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Iain MacLean MLA

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
Hide details for Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary HandbookExtract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
MacLEAN, Iain Douglas
Member for North Metropolitan Region (23 May 1994 to 19 November 1996)
Member for Wanneroo (19 November 1996 to 10 February 2001)


Elected to the Thirty-fourth Parliament for North Metropolitan Region on 23 May 1994 following a recount of votes to fill a casual vacancy consequent upon the death of Hon Robert Gerald Pike. Resigned 19 November 1996. Elected to the Thirty-fifth Parliament for Wanneroo (Legislative Assembly) on 14 December 1996 in succession to Wayde Shannon Smith (retired). Defeated 10 February 2001.

Standing Committees

Member Printing Committee 20 March 1997 - 11 June 1998; and Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation 26 June 1997 - 11 May 2000.

Select Committees/Royal Commissions

Member Select Committee on Perth’s Air Quality 29 May 1997 - 21 May 1998.


Born 14 November 1953, Perth, Western Australia.

Died 27 December 2008, Perth, Western Australia

Marital Status


Qualifications and Occupation before entering Parliament

Stores and warehouse administration; student.


Wanneroo is located in the North Metropolitan Region and includes the suburbs of Clarkson, Gnangara, Kinross, Hocking, Merriwa, Marangaroo, Mindarie, Neerabup, Quinns Rocks, Two Rocks, Wanneroo and Yanchep. Enrolment (14 December 1996) 28,721; area 681 sq km.