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Hon. Jon Ford MLC


Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook

FORD, Hon. Jonathan (Jon) Robert, MLC
Member for Mining and Pastoral Region
Australian Labor Party


Elected to the Thirty-sixth Parliament for Mining and Pastoral Region on 10 February 2001. Re-elected 2005 (for term commencing 22 May 2005). Re-elected 6 September 2008 for term commencing 22 May 2009. Defeated 9 March 2013 (term concluded 21 May 2013).

Ministerial Appointments
Minister for Local Government and Regional Development: 3 February 2006 - 13 December 2006.
Minister for Fisheries; the Kimberley, Pilbara and Gascoyne; 10 March 2005 - 23 September 2008.
Minister for Regional Development: 13 December 2006 - 23 September 2008.
Minister for Employment Protection: 25 February 2008 - 23 September 2008.

Parliamentary Party/Shadow Ministerial Appointments
Shadow Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Fisheries: 26 September 2008 - 8 April 2013.
Shadow Minister for Kimberley; Pilbara; Gascoyne; Mid West: 27 January 2012 - 8 April 2013.

Parliamentary Appointments
Deputy Chairman of Committees: 23 May 2001 - 22 March 2005.
Deputy Chairman of Committees: 4 June 2009 - 21 May 2013.

Standing Committees
Note: At the commencement of each Parliament, Members are required to be (re)appointed
Member, Standing Committee on Legislation: 31 May 2001 - 22 March 2005. (Elected Chairperson: 31 May 2001 - 22 March 2005).
Member, Standing Committee on Procedure and Privileges: 31 May 2001 - 22 March 2005.
Member, Standing Committee on Public Administration: 4 June 2009 - 21 May 2013. (Elected Deputy Chair: 4 June 2009 - 21 May 2013).
Member, Standing Committee on Procedure and Privileges: 4 June 2009 - 6 March 2012.

Select Committees/Royal Commissions
Note: Select Committee cease to exist on Prorogation
Member, Select Committee on Advocacy for Children: 26 June 2003 - 2 December 2003.
Member, Select Committee on the Reserves (Reserve 43131) Bill 2003: 27 June 2003 - 18 November 2004.


Born 11 August 1958, Deniliquin, New South Wales.

Marital Status

Occupation before entering Parliament and Qualifications
Offshore Activity Coordinator.

Mining and Pastoral Region includes the Legislative Assembly electorates of Eyre, Kalgoorlie, Kimberley, North West and Pilbara.