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Hon. Giovanni (John) Mario Castrilli MLA


Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
CASTRILLI, Hon Giovanni (John) Mario, MLA
Former Member for Bunbury
Liberal Party


Elected to the Thirty-Seventh Parliament for Bunbury on 26 February 2005 in succession to Anthony James Dean (defeated). Re-elected 2008, 2013.
Did not contest the general election of 11 March 2017.

Ministerial Appointments

Minister, for Local Government; Heritage; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests from 23 September 2008 to 21 March 2013.

Shadow Ministerial Appointments

Shadow Minister for Local Government; Regional Development from 20 March 2005 to 22 May 2005.
Shadow Minister for Local Government from 22 May 2005 to 4 February 2006.
Shadow Minister for South West; Employment Protection from 20 June 2008 to 23 September 2008.

Standing Committees

Member, Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation from 23 May 2013 to 30 January 2017.


Born 22 November 1950, Roccamandolfi, Italy.
Arrived Western Australia, 18 May 1954.

Marital Status


Qualifications and Occupation Before Entering Parliament

DipAccounting; Member National Institute of Accountants; Company Director.


The electorate of Bunbury is located in the South West Region and includes all of the City of Bunbury and part of the Shire of Harvey, including the localities of Bunbury Central, Carey Park, East Bunbury, Picton, South Bunbury, Usher and Withers and part of the Town of Australind.
Enrolment (9 March 2015) 23,901; area 72 sq kms.