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    Assembly sit 08/04/2025

Mr Norman (Norm) Richard Marlborough MLA

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
Hide details for Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary HandbookExtract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
MARLBOROUGH, Norman Richard, MLA
Member for Cockburn (7 June 1986 to 3 February 1989)
Member for Peel (4 February 1989 to 10 November 2006)
Australian Labor Party


Elected to the Thirty-second Parliament for Cockburn at the by-election on 7 June 1986 held to fill the vacancy consequent upon the death of Clive Matthew Hughes. Elected to the Thirty-third Parliament for Peel (new seat) on 4 February 1989. Re-elected 1993, 1996, 2001, 2005. Resigned 10 November 2006.

Parliamentary Appointments.

Deputy Chairman of Committees 1990 – 19 September 1991, 12 March 1992 – January 1993.

Ministerial Appointments

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection; Training
14 January 2003 - 27 June 2003.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection; Indigenous Affairs; Minister Assisting the Minister for Public Sector Management from 27 June 2003 -
26 February 2005.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education and Training from 26 April 2005.

Minister for Small Business; Peel and the South West; Minister Assisting the Minister for Education and Training 3 February 2006 to 9 November 2006.

Shadow Ministerial Appointments

Shadow Minister for Local Government, Racing and Gaming, and Seniors 17 February 1993 – 7 February 1994; Productivity and Labour Relations; Consumer Affairs 7 February 1994 – 18 October 1994; Local Government, Works and Services 18 October 1994 – 15 October 1996; Housing from 15 January 1997 – 4 August 1999. Spokesperson for South West Metropolitan Regional Development 5 August 1999 - 10 February 2001.

Standing Committees

Joint Chairman Estimates Committee C 1990. Member Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation 22 October 1997 – 10 January 2001.
Member Public Accounts Committee from 7 April 2005.

Select Committees/Royal Commissions

Member Select Committees on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy White Paper 28 September 1989 – 28 June 1990; and on Metropolitan Development and Ground Water Supplies 30 November 1993 – 1 December 1994.

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conferences, Delegations etc

Represented WA branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association at 43rd General Conference, Mauritius 1997.



Born 12 August 1945, Yorkshire, England. Arrived in Western Australia 1963.

Marital Status


Qualifications and Occupation before entering Parliament

Fitter and turner and union official.


Peel is located in the South Metropolitan Region and includes the suburbs of Golden Bay, Hillman, Karnup, Leda, Port Kennedy, Secret Harbour, Singelton and Warnbro and parts of Baldivis, Bertram, Cooloongup, East Rockingham, Hopeland, Parmelia, Waikiki and Wellard.
Enrolment (10 February 2002) 22,633; area 192 sq km.
