunday Times: 15 May 2008 - 7 August 2008.
Chairman, Select Committee into the Police Raid on the Sunday Times: 12 November 2008 - 21 May 2009.
Member, Select Committee into the Appropriateness of Powers and Penalties for Breaches of Parliamentary Privilege and Contempts of Parliament: 12 November 2008 - 7 May 2009.
Domestic Committees
Note: Fufills an advisory role concerning services provided to Members
Member, Parliamentary Services Committee: 28 June 2001 - 21 May 2005
. Reappointed 17 August 2005 - present (Re-elected 25 November 2008).
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conferences, Delegations etc.
Represented WA Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association at the 19th Australasian and Pacific Regional Conference, Darwin: 1987.
Appointed Acting CPA Senior Regional Representative, Australian Region from 31 January 2001 for a period of 12 months following the resignation of Hon. George Strickland, MLA from this position.
Presiding Officers and Clerks Conferences
Attended 28th Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference, Nauru: July 1997.
Attended 29th Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference, Sydney: July 1998.
Attended 30th Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference, Fiji: July 1999.
Attended 31st Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference, Norfolk Island: July/August 2000.
Attended 32nd Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference, Wellington, NZ: July 2001 (in his capacity as Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Regional Representative).
Born 12 September 1946, Subiaco, Western Australia.
Occupation before entering Parliament and Qualifications
Business proprietor and company director.
LL B (Hons) (London), LLM (UWA) B.Bus F.C.I.S.
North Metropolitan Region includes the Legislative Assembly electorates of Balcatta, Carine, Churchlands, Cottesloe, Girrawheen, Hillarys, Joondalup, Kingsley, Maylands, Mindarie, Nedlands, Perth, Wanneroo and Yokine. Enrolment (30 June 2005) 391,214; area 996 sq km.