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Hon. Graham Donald Kierath MLA

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
Hide details for Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary HandbookExtract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
KIERATH, Hon. Graham Donald, MLA
Member for Riverton (4 February 1989 to 10 February 2001)


Elected to the Thirty-third Parliament for Riverton (new seat) on 4 February 1989. Re-elected 1993, 1996. Defeated 10 February 2001.

Ministerial Appointments

Minister for Labour Relations, Works and Services, Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs 16 February 1993 – 10 February 1995; for Health, Labour Relations 10 February – 21 December 1995; for Labour Relations, Housing, and Lands (from 26 April 1996) 21 December 1995 – 9 January 1997; for Labour Relations (until 28 July 1998), Planning and Heritage 9 January 1997 - 10 February 2001; Employment and Training from 28 July 1998 - 21 December 1999. Minister assisting the Treasurer from 22 December 1999 - 10 February 2001.

Shadow Ministerial Appointments

Shadow Minister for Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs (until 17 June 1990), Industrial Relations, and Employment and Training (from 17 June 1990) March 1989 – 24 May 1992; for Construction and Services 24 May – 24 November 1992. Coalition Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations 24 November 1992 – 16 February 1993.



Born 21 July 1950, Subiaco, Western Australia.

Marital Status


Qualifications and Occupation before entering Parliament

Business manager and company director.


Riverton is located in the South Metropolitan Region and includes the suburbs of Parkwood, Riverton, Shelley and Willetton, and parts of Ferndale, Leeming and Rossmoyne. Enrolment (14 December 1996) 23,560; area 26 sq km.
