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Hon. Sue Ellery MLC

Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council


Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook

ELLERY, Hon. Suzanne (Sue) Mary, MLC
Member for South Metropolitan Region
Australian Labor Party

Parliamentary Service
Elected to the Thirty-sixth Parliament for South Metropolitan Region on 10 February 2001 for the term commencing on 22 May. Re-elected 2005, 2008, 2013, 2017 and 2021 for the terms commencing 22 May.

Ministerial Appointments
Parliamentary Secretary to the Attorney General; Minister for Health; Electoral Affairs: 27 June 2003 - 5 August 2003.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Community Development, Women's Interests, Seniors and Youth: 22 September 2004 - 10 March 2005.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Culture and the Arts; Disability Services: 22 September 2004 - 26 April 2005.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Community Development; Women's Interests; Seniors; Youth: 10 March 2005 - 26 April 2005.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Health: 5 August 2003 - 2 March 2007.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Attorney General; Electoral Affairs: 26 April 2005 - 2 March 2007.
Minister for Child Protection; Community Services; Women's Interests; Seniors and Volunteering: 2 March 2007 - 23 September 2008.
Minister for Education and Training: 17 March 2017- 19 March 2021.
Minister for Education and Training: from 19 March 2021 to 14 December 2022.
Minister for Finance; Commerce; Women's Interests: 14 December 2022 - 19 March 2025.

Parliamentary Party/Shadow Ministerial Appointments
President Parliamentary Labor Party: 12 April 2001 - 19 March 2007.
Shadow Minister for Child Protection; Community Services; Disability Services: 26 September 2008 - 8 April 2013.
Shadow Minister for Seniors and Volunteering: 26 September 2007 - 26 January 2012.
Shadow Minister for Women's Interests: 14 February 2011 - 9 April 2013.
Shadow Minister for Early Childhood: 27 January - 9 April 2013.
Shadow Minister for Education; Children's Interests: 9 April 2013 - 26 June 2015.
Shadow Minister for Education: 26 June 2015 - 17 March 2017.
Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council: 16 September 2008 - 17 March 2017.
Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council: 17 March 2017 - 19 March 2021.
Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council: from 19 March 2021.

Standing Committees
Member, Joint Standing Committee on the Anti-Corruption Commission: 27 June 2001 - 13 May 2004.
Member, Standing Committee on Public Administration and Finance: 28 June 2001 - 21 May 2005.
Substitute Member, Standing Committee on Estimates and Financial Operations for the Inquiry into Public Service Expenditure: 3 December 2008 - 19 May 2009.
Co-opted Member, Standing Committee on Procedure and Privileges: 15 September 2009 - 20 October 2011.
Co-opted Member, Standing Committee on Procedure and Privileges Committee - Standing Order 6(3): Recalling The Council: 19 September 2018 - 4 December 2018.

Select Committees
Member, Select Committee into Workers Compensation: 2 July 2004 - 17 November 2004.
Member, Select Committee into the Adequacy for Foster Care Assessment Procedures by the Department for Community Development: 21 September 2005 - 24 August 2006.

Domestic Committees
Member, Parliamentary Services Committee: 17 August 2005 - 30 May 2007.


Born 12 May 1962, Perth, Western Australia.

Occupation before entering Parliament and Qualifications
Industrial Officer.
Bachelor of Arts, UWA.

South Metropolitan Region includes the 15 Legislative Assembly electorates of Baldivis, Bateman, Bicton, Cannington, Cockburn, Fremantle, Jandakot, Kwinana, Riverton, Rockingham, Southern River, South Perth, Victoria Park, Warnbro and Willagee.

Further Biographical Details for Hon. Suzanne (Sue) Mary Ellery